The Principles of the Trinary Universe Chapter 4.11:
Trinary Math History
C®pyRight & C©pyLeft
Jeffrey Scott Flesher “Medically Retired United States Air Force Staff Sergeant” Last Update: 14 January 2020

Chapter 4.11:
Trinary Math History

The History of Trinary Math is as old as IAM, the name has changed to make it Science instead of Religion, since the Origins go back to Sir Isaac Newton and his Trinity Math, and actually that came from the Bible, so the origins of Trinity Math date back even farther than that. Changing the name from Trinity to Trinary changed the way you should view this Type of Math, Trinary means 3 State Changes, Trinity implied it, but due to the Teaching of Religion, Sir Isaac Newton could not stand the teaching of Trinity as a Deity, so to keep peace in the future I renamed it to avoid any confusion, and for that same reason, I call God: Trinary Energy or the Light Wizzard, I can not change Religion, so I have to change the Words and Spells they use to distance my Teaching from theirs. When talking about the Trinary Math History, I must include all of those who contributed to it, and that includes the Bible, Johannes Kepler, Sir Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla, for starts, and most people know that these men were all in the Spectrum of Autism known as Aspies, these are High Functioning Autistic Minds, so keep in mind that being Autistic means you are not normal, and normal people will never understand what that means, so I will try to explain some of the details of not being Normal, and what it means to me, and you can decide what it means to you, but to these men, it was the way they lead their life, in the pursuit of this one Math Equation, the one that fully explains the Universe, and that is what Trinary Math is all about, it solves this equation these Wizards spent their lifetime working on, so understanding a little about these men is not asking much for a History Lesson, you should understand why Newton taught math to empty classrooms, it was not only because he did not care who came, he knew that those that came, were not intelligent enough to understand what he was teaching, and this is why I wrote this book to Sheep like yew, because just like Newton, I think in terms of Sheeple and not People, because only Sheep would follow a Shepard know as the Lord, so the Bible only wrote to Sheep, so I must do the same, since this Book is about the Bible, and this is the History of how this came to be.

Math has never been a subject I had much interest in, not in school anyway, the Math they taught me was a Joke, having to show my work was even a bigger Joke, but that Joke is on me since I only see the Answer, and not the work it took to get that answer, and nothing has changed over the years; I have OCD and think about Math Problems all the time, and it is all I can think about besides sex, because I am also a Man, and I learned the Math of Sir Isaac Newton and Nikola Tesla on my own, and I should have listened to them and never allowed Sexual thoughts to run my Life, Newton wrote that he died a virgin, Tesla said pretty much the same thing only to more of an extreme measure, and not from the lack of some woman trying, and oddly enough, this applied to both of them, they only wanted a mate that could understand their Concepts about Science, so that they could share that with them, but all they found were Men with a drive for their type of Science and Math, and never wanted to have Sex with Men, so they never had sex with themselves, and why they lived alone much of their Life, as for me, I never found anyone that even understood my Science, and no one understands my Math, but still, I had plenty of problems finding a mate that could understand me enough to stand me, and I think about sex as much as I think about Math, and from what Newton and Tesla wrote, they did the same, only I did not like to live alone, and I do not care if anyone understands my Science or my Math, and why I have been married most of my adult life.

What others tried to teach me just confused me, I learned very little in School as a result, and I know it was a complete waste of time, solving equations that have no problems did not make any sense to me, so getting through all the Math that was required for my Ph.D. was all I needed to know, but I had to show my work, and that was not even possible for me most of the time, so I know enough about Math, and how to write Mathematical formulas, but I was only interested in one, the one my Cousin Isaac Newton was stuck on: (+1) + (1) = 0 ; I mean why else would he say it is a constant, when he wrote it like a basic beginner's math formula, as if this is the first thing that anyone taught him about math, which is that if you take any number and add it to an opposite signed number of the same size, it will always equal 0, and that was the answer, the Universe really is just that simple, for every action, there is an equal and Opposite Reaction, so this was the Math behind that concept. For every Atom, we have a physical property we call Matter, and it always has a Negative or Antimatter Atom that will counteract it, thus if you add Matter to Antimatter the two cancel each other out and equal 0, so the ratio of Matter to Antimatter is always 1 to 1, it is a constant, the same is true for Light, a Photon is considered Positive by default so adding the word Positive does not change that, but a Negative Photon is something that most people do not talk about, but they exist, and since they do not exist in the same time frame, meaning that if we turned on a device that would emit one Photon, you would know that following it through a cycle will start off in the 0 Dimension, this is when the Electron's frequency is raised to the desired frequency to become Light, and then the Electron disappears from view, then it illuminates in the same spot, and then turns a darker color and moves forward, so it has 3 State changes in just one Photon, so it has the 1 State when it is at its Brightest, and (1) State when it is at its Darkest, proving why the Negative one is Darker, it has less Dimension of Space in it, so it is White and Black or Light and Dark, and it is Matter and Antimatter since it has a little mass, and it is also the Father, Son, and Mother also known as the Holy Ghost, and the 0 State represents it when it is invisible, and the same is true for the Atom, so when we Add (+1) to (1) it equals 0, it is just the order that confuses some people, it is the which witch came first problem, the Chicken or the Egg? In this case, you have Matter, then Antimatter, with Null Space in between them, because the two can never Physically Touch, because the two canceled each other out, it is not Math, it is a Constant, because this never changes, and I can find many ways to write it: (+1) | (1) | 0 (“|” means or), which means the same thing when applied to the same problem, only with Logic, and in this case the problem is Reality, because everything we interact with has Atom's or is Light, Light means Energy, at lower frequencies its called Electricity, or Electromagnetic Force, and has a property where its Frequency times its Wavelength is equal to the Speed of Light, so the only Math I need to understand is this simple concept: (+1) + (1) = 0 .

String Theory started off as an idea that you could model the Universe around the way a String would behave in Reality, so if we take a short segment of String and imagine that it is in the shape of a Sine Wave, we can visualize the start of a Concept that might lead us to an answer in Math, because we can do all kinds of Calculus to Strings, we can bend it to form complex shapes like: Circles, Squares, Triangles, and just about any shape, you can Dream up in fact: as long as you can do it with one segment of String, if you have to add other segments, and they do not touch, then you have a paradox, and that can not exist in Reality, the concept is that all equations must explain a single concept that is somehow related, but we can not compare apples to oranges, so String theory has a basic foundation for explaining the Universe, so to test this concept, we can write many math equations that explain how this String Segment can form Electrical Sine Waves: whose frequency times its wavelength equals the Speed of Light, and we know that this string is moving through 3 dimensions that have width, height and depth and 1 dimension that has no dimensions, or the 0 Dimension, and we know it has to exist, because every Atom in the Universe disappears during one of its 3 State changes, so in terms of describing the Universe, we live in goes, String Theory is a good start if you keep the concepts simple and real, meaning no Theories, only what you can prove exists with empirical evidence to prove it; and it must obey one rule: (+1) + (1) = 0; keep in mind that in complex waveforms, these are Helix shaped in Nature, as is the Movement of the World we live in, and it is built into our DNA, and this explains why, just like the number 666 is encoded into our DNA, all because this Planet is traveling at 66,666.666 miles an hour, thus it has a Frequency of 6.666 Hz at its core, closer to 8 at its surface, so this Frequency Resonate within us, it is the Energy that gives us Life, it is the Light that Created our SOUL, that Spark of Light that Created our Bodies, so if you use Trinary String Math, not to be confused with String Theory, you could learn all the Shapes that Kepler had in his Mind, and that was the Frequency of God, so like the Dog, it is just a Spell, and now I put the Spell of Trinary String Math on yew, and now your Mind.

So if you want 1 Mathematical formula to Rule them all, its (+1) + (1) = 0; and if you add this to any Physics Simulation Software and track its State Change for every Vertice, then you have one formula that can simulate all the things in the Universe, and that formula does Rule them all, because it is the basic Rules or Laws of Physics that most be applied to these Physics Simulators to ensure they do not allow Paradox's, so the concepts of the Dynamic Universe is to have one paradox after another, so none of its Concepts or Math can be used in the Trinary Universe because we have no Paradoxes here, and you can not mix the Formulas from the Newtonian or Trinary Universe in the Dynamic Universe, because they are both based on the Light of God, and the Dynamic Universe is Godless, so the Math of the Trinary Universe has one Formula to Rule them all, and it can be proven to be correct with empirical evidence, only the facts matter in Science, because regardless of what you believe God is, the Light of God is a known phenomenon, and follows predictable patterns that can be identified and documented, so the concept of God is based on Science and not Religion, and do not allow Science to become a Religion, keep it real, Science Fiction is an important field of study for the Entertainment Industry, but it should not be allowed to let unproven Theories to become Mainstream Science, so (+1) + (1) always equals 0, and the rest of the Math works in every simulation. Most Mathematicians will say this is cheating, since all it does is sign changes, and that is true, so is the fact that the Sign Changes mean Everything you need to know to communicate with the Light, Electronics proves that, so it is all about a change in sign, and binary or trinary can represent changes in sign, on and off, or true or false, because in the long run, that is what creates the changes in the sign, so keep in mind that all Atoms have 3 types so it is a Trinary Atom, so based on Logic and Math. To Rule means to cause Change, in terms of Trinary Logic its True, False or Unknown, and there is nothing Fuzzy about Unknown, it is as much of an absolute as True of False is, the unknown is an Invisible State, so Logically it is Unknown, since we can not see it, so it is only how we deal with the logic does this matter, so this simple Math that describes the Relationship of all Atoms, only describing them in Terms of Polarity, it is (+1) or (1), and 0 is this Unknown, because in terms of looking at Atom's under an Electron Microscope, you would believe the Unknown always comes from the Invisible State, you can not predict what state it will come back in, which is Positive or Negative, but a 0, or Ground, we know its Neutral, it is the State it will be when coming out of this State that is Unknown, and that is what Unknown is all about, so this is what the Trinary Universe is all about, we might see a nice AC signal, yet, get a strong enough Magnet and it will change that Unknown, so the AC Pattern can not be Predictable when Magnets can Influence them, so you have to add that Magnetic State Changes into the Math to translate what it is doing, making people understand what this Trinary Math is all about, because if I add a Negative Number to a Positive Number, it is Subtraction, meaning it is a unit of exchange, Action, Reaction, if you give me a Negative 1 to add to a Positive 1, the answer would be 0, so it must switch to the 0 states to make this change, and if the number is a Positive 1, and we add it to a Negative 1, the answer would be 0 again, so it must switch to the 0 state to make this change, so this Math is 3 Dimensional or 3D Math.

Keep in mind Trinary Engines are running in a Helix shape, and a Trinary Engine is the core of the: Galaxy, Sun, Planet, and Moon, and everything we know about Electronics tells us that this is the truth. The Sine Wave Pattern is driven by this Trinary Math, and you can add it to almost any equation, which is really cool for Mathematicians, because they know it does not alter the math, it just allows you to look at Atom's in 3D, and you have a formula that can be used to drive this Model, that can apply it to a Physics Generator or Simulator, because it has an x, y, and z, and we know that Math describes an endless loop or infinity, humans visualize how atoms move through space, so imagine this in your mind, or using your hands, if we put our fingers together with our palms facing each other, keeping our index finger and thumbs touching, move your palms away from you, so your fingers form a Triangle, now focus on the center of the Triangle, and touch all same fingers on opposite palms of your hands together, such that we can now form a Sphere, with your thumbs pointing out simulating down (thumbs do not bend down) and fingers pointing Up, we can now see the shape of a Crystal Ball, and that is what Wizards look into when explaining Magic, now the Fingers are pointing up to Heaven and that is Positive, and is also South, but remember that its also called Magnetic North, and not what most people call it, so the Thumbs down (out) is Negative or North using the Right-Hand Rule, and South is Positive using the Left-Hand Rule, keeping in mind that North is normally what People call South, because it is Magnetic South, as Proof the Negative or North end of a Magnet Points South to the Magnetic North Pole, normally just called the North Pole. I have to point this out, sometimes when I say South, I mean the South end of the Magnet.

So imagine that its x-axis is in the center of your hand, and runs from the middle of your nose through the center of your hand, as if Light came out of your Nose, it would travel through the x-axis, this is the easiest way to remember this information by the way, so on my Right, I have Negative Energy, so on my Left, I have Positive Energy, so Imagine that when this Light is in a Negative 1 State, its dimmer, so Right means you are Dimmer, so people who think they are Right are Dimmer, just a little rhyme I used to remember the Rules, so the Brighter ones use their Left, and I am Left-Handed, who had to learn to Write Right-Handed and that was not fun, I can still remember Sister Mary slapping my left hand, so I remember that was the Positive Energy, so if I have a small Crystal Ball I make with my hands, and I imagine that it looks like a Photon, or Electron, running from my Nose through the Crystal Ball, I can imagine as the Energy appears for the First time it is in the Right-Hand, at the tip of all the Fingers, so it is Negative and is moving downward till it crosses the 0 Axis, where the thumbs touch, so as it passes from the index finger down to the Thumb of the Right-Hand, it is always Negative, so it is in an Antimatter State, always driving Down towards the North or the Magnetic South Pole, down to Hell where our Sons take on the Sins of our Fathers, who we are about to meet in Heaven, as it moves like a Corkscrew, it will hit the thumb in the Left-Hand, after passing through the x-axis or 0 dimension, and it is Positive Energy, so the Matter Side of the Neutrino is showing, and this is the Positive 1 State, or the Father, so it is climbing to Heaven because no one gets to Heaven unless they go through the Father, so the Son must go through the Father to get to Heaven, so the Son must go through the Mother to grow up to be the Father, and they are just two types of Energy, Matter and Antimatter, whereas the Mother is Neutral, Light and Darkness. There are 3 types of Light, and why I call it Trinary Light, so the reason I think that Trinary Math is so important, is because it is the Math Equation for God, the Positive 1 is the Light, it is the Matter, the Negative 1 is the Darkness, it is the Antimatter, and 0 is this Unknown place where all decisions are made, so you know this is the Mother, because no one messes with the Nature of Mother, and this equation: (+1) + (1) = 0, is actually shorthand notation for a Function of x: + f (x), with a plus and minus sign change of x on every rotation, so it is a Trinary Engine that makes the World go around, because it is the same Math that the Trinary Universe uses for everything it does, so no matter whatever math you need to calculate the Orbit of Planets, Newton and Tesla both just optimized it out of their Equations, and adding it back does not change it, because they are a default behavior for the Trinary Universe, so all Energy will follow this simple pattern, and explains the more complex waveforms. So once you fully understand how simple Trinary Math is: (+1) + (1) = 0, you will understand how simple the Trinary Universe is to understand.

Vertice Matrix Mathematics is based on the vertex of Subatomic particles, such that the vertex of an Atom: Proton, Neuron or Electron; is always at the center or vertex of that object in question, so whenever you use Vertice Matrix Math, its object-based Math, based on a Matrix that describes the physical properties of the object in question, but its data is based on each element in the Matrix, so to collect data for the Matrix, we must define all the data and it is data points in the Matrix, and this is all based on the Location of Atom's, it describes the Atomic Structure of the Object, at the Subatomic Level of Trinary Science, so it is also used to describe Dimensions, and the Polarity of Electricity.

A Math Table is an example of a Number Matrix as seen in Table 4.09: Math Table: Number Matrix, the way the Matrix works is well-known, each row and column is labeled, and to find the answer, all you have to do is cross-reference the row and column, for example: to find what 6 x 6 equals, all we have to do is go down to the row labeled 6, and then go over to the column labeled 6, and we find the answer 36, Vertice Matrix math is similar, only the data has three dimensions instead of two, so it is all a matter of using simple math to find a complex question, as such, the resolution is all based on the graduations of details, for example to add more resolution for this 2-dimensional table, we would have to add more rows and columns and label them something like 1.1, 1.2 and so on. The concept is simple, we can plot out data and use simple Matrix math to find the answer, and this may seem too simple of a concept to even talk about, but it is simple solutions that make it worth talking about, simple is easy to use and understand.

 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
 1  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
 2  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18  20
 3  3  6  9 12 15 18 21 24 27  30
 4  4  8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36  40
 5  5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45  50
 6  6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54  60
 7  7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63  70
 8  8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72  80
 9  9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81  90
 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Table 4.09: Math Table: Number Matrix

A more complex Vertice Matrix would have 3 dimensions, so it would take the shape of a cube, and each cell would contain the location of an object, such as an Atom, or one of its 3 components like Proton, Neutron or Electron, depending on the resolution of the Matrix, this gives us a static model of the physical location of such objects at a specific time, in order for this model to be useful, it would have to be interactive, so a computer program would interact with it, like a computer simulation, so my point in talking about such mathematical models is that this is the way I view all Mathematical problems, in my mind, I create the Matrix and then I can fill it with the data, and simply do a cross lookup for the answer, this simplifies the math that I am required to learn, and it is math that is easy to teach others, and my point is that, its math that is used in real life more than any other type of Math when it comes to charts, making spreadsheets very popular, and an HTML Table works for me, and also it is what Sir Isaac Newton and Nikola Tesla used, and why I use them.

When it comes to math for the Universe, a Matrix represents the Space of the Universe, so it makes sense to me to use Matrix math to explain the movement of all objects in the Universe, some people tell me that it over complicates the math, while others tell me it oversimplifies it, and it is why I chose not to deal with Math, other than to talk about how I calculate concepts in my mind.

The number 3 is Trinary Math and is best viewed as a Pyramid from one side, but it has 4:
such that 4 x 3 = 12,
and 1 + 2 = 3,
it is the way Math works when you add numbers down; this is called Numerology. You can also subtract them by adding Negatives together, like:
(1) + ( 2) = 3,
so a Pyramid equals + 3; plus the bottom which is a Square... This was Kepler's Math from the Harmony of the World (Solar System): so it is using 3 Shapes: a Sphere, Square, and Pyramid: and the Square fits inside the Sphere, and the Pyramid fits inside the Square, as such the Base of the Pyramid is Square, and the space inside it is Spherical, and these 3 shapes are bound as 1 object that represents Harmony: as such: using Kepler's Model:
the Number: 3 is 1 Unit,
the Number: 6 is 2 Units,
the Number: 9 is 3 Unites: as such we have the Numbers 3, 6, 9.
So it is easy to see the Relationship, and how this Math works. If one thought is 1,
and two thoughts is 2,
and three thoughts is 3,
then how many thoughts is 666?
6 + 6 + 6 = 18,
1 + 8 = 9,
so 6 and 9 are just upside down:
and 3 + 3 + 3 = 9;
so it is a set of 3 Numbers in sequence: 3, 6, 9;
as such: 3 + 6 + 9 = 18, and 1 + 8 = 9, so it is an infinite loop,
so if 666 is 999 upside down, and that adds down to 27, witch is 9, and 3 x 9 = 27, witch I did a video on that Number 27 in His-Story: so you know what that Number is all about: 3 x 9 = 27, so this is a special case for confusion,
yet 2 + 7 = 9, such that it equals 9 just like 666, such that its sequence is 333: so this math always adds up or down, and the Number 42 reduces to 6, which in Hex the number 42 = 66 in decimal, witch is the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy answer to everything, and Everything is Light:

So check the sequence to the left and to the right: to find the answer to the Trinary Universe: and you get 369, and that is as far as 3 goes, infinite regression proves the numbers always reduce back down to these 3 numbers, and then repeat, so it is a closed Loop, so that is as far as Trinary Math goes and that is a long way to understanding the Trinary Universe: it only answers how the Universe works in Harmony, and it is Kepler's Math: and it proves there are Patterns in the White Noise, because that is what Kepler called God. I should also point out that normal humans can see over 66 miles, which is as far as you can see over the horizon of the Earth at 2,999 feet (Math Proof: square root of 2999 * 1.22 [curvature of Earth]), and 166 miles at 18,666 feet, such that: 166 adds down to 13, Historically this number is known for the 13 Lost Tribes after the downfall of Egypt, and it is because of their Teaching of the God who is All Light without Darkness, and the number 4 means that it is the Base of the Pyramid, and 1 + 8 = 9, 666 = 18 ~ = 9, and 9 + 9 = 18 ~ = 9: so this is not a coincidence, some Humans try to tell me that Numerology is BS, but Numbers do not lie, and this is only Math, and Numerology is only about the Rules and not the Religion, there are a lot of books written about it and those might be BS, because I know where this History came from, so the only part of Numerology I use is adding numbers together in Patterns, then seeing if those patterns have patterns, and if they do: it is not a coincidence, it is a scientific fact, and why some animals like Elephants can only see 66 feet, because the Number 66 is built into the Math of our DNA, because 6 + 6 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3, so it is a Trinary Number, and all numbers have their own story, and the number 369 has a story all of its own, because these are 3 Trinary Numbers: 333, or 3, 3, 3, or even 3 + 3 + 3, or 6 + 3 or as simple as 9, so do not read into Numbers, sometimes they are just numbers that add up that way, while other times they are the Phase of Energy being used, but to dismiss it as insignificant or say it is just a coincidence is not Scientific, and this is all about the Science of Trinary Math.

To fully understand Trinary Math, you must understand what it Represents, and that is the Nature of the Atom, and throughout History Mainstream Science is always changing, not so much the Universe it never changes, the Laws of Physics are Absolute and never change, so its Science that changes that is wrong, so let us only look at Science that never changes, the Bible, for example, it states God is all Light without Darkness, and my Cousin Isaac Newton said that Light is White Noise, so it is Massless Light, meaning it has no Neutrinos to give it Mass, so Mass and Neutrinos mean the same thing, so when I talk about Mass, I am talking about the Amount of Neutrinos in an Atom, and Darkness is the Rainbow of Colors we can see with our eyes, and that is made up of Photons, and those are made up of Electrons, so we are talking about Light and Atom's, because you can not see Light unless it is inside of an Atom's, and then it is because of the Electromagnetic Force it takes to keep the Neutrinos bound to a Particle. The Trinary Math of Energy is based on Atom's, and there are 3 types of Atom's: Proton, Neutron, and Electron, and the Atom is made up of Neutrinos and Light, and there is a type of Neutrino for every Element in the Periodic Table for a total of 136 Elements, and 136 adds down to 1, so you must add in the one Non-Element and you get 2, and then add in the Electron to get 3, and there are 3 types of Light: Light without Darkness, Darkness without Light, and the Massless White Noise Light, and it should be obvious that all of these combinations have different characteristics: yet they all come in sets of 3, and why every this in multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9. The Center of the Atom is called the 0 Dimension, and known as its Vertex or Vertice, and all Energy flows from here, and never to here...

Splitting an Atom will prove that point, and if Black Holes were possible, that is where you would find them, and why only Fools talk about Black Holes, so inside an Atom is a huge Energy source known as Light, it binds the Neutrinos with this Electromagnetic Force Field, using a specific Frequency, Wavelength, and Waveform Pattern, this creates 3 Force Fields on the inside and 3 on outside of the Atom, you have a Positive, Negative and Neutral Force Field, due to Electromagnetic Flux Merging it is hard to distinguish them, so in the middle its Neutral, Negative and then Positive, or Positive than Negative, so it is Alternating Current, and on the outside, it is the same way. When the Atom is in its Solid State, this shifts to Negative then Neutral then Positive, when in the Semisolid State, this shifts to Positive then Neutral then Negative, and it is Unknown in the 0 dimensions when its invisible, and why this is known as Trinary Logic, and the Space inside the Atom is filled with Light without Darkness, keep in mind this Light is White Noise, and it has 3 State Changes, so the Light we see with our eyes from an Electron emitting Light we can see, is due to the Electromagnetic Force Fields it creates. Now let me put this into Math you can understand: the 3 State Changes on the inside of the Atom are denoted by the Number 3, so we take the number 3 then add the 3 State Changes of the Atom on the outside, and that makes 6, now we look around the outside of the Atom, and we see 3 Force Field Levels, these are caused by the 3 State Changes of the Atom internally and externally, so now we have a total of 9, and this is what I call the 369 Constant, and is also very useful to know that every Force Field has 137 Receptors, but if you number them starting at 0, you have 136, I get confused as to the Numbering Scheme at times, because no one really knows how many Elements exist, but if 0 is the Trinary Element, and it is a Non-Element, since it has not Receptors, there are only 136 Elements, but you have to add in the Non-Element to get 137, and that is the number you must use as a Ratio, because every Electron that orbits an Atom with a Proton or Neutron in it, must do so mechanically by temporarily attaching to it, so it regulates the speed it can orbit around an Element, so you use the Atomic Number to find out that number, because this is an Order List of Elements, so if I say that wrong in other places, remember this rule of Math, because this constant represents the Trinary Matrix of Numbers, and can be Charted out in a 3 Phase Electrical Waveform, as seen in Illustration 4.30: Trinary Math 369.

Trinary Math 369
Illustration 4.30: Trinary Math 369 Full Size

The image show a 3 Phase Configuration, so the inputs are all different Phases of Electricity, basically what it shows you is, how to properly align the phases, note how two are staggered, and the one in the middle is inverted, if you connect the inputs of 1 to 2, and 7 to 8, you will have 3 and 6 as an input, and the outputs you get a Vortex, do to induction, and Phases of Electricity, causing the Electromagnetic Force Fields, to Strengthen, then collapse, as it switches from Positive to Negative.

The numbering system is based on Points of Energy, everything above the 0 Reference line, which is the center black horizontal grid line, is Positive, and everything below it is Negative, so we must focus on where the Highest and Lowest Potentials are, and then see where they cross, so what we want to do is focus on where the highest Peak cross two of the lowest Peaks, this is Trinary Waveform so remember there are 3 Waveforms, in this case, it is at 9, it crosses 4 and 5, that add up to 9, thus {embarrassing} it, so the Highest Positive potential outputs are 1, 2 and 3 in that order, each is one Phase of 3 Phases of Electric Power or Energy, and each is labeled according to how they cross on the Right side or output of the waveform, using the Right-Hand Rule, so we label the numbers clockwise starting at the highest Potential, and label each point as it changes Potential, so as we trace 1 back to 5, which is also the lowest Potential, and then back to 7 which has the highest input potential, and we note that tracing 2 back to 4, and then back to 8, is the same Potential but different Phase then the first waveform, but now we trace out 3, and find it traces back to 9, which traces back to 6, giving us 369 if we take its output, input, and peak as a reference, so note that 6 is a Negative Input, whereas 7 and 8 were Positive Inputs, as such: its waveform is inverse of the other two, and you will note that this is the only way you will get 3 phase power naturally, you can create all types of Complex waveforms, but Naturally occurring waveforms are known as a phenomenon, and this is how Nikola Tesla decided to label them, due to 3 Problems: signal cross talk, signal cancellation, and signal merging, where signal cross talk is when Electrons will switch phases, and signal cancellation is what happens when that happens, and as a result, can lead to signal merging if a phase cancels out, the other two phases can merge into one phase, and is the only reason you will ever find one phase of electricity naturally, and I know for a fact he was not the first to document these phenomena, but he is the one that pointed this out to me in his writing, so I will give him credit for it, but the main point here is to point out this Natural Phenomenon, and put it into a Math Formula we can use. So the 369 Configuration is just a way of Identifying waveform Energy Points, and defining 3 things: a Waveform type, in this case, its Triangle, its Frequency and it is Wavelength, and this is a very important concept, 1, 2, and 3 are outputs, 4, 5, and 9 are Peak Potentials, and 6, 7, and 8 are inputs, so in the case of 369, 6 is an input, 9 is a peak, and 3 is an output, and that represents the strongest of the 3 phases, so anytime the input is Negative, the peak will be Positive, and it is output will be Negative, this is an Alternating Current or AC Signal (Math Proof: + f (x) ), so it depends on where you monitor the signal does this mater, which is why this illustration is important for this reason, because it is this view that makes this point; and that point is that 3 Phase Electricity is a Natural Phenomenon, and occurs in Nature in Lightning, and is easy to generate artificially with Electric Generators, and when Generating Single Phase Electricity, you do not need to worry about all the inputs, because without them the other fields will cancel out and merge.

Try not to confuse Electron Valences with an Atom's Receptors, an Electron Valance is where Electrons temporarily attach, as they orbit around the Atom's 3 Force Field Rings called Valances, where a Free Valance is a place where an Electron call temporarily attach, whereas an Atom Receptors are where other Atom's attach to make a Molecule, this is due to the Force Field Rings interlocking at Free Valance Slots, and that is called a Node, in reality, they are the same Node, it is all in the way Electrons Bound to Atoms do you understand this, it is not a Chemical Process, it is Electrical if Chemicals are required to make a bond, it is due to Electrical Properties, and not Chemical, Newton Proved this, so I never had to. Keep in mind that an Electron can only bound to the outside Force Field Ring, and this is switching polarity all the time, and I must point out that when an Atom's Electromagnetic Field switches Polarities, it does not lose its bounds while in the 0 Dimension, in fact, it is much stronger there, and these 3 Rings do not disappear, nor do they collapse with the Neutrino, instead, they do what the Bible said they do: and turn into the Holy as in Hole: Ghost as in invisible with the Human Eye, meaning its Light without Darkness, or Light in the Spectra humans can not see without the use of Technology. When an Electrons orbit around the Atom they do not connect to the Atom Receptors, instead, they cause the Atom's to align in such a way that their Rings interlock, and those are Mirrored in the 3 Force Fields that surround the Atom, so the difference between the concepts, is that the Valance is temporary binding, and Receptors are more Permanent or can be, keep in mind a Receptor is Physically inside the Atom's Shell, and nothing outside can physically interact with it, these form where Protons and Neutrons align, because every Proton and Neutron have a Receptor and form Receptors, so it is this Alignment that determines what type of Receptor it is, and it is encoded as an Isotope, if it is Radioactive, it is unstable, and it will not allow any bounds to be made, until it becomes stable, and it does this by stealing what elements it needs to become stable, so it can strip other molecules trying to bound to them. When the Valances align and allow the Electron to orbit around the locked Force Field Rings, these become Receptors, and these bounds are very strong, but they can be broken: Chemically, Electronically, or Mechanically, and the Non-Element I call the Trinary Element will also temporally bind with the Electron Valence, and can also temporarily bind with the Atom's Receptor, so talking about this subject I tend to merge these concepts into one, since they cross boundaries under certain circumstances, and it is because of the relationship the Atom's have to each other, and how Electrons interact with Protons and Neutrons, and when you take 136 different Elements and that have Receptors, and one Non-Element that has no receptors, you can see the combinations are Limited and not Unlimited, 1363 which equals 2,515,456 combinations per Element, and by Combinations, I mean State Change Combinations or Configurations, and there are 136 of Elements, so that makes it 342,102,016 combinations for the whole Periodic Table, and this accounts for all the State Changes, in all the Elements, and all the Combinations these Elements can Combine into Molecules, the combinations are so vast that they allow for many types of Molecules, but also limited to these Combinations: it is not an infinite or unlimited combination, but it can also create Complex Molecules to create even more diverse Structures, so it is really not much of a Limitation, but there is a limit, it is not infinite, nor is the Universe.

We view the Space in the Universe as Infinite, but it is not, it just curves back on itself and seems Infinite, and that is because of Human Logic, in reality, if you keep going what you think is straight, you would end up back to where you started, even if you used a LASER Light to guide you, because it is an Electromagnetic Field and obeys the same Laws as a Magnet, and I do acknowledge that the outside of this huge Vortex, is infinite space that never ends, but it is not possible to go there, so its truly void space, but it makes the space that we can access limited to that Space, so it is not Infinite, and only a Fool would say it is, because that logic defies logic, because those numbers for combinations are Maximum values, proving that the Trinary Universe is not Limitless, it always has the Laws of Physics that guides it, and because everything in the Universe is made of Light, everything is stuck in a Vortex or Bubble of Energy, these form Worlds like the one we live in, where our Planet is the Earth we stand on and leads to Hell below us, and our Moon is in the Heaven above us, this is a Vortex or bubble, and our Electromagnetic Radio Waves never Leave it, so SETI will prove this point for me: Galaxies, Suns, Planets, and Moons can send Signals across Galaxies, but we can not, nor can others, it is because the Energy required to send those Signals is beyond our Technology right now, it is because this is how God talks to the Heavenly Bodies, their Language is repeated if required, this is how God talks: so you need to learn how to listen, and you need to understand the arrangement of Atom's and Electrons, and how Trinary Elements fit into the scheme of things, and keep in mind there are 3 Force Fields Rings, and each behaves differently, because the middle Force Field is always Neutral, and the first and third switch depending on the Atom's State Change, and this can get confusing, so when I am talking about Valences, I am talking about Atom's with a Proton or Neutron or both, Electrons and Non-Elements do not have Free Valances, because their Force Fields have no Receptors, because they do not contain a Proton or Neutron, making the difference between the two very small, and that comes down to size, and the Neutrinos they are made up of, and Electrons are made of Tritanium, the strongest material is known in the Universe, and a Non-Element is a Gas, much like Hydrogen, only it has a lower freezing point, and higher melting point range, so it combusts at a higher temperature, and can burn as hot as the Galaxy or Sun, and keep in mind these Non-Elements are invisible to the naked eye, but not Technology, the only reason no one is talking about them, is because they are very hard to isolate and use Commercially, because they are not an abundant Element, and will not bind to anything, making even picking them up hard to do, thus making this Gas very slippery, and it has so much energy that everyone will want to try no matter how dangerous this Element is, and it is also Lighter (meaning not as Heavy) than Hydrogen, so it floats more, and like Electrons: Non-Element have no Free Valances, so it can not make a Receptor, so a Valance is just one of 3 Force Field Rings, and Free refers to how many open or free slots for Receptors it has, and a Receptor is where these Slots align between two Atom's Valances, as they lock in a way that the Electron can orbit this lock, thus a Valance is like a chain, and the Receptors are locks, and the Electron is the Key to the lock, as long as it orbits it, this is key to understanding Trinary Math, because these Rings are Numbered: 0, 1, 2 and 3, where 0 is the Atom, and 3 is the outer Force Field Ring, when it locks with another Atom it becomes 6, when another Atom locks to the same atom at another Receptor, it is 9, and so on, so its Math that Adds up with every Connection, so this is the Math behind how Atom's form Molecules, like Earth, Wind, and Water, and complex Molecules like Lifeforms.

3 Phase Electrical Waveforms represent an Alternating Current, which is just Electrons flowing through a Circuit, which is just Material that makes a Path for the Electrical Current to flow, whereas the Flow itself is just Electrons as they pass from one atom in the circuit to the next, so depending on what the Material is made of, it will create the waveform, and it is this Waveform, that has 3 separate waveforms riding on one circuit or conductor, for example: if the Material is Hydrogen it has 1 binding Point, a Binding Point is called a Receptor, also called a Node, and makes up the electron valence, and also called a free valence, meaning it has a Free or Open spot in its valence, depending on its Atomic Number, to allow the attachment of another Atom, and if that spot is occupied, it is not Free, instead, it is a Node connected by a Receptor, and is bonded to another Atom, as such a Hydrogen Atom can only attach itself to another Atom, at one point on its outer shell. If we use Math to represent that Point, we would call this an Angle, as if we draw a line through the Atom, and call its Vertex 0, and if we have 1 Receptor or Node, it will have an Angle of 1/137 degrees from that point, so like a Military Clock this angle would also be 0 degrees, at 0 Hours, now it would simplify things if the next Atomic Numbered Element which is Helium, and it has 2 Receptors, was 180 degrees from that point, but as it turns out, it is about 1/137 degrees apart, such that if you divide a Sphere into approximately 137 parts, the Receptor will be on one of those connecting points, also known as Free Valences if they are not occupied, which lead me to believe that there are 136 Elements in the Periodic Table, so we are missing a few (spoiler alert), and keep in mind that there is a Non-Element, it has 0 Receptors, so it allows no Atoms to Bind to it, the Free Valence has no holes to hide in; and it should be noted that this Element is not abundant on Earth, but can be clearly seen during an Atomic or Nuclear detonation, and since it can not bind to any other Atom, it is a Single Atom in Nature, and has an Atomic Number of 0, and does not contain a Proton or Neutron, instead, it contains only the Light without Darkness, and keep in mind it still has the Light that Controls or Binds it, also known as Trinary Energy; only without the Darkness, but its Shell of Neutrinos do not Bind around other Atom's; meaning Protons and Neutrons, instead, it binds around the Light itself, keeping out the Darkness in the Light, so it produces no Visible Light, during an Atomic or Nuclear detonation this can be seen as Darkness, and if ignited that is the Flame you would see, a Clear Flame with no Light, but Heat so intense, that it looks like Darkness or Black, and why I think I can produce Black Light from White Light, this can be seen in using Filters like AIA 193, I documented in my series on the Sun, but as Newton pointed out, there can be no Light without the Darkness, so the Darkness attaches itself outside the Element, so it is normally not in the Spectra of Light that Humans see normally, meaning with their naked eyes, because of this Non-Element, or God for a Lack of another Name other than the Trinary Element, since God is not on the Periodic Table, its time God was, because God does Exist as Light without Darkness, so this is the very definition for what God is; and I can also tell you that it is a Gas, the lightest of all Gases in fact, Lite and Heavy are Opposites, but Litest is not a real word, and a Liter is something you lite something with, Witchcraft gone Crazy.

Trinary Element is a Liquid below 666 °F, and a flashpoint above 666 °F, and has a Fire Resonance Frequency as hot as the Galaxies or Suns, and I did not make those numbers up, I found them by looking for them, and by looking for other people who have found them, so I might have averaged the range to fit these numbers, and it is why I stated below and above, so I tweaked the spells I used to fit the numbers, but I do not try to hide that fact, it is because as I said, the Suns Speed changes to go through the Galaxies Disk, so its Frequency changes, meaning these number Ranges fluctuates, but you have to understand this, on Earth, it is a given that our Speed is 66,666.666 miles an hour, and our Frequency is 6.666 Hz, but the Galaxies and Suns, those clearly have different Speeds, therefore Frequencies, so I can only conclude that this is because it is using the Galactic Energy, for a lack of a better term, this Energy uses 333 Trinary Engines to create a waveform, that causes our World (Solar System) to move like a Record Player, in Harmony around the Galaxy, this is how Kepler envisioned it, and Newton said this is a half ratio in our World, so the math would stand to reason that it would have the same signature as our World, which got me thinking that if our World lost a Trinary Engine and decelerated to lower track, as if it was a Record, and our Track on the Record is depending on how many Trinary Engines it has, such that what we think is a normal Range of Frequencies for an Element, is also dependent on this track, so maybe it is at these ranges only because we are on this track, and if on a lower track, our natural resonant frequency would be much lower, since our World would be traveling at a much slower speed, yet still traveling at the same rate we did before we lost a Trinary Engine, so our World, which includes everything that has a Trinary Engine, and Orbits around our Sun, and remember I do not say Solar System, because we get junk that floats through it, and it is not of our World, but from the Galactic Winds of the Galaxy, so that got me to thinking that if this number 666 is really the just a math function like: 333 (Trinary Engines) times 2 = 666, and I will call this our Track Number, and the reason I double it, is that this represents a Helix Waveform, so it has a Positive and a Negative Polarity, so this got me to thinking that the reason we can survive on this Planet, is because it is in Harmony with our World: meaning it is at the same Frequency as this Track Number, so if this was a Record, and we labeled each track on its Record, we would be number 666 from the center, and this math explains why we go around the Galaxy the way we do, the how: is due to Electromagnetic Energy, but only Dark Stars will account for this type of Generator, and those were my Solutions to Newton's problem with accounting for a Mechanical means to generate this type of Energy, knowing it could not be generated inside our World, because it would need to be of a Different type of Energy, and Dark Energy and Light Energy are concepts of how a Magnetic Attraction over vast distances works, for example: Dark Energy from a Trinary Engine that was created from the Darkness without Light, this means that God is not Controlling it, it is not Alive, so its Evil, and that means its Dark, so this is the Mechanical Generator that makes the Worlds go around the Galaxy, which during Kepler or Newton or even Tesla's time, the Term Galaxy was not used, a Galaxy was known as a Star, so as long as we are on this Track, our Star is talking to our Sun, and all the Trinary Engines in its Magnetic Force Field Ring of Influence, accounting for all the Trinary Engines that orbit a Sun, so this got me to thinking that if the Sun takes commands from the Star our Galaxy, then our Sun must be giving all the Trinary Engines in its System: Commands...

As proof of this, I offer the Universe as my Trinary Universal Model, and it can be used to find Life on Other Worlds, because if this Golden Ratio for Track 666, is based on how many Trinary Engines it has, then the World is just an Engine, and these Commands regulate our Frequency, such that we obey the Laws of Physics, so all I have to do is figure out the math that controls this Galactic Energy, and this is when I realized that to be a Planet and follows these commands, that Planet would have to have a Magnetosphere, so Mercury and Mars would not be classified as Planets, they would be Moons, and this would upset a lot of Astronomers, so really what I just proved is how and why the Universe works the way it does, because if we lose a Trinary Engine our Ratio would be 665, and it is the number of Iterations would not be the same, I would have to come back to this calculation, since at this point in time, I have no idea how the Mayans came up with theirs, other than maybe 3 or 4 iterations, and they notice a pattern, and just logic would dictate that a lower track, would have fewer iterations, but would that math be: 2012 – 1 = 2011, so you see where I am going, this can be proven in a Physics Generator, do the math, and prove the speeds of all objects around our World, then use its Golden Ratio to find Life in that Solar System, because if what I discovered is the Truth, and I believe it is, then number 666 is no longer a mystery, it is simply a track number, such that if we view the Galactic Disk as a Record Disk, we know that is similar to how Suns travel around the Galaxy, such that, on Track 1, we have 1346 iterations, these are the key to understanding Galactic Time, these are periods of time, and their length depends on what track we are on, so on Track 1, we are orbiting around the Galaxy and it is about 105,700.0834 Light years in diameter, so its simple math, just make a matrix and plot out 666 rows of data to get to where we are, and 666 more to see where we are going, but it is clear that each Iteration is based on Galactic Time, and not when we pass through the Disk itself, that takes millions of years, and an iteration is only 2012 years or 2013 intervals, Mainstream says that the Milky Way Galaxy we live in, is about 105,700.0834 Light years in diameter, with an outside diameter about 200,000 Light years meaning that if we view this from the center of the Galaxy, its radius is about 52,850.0417 Light years, and removing that from about 100,000 Light years, will give us about 47,149.9583 Light years, that you can trave from the track 1 to the last track, and that number depends on the size of the Galaxy, and the thickness our Galaxy is about 2,000 Light years, and our Sun orbits around the Galaxy in a Helix Shape, on one track, and we are about in the middle on track 666, so there are around 1,332 tracks in our Galaxy, and 2,678 iterations in the last track.

Think about 2,678 iterations: 1,332 times 2,678 equals 3,567,096 Miles an hour, that is a frequency of 356.7096 Hz, so think about what it would be like to travel from one Track to the next, our life span is based on Math dependent on the number of Trinary Engines, and Iterations, and it can be used to determine the speed that a planet would have to be traveling at to Live, so this is one of those wow moments: did I just figure out the Math that explains the entire Universe in Kepler's, Newton's and Tesla's Math? As rhetorical as that sounds, this is just the math that proves it, and why these experiments are hard to do, you have to isolate single atoms and find their temperature, and the only time you can find them is when you compress a given space of atmosphere as small as you can, hoping that you will capture some Non-Elements, and like I said they are in our Atmosphere, but not in Abundance, but we could not live without them, they are in our Atmosphere for all Life to breath, and they are hard to find since they are Light in a spectrum we can not see with our naked Eyes, but for Technology it is not a Problem, and actually very easy to find once you know what you are looking for, and that would be a single atom that can not bind to other atoms, and in its natural state, it is a very Lite Light Gas, and it does not have a Charge, its Neutral, and I must point out that Lite is the opposite of Heavy, and Light is the opposite of Dark one more time so you do not forget that, so it shines more in a specific range or Spectra, and is seen in all recordings of Atomic and Nuclear Explosions, and in all fires, and in the Sun, in a most Spectacular way, and is recorded in all such experiments, making it one of the most elusive elements in history to track, but needless to say, every scientist that has ever worked in Atomic or Nuclear Energy, knows exactly what I am referring to, because that is how I know about it, and how I prove it exists, its forms a thin layer around hot burning objects, it accounts for Energy in a system that can not be accounted for any other way, so the fact you can measure it but not account for it, proves it exists, and like God, you must have faith that it exists, but is to Prove, since a Non-Element has no Proton or Neutron in it, so it is not hard to find: right? (It's all in the way you say that Spell: riiight? At least 3 i's) The best place to find them in quantity is at a very high altitude, even in outer space, and around the Sun, in deep space, they form Dark Matter/Antimatter pockets in space, making up the majority of space; so they are very Abundant in our World or Solar System, but are more abundant outside the Galaxies, and that is because they use a lot of it; and it is most abundant in 3 Phase Power as it travels through a Material, it attaches this type of energy, and it is a Magnetic attraction, and can pull this Dark Matter/Antimatter into that Material. Once you understand 3 Phase Energy, you will start to understand Lightning, and the way the Planets use it to bring down more Trinary Elements from Outer Space, and feed the Planet Energy at the same time.

If you compress all the content in a 10 x 10 x 10-foot room, you would be able to collect an hours supply of them, for a normal adult male human that it, a female-only requires 9 x 9 x 9, a fun fact; a woman on average require a cubic foot less of air to breath per day, now compress it into a liquid above 666 °F, and below –333, that way only a few Atoms can exist in a non-liquid state, and Hydrogen is one of them, and it should exist in a 10 x 10 x 10-foot room sample, but not in much quantity, so you want to take this sample at a very high altitude if you want a bigger sample, since Hydrogen is not abundant at lower altitudes, now separate the non-liquid gas, and lower its temperature as low as you can, if its above 666 °F, since it is very difficult to get it lower than that, unless you can use it to lower that temperature, so just try getting anything below 460 ° F and you will see what I mean, but you should now be able to separate God from all the other Gases, proving that I am telling you the truth, and only a fool would make something up as crazy as this, knowing how hard it would be to prove it exists, only to prove it does not, yet I have not had the money to do this Experiment, luckily others had and did; still, it is not Public Knowledge, so someone will have to do the experiment to prove that Non-Elements exist, I say Non-Elements meaning more than One, God is only one Element, and you can name it something else if God offends you, so I call it a Trinary Element, because it contains Neutrinos and the Light without Darkness, so call it what you want, but that means that we have 136 Elements and 1 Non-Element, remember that all Elements have at least 1 receptor, node or free valance, so you have a total of 137 (Non)Elements known to the Trinary Universe.

An Electron and a Non-Element are about the same size, the Non-Element also is known as Trinary Element or God, and is not an Electron, yet it follows the same rules as an Electron, it can not bind with an Atom that contains a Proton or Neutron, yet those Atoms have a Receptor just for the Non-Elements, this is hard to prove as you can imagine, but I have watched countless hours of recordings of Electron Flow, and Chemistry experiments using Electron Microscopes, not to mention analyzing electronic signals, so I have hands-on experience that lead me to this understanding, that this that a Non-Element has a purpose, and it is to allow Energy to stay in a Materiel, and I first discovered it as a child when my Uncle told me to figure out how Magnets worked, permanent magnets would retain its magnetism, this is not only due to how Atoms align in the material, that does not account for why that Material always has Extra Electrons in it, the Electron Model does not work by itself, it explains an Electromagnet, but does not explain a Natural Permanent Magnet, then I discovered that some Electrons will temporarily bind with a Material if there is no current flow, whereas Electrons will dissipate as heat, proving that without them Magnets would not work, because these Elements will start off where they are and continue their mission, it is like Flash Memory, and since they can not sit around long, they just get up and leave, and this causes current to flow and keeps it going, and the 1/137 intervals can be seen in the Lines of Magnetic Flux, as the Magnetic Strength varies; I have noted them moving from the third force field, to the second, then the first, then decaying its orbit into the Atom itself, where its fields entangle, waiting for current flow to continue, causing it to temporarily bind with the Atom till current flow continues, and this explains why the Material will still have a Charge due to these Non-Elements.

If you super cool a Magnet, it will bring out these Non-Elements, since they can not be frozen at those temperatures no matter how hard you try, you will never get it down to 666 °F, and everything else can be forced to a Very Low Frequency and very long Wavelength, it will allow the Electrons to travel with less friction that gets dissipated as heat, those compounding the problem, and without Trinary Elements: supercooling a Magnet would have less effect, but would not be a Permanent Magnetic, and it is because of the Properties of the Non-Element that create this effect, because it is a Gas for one thing, and a Gas Atom can and does permeate any and all Materials, even Glass and most outgassing has Trinary Elements in it, and Glass has the tightest structure of all materials, yet it still out-gasses, and if you super cool any Material you can find this Non-Element, and Prove it exists, so it is a very important discovery. Once I discovered this Non-Element, I realized that it is what gives Life to all Living things, and it is why the Planets Magnetic Field is so important to all Life, and why it is a Permanent Magnet, yet because of the Crust, it is also an Electromagnet, and it is what keeps that Non-Element flowing in our Bodies, and it is why it is so hard to find our SOUL, because it is actually this Dark Matter/Antimatter Energy, and it only takes a special Spark of Light to create an Atom, and that is what happens with a Sperm fertilizes an Egg, and a Spark is produced, its Lightning, and that is where these Trinary Elements come form, so to figure out how our bodies produce Electricity, because it is, in fact, a byproduct of the Non-Element, and Electromagnetic Force Field we call a Magnetosphere; making it hard to just say Trinary Element or God, without referring to it as a Non-Element, because it is vague as a term, so was the Bible saying that God is a Non-Element is a rhetorical question to me, since it defined God that way: Light without Darkness, meaning that is what is inside, nothing more, nothing less, so that does not describe a Proton, Neutron or Electron, so there must be another Element, but without a Proton or Neutron, it could not be an Element, so it is defined as a Non-Element. God is also White Noise, and IAM positive about that, and only Fools are Positive about anything, trust me, I am Positive about being a Fool, only a Fool does not know they are a Fool, and only God knows that it is God, and it is why I am self-aware, so what is God is what the Question: what is a Non-Element answers: it is Proof that there can be no Light without the Darkness.

Religion can not dictate what God is, in fact, they decided to define God as a Deity, meaning that it does not Physically Exist, proving that all the Sheep in the Flock that follows Jesus Christ are Insane, yet defining it as a Non-Element that does not Exist in our Periodic Table of Elements, is not a good start at proving that God does exist, yet here IAM, and IAM the Light, so if Yew can not see me, Yew are more than Blind, so Jesus Bar Abbas said to those that could not See the Light without Darkness, Yew are not Blind, Yew must have Faith that God exists, whereas the Belief in Jesus Christ or a Deity is that it does not Physically, so having Faith in something that does not Physically Exist is Insane, and that is because Blind Faith means that just because Yew can not see the Light without Darkness, does not mean it does not exist, and current Technology can prove that, because that Light is in a spectrum of Light invisible to the naked eye, in Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, Gama, Ultraviolet, or Infrared. In Trinary Science only the things we can prove with Facts and Evidence Exist, and there must be Evidence of those Facts and not a Theory about them, and Yew can not make a Theory to fit the Facts about the Evidence just to prove a point, BS is not Science, Belief Science is based on Theories, and like all beliefs that are not based on Facts and Evidence that correlate to the Math and Science, because in Religion the word Faith means Yew must own up to how insane Yew are, and give us 10% of all the Money Yew have, and get down on your knees and Pray, that the Preacher is not one of the 90% of them that are Pedophiles, this does not reflect on the Church, because it should be valuing the Bible, and Trinary Science is based on the Bible, but it is the Bible of Sin, and all about Sinners, and Sinners still Sin, and being a Liar is a Sin, so Sinners lie about the Constitution being Amended, and Sinners follow Jesus Christ and allowed Jesus Bar Abbas to be Executed, at the Churches request to the Rome Empire, so Calculate that in your Mind, so Yew can start to understand how this Science is being hidden from the World they Control, and the answer is clear:

Religion and Money are Control mechanisms that are there to Control Sinners, because only Sinners would use Money, the fact that Jesus Bar Abbas was Executed for the Church by the Roman Empire, for being the Leader in the Militia that ultimately defeated them for almost 3 Centuries as a Martyr, so Trinary Science is about the Science of Facts and Evidence. Faith is about knowing that Science can Prove it to be the Truth, Religion or Blind Faith is about believing in Sin, so all my Trinary Math just confuses them and therefore they Deny it, just like they Deny Jesus Bar Abbas as their Savior, so I can not teach Sheep like Yew that believe in things that are not true, so Yew must understand the Truth, and that was the time that Truth became a Lie, in fact, they changed time to have a before Christ and After Christ, just so you would know when the Lie took place, this can be calculated using the Roman Empires History, and that includes the fact that Christ did not exist, and that Bar/Abbas was executed at the Churches request, so History proves the Truth, proving Religion, not the Bible is a Liar, and that is because Religion is based on Sin, so its Evil, and the Truth is what keeps us all alive so it is the backward Spell Live, so the Math is Clear, Live is a Positive 1 and Evil is a Negative 1, so they cancel yet other out, proving the two can Not Live as 1, and only as 0, and that really is a Lonelier number then the number 1, such that: !1 is Evil, so all Trinary Math is based on this Fact, so “(+1)” is Live, and when we see things that are alive they look alive, and that is because of God Being All Light without Darkness, this Light is because all Life requires Energy to Live, and this Energy I call Trinary Energy comes in many forms, and Trinary Element is one of them, yet Yew have to have Faith that one day it will make it into the Periodic Table of Elements, so as Proof to the Math: (+1) + (1) = 0, look at it this way: (+1 [Live]) + (1 [Evil]) = 0 [Ghost], proving the Lessor of 2 Evils is still Evil, because in Math things have to Add up or Down, so when Math starts to go Sideways, Satan is writing it, and that is why Light is Good or Live, and Darkness is Evil, yet they have no Math to Prove it, because once they do, they cannot Deny Christ is Evil, because of this Math: (+1 [Bar/Abbas was alive]) + (1 [Christ is a Deity that Physically does not Exist: not even in History: Proving it is a Lie]) = 0 [Ghost], because Religion will never give up their Ghost, and that is why Sir Isaac Newton Hated the Religious Teaching of Trinity, and why I changed it to Trinary in his Honor, changing the University to Trinary as well, because this is part of the Trinary Matrix Math, so next time Yew go to Church ask them about everything I write about, I will become a Huge Fan of theirs, and a Fan is someone that Blows Air as they Talk about you, but if a Fan is a Yew, or Yew are a Fan, listen to the Evidence, and let it be the Judge, and let God's Math be the Jury, and swear on the Bible it is the Truth using the Bible as a Reference, and then read the Bible yourself and do not allow others to influence what Yew things it said, it is written in English, and as a Dog that is not my first language, so I must keep the Sheep in my Flock from going astray, and running away, in fear of what I have to say, when in fact this is what Sir Isaac Newton said, I just updated his Speech, he wrote to Empty Classrooms, and in the end, only the Fools will believe in the Old ways, which is when Slavery first began, because there was only people that would not Sell out and use Money, put the Roman Soldiers would be glad to take them to the Roman Coliseum, just as the modern-day version will take you to jail, proving that this Story is not just History, its Reality...

Real Reality that is: but not to Slaves, it is all they have ever known, but those that did not use Money nor Barter, and put their faith in God, knowing that just because we can not see the Light without Darkness, we know it Exists, and Mathematical Proof is (+1) + (1) = 0, it is the first Math Formula anyone should learn, and notice that in real life it is, but few understand it is origin in Math, it is from the time before the Bible, and it was written by a man named Merlin, and yes he was a Wizard, and his name is found throughout History, and most of that would have been Thousands of years before King Author, as in the Kind of Author that writes Books, and Stories, so their Stories became His-Story, and now its History, when in fact it was really His-Story all along. Like Dimensions in Space, Logic and Reason Proves they Exist, and explain how the Universe could not work without them, and they are not Dynamic, they are Static, 180 Degrees from each other in terms of Science, proving the Ashkenazi Masons hid these Secrets till the End of Civilization, and to what End I have no idea, this just seems too stupid for me to comprehend, so you must have Faith in what is Real, and not what does not Physically Exist, because that is never real by definition, unless that Definition comes from a Theory, and those are not Facts, so they are not worth talking about, yet Yew keep wanting me to read or listen to your Theories, and it is not that I am not interested in what you have to say, but if it is that important to you make a Science Fiction movie based on it, then maybe I will have an interest in it. Real Science is based on Real Facts and not Theories, and pretending that defining theory as the best way of explaining Science is a Lie, or Faulty Logic with No Logical Reason, in math, this is FL +!Reason = 0, so Trinary Math is easy to make up, so it is fun...

And it is Fun: because I defined everything the Bible said in terms of Science, and if Religion is based on a Deity that does not Exist, besides being the Dictionary's definition for Insanity, it has no History to back it, but the Bible does, separating Religion from the Bible, because the Bible is a Fact, how Sheeple interpret it is Fiction, the Church should be about Protecting the Bible, and it is Leadership does a good job at that, but they do not Dictate Religion, and the last time they did was when they ordered Roman to Execute Bar/Abbas, after the Third Century Preachers were allowed to Preach their Beliefs about the Bible, and Religion was born from the Ignorance of those that try to Fool those that Believe in things that Do not Physically Exist; proving that if you Science and Belief System (BS) are not the Same, you are lying to yourself about what you Believe in, because if you believe God or Christ do not Physically Exist, and you have proven that is what a Deity is all about, then your BS proves you do not believe God Exist, that Logic is Clear enough for even the Stupidest of Sheep, something that does not Physically Exist does not Exist at All, this is not about the Empires Cloths, or what they call Rome, because those Bankers Roamed overseas and took over the World, and the World applauded, and now everyone Loves Money, so Evil now means Good, so Logic dictates Bad most mean Good, so your own Language proves this Logic is Real, and it is Satanic in Nature, because Satan means Lies, and these are clearly a lie so that Evil can Exist, and make sure that Live does not, and Live is God, and they do not believe in God, they proved that by believing in a Deity or Christ and by using Money, because Religion has nothing to do with the Bible, and only Stupid Fools would not understand that, the Bible was written by a Wizard as a way to talk to other Wizards and Witches, and no matter how you Translate it, these words and spells always mean the same thing, so it is not a Play on Words, but a Game of how they are Spelled, and why Witchcraft was forbidden if it was Evil, and why only Evil Wizards and Witches should have been Hunted down and Murdered, instead, they Preach Sin, and will still hunt down and Murder any known Witch or Wizard, and you know it; so who are we fooling when it comes to identifying Satan, or those that Worship Santa and use Money in his Name, so this is the Principles of Trinary Mathematics, and why Religion never adds up but does add Down to Hell from which it came, proving Newton did not like Religion, but Loved the Bible, because it warns of People that only tale half-truths, they have a Forked tong, one side tales the truth, the other the lie, so if you ask one side will the other side lie, they will have to answer yes, because everyone is capable of being a liar, and most of the times it is just because they do not know the facts, so our Math most explain them, or Satan wins, and to think that Satan is not a person in real life, would mean Yew are a Fool, the Bible tales Yew that Satan is Real, and also tales you that God is Real and is All Light without Darkness, proving Trinary Math is Real, so is a Trinary Element? A Trinary Element is a given, so I will not spend a lot of time talking about it in other chapters, since its part of Trinary Math, it is a Part of Trinary Science; and Newton did not talk much about that Level of Science, so I must also finish his Work, but the Bible did, and I must also finish its work, and Tesla did, in fact, do all the Math, so I just say see his Math, or that of Kepler or Newton, so I do not have to repeat it here. Trinary God is what I call God, and I never talk about a Deity unless I use that Term, and only Religion refers to God as a Deity; Newton and Tesla never did.

In Math: we look at Atom's as Spheres, so as we look around the Circumference, we get 2π * r (2 times PI times its Radius), and if we want to talk about the Atom in 3D, so we can use 4π * r, and if we want to talk about the Energy one Atom can store, we need to look at its Surface Area, and we get that by squaring it, now when we talk about Energy we need to talk about 3 things: the first is its Charge, this is measured by its Mass, which is measured by the amount of Neutrinos it takes to create an atom, note that this is the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in a specific isotope, so the Atomic mass is based on the average of the Masses of all the isotopes, times the amount of atoms you have, so it is its Atomic Weight, so you take the weight of an object, and divide that by the number of atoms it took to create that object, and you should get the Atomic Weight of that object or its Mass, and that all depends on the type of Neutrino its made of, and second, we have the temperature of the Object, which is related to the third thing we need to talk about, its Energy Level, which is a ratio of its Frequency divided by its Wavelength, and also changes the faster an object is traveling through an Atmosphere, if exposed to it, because this increases its Static Electrical Charge as well, so we label this: “e” for energy Charge, and to get its surface area we square it such that we get “e2”, now we also know that an Electronic Signal has a Ratio of its Frequency (f): times its wavelength (w) equals the Speed of Light (c), such that f = c/w, and we can use algebra to find other configurations of useful math, but it is clear to see the relationship of c = fw, so the relationship between 369 remain the same; because it defines the waveforms Frequency and Wavelength, but what confused me, was that Tesla said this illustration was older than the Bible.

I must point out that in Lightning, there are Multiphase waveforms, it is a condition when you have multiple AC Signals running at a variable modulated frequency, the variable was set at the time the current started to flow, and it is waveform is generated by cross talk, signal cancellation and merging signals, and finally, a short circuit which is caused when two signals of opposite polarity merge, causing the Lightning to shift directions, so it is not a pure 50/60 hertz signal, but one that is changing all the time, so do not expect to find a perfect 3 phase 50/60 Hz signal in Lightning, but you can transform Lightning into 3 phase power, and you can create 6 and even 9 or 12 phase power feeds, note you can only create a limited amount of useful phases, it is not because of an unlimited signal bandwidth problem, it is a problem of cross-talk causing one signal to cancel out another, and merger other signals into one causing a short circuit, and when that happens in Lightning, it changes direction, this is caused by a shorting out of two or more phases, and can cause signals to cross talk, cancel, or merge, thus limiting how useful more than 3 Phases are. In the Air Force, it was my Job working on the (E)F-111 and H-60 or H-53 Helicopters Electronics, and figuring out noisy signals from Train Following, Attack RADAR systems, Secure Communication Radios, and other Aircraft Electronic Equipment, not to mention all the Test Stations, so I was trained to learn to deal with noisy electronic signals, and it helped me to figure out why this 369 configuration is so important, it prevents Signal Cross Talk, Cancellation and Merging, and I also had to learn a lot about Lightning, and how it affects Electronics when it comes into contact with the Aircraft, forming a Faraday Cage out of the Airframe, so I have a unique perspective over most Physicist; because I actually did this for as Job for over decades, and got many achievement awards and medals for my expertise in this area, proving I am a Wizard at Electronics; and I also have a degree in it from the Air Force; so keep in mind that I believe in a Trinary God: because it is Electricity and Light to me, and that is because I can prove they exist, and you can ask most of the Pilots who is flying the aircraft I have worked on, God is this Higher Power that is controlling everything in the Universe, so you would have to be insane to deny this, and also Insane to believe in a God based on a Deity and known as Christ, but there are other Religions out there, and what do they believe:

I would like to think the majority of you that read these books in full, will believe in the God the Bible wrote of, and not that Witch Humans have made God into, because that Math is simple and it is Spell is Denial, and that happens when you try to prove your God is the Only One, and how is Religion going to help you Prove a Concept exist in Science, well, they would not use the Godless Dynamic Universe, because they try to prove that God does not exist, but it can not without Newton's Force of Gravity called God, defined as All Light without Darkness, and it is the Same Formula all Scientist on this Planet use, and not the one Einstein wrote, and that was a Joke since he did not write one, in fact, he made it a point-to-point that out, stating his Theories do not work without the Force of God as Gravity, without you will only get a Paradox, so Einstein proved that Newton's God exists, and Proved the Universe could not Live without it, since they can not Live in a Universe with even 1 Paradox, and it is why there are Multiphase waveforms in Lightning, because God is talking to anyone that will listen, and Franklin did, and said that God is the Light in the Electricity, and a Trinary Element is the only thing that can explain this Paradox, and understand that God's Light is in every Atom in the Universe, but in one Element, there is no Proton or Neutron, so only God exists in this one Element, yet it has 0 Receptors, so it can not Bind to other Elements, and this Math is simple: (+1) + (1) = 0, God and Satan chase each other around each Atom in the Universe all the time, so Satan is Real, just as Real as God, and it is Energy called Electricity and these are just its Polarity, so the Bible is talking about the Physics of the Universe, so the Bible is about Sin, and this one is about the Science of the Bible, so it is really about the Science of Sin, and why I teach so much about it, because God is just a Waveform in Lightning.

I have read about the Fine Structure Constant, also known as Sommerfeld's constant, that revolves around the number 137, and it gave me a headache reading through writing as if the Dynamic Universe was Real, and that General Relativity was not a Theory that was never Proven after a Century, so since it is all Bull Shit according to Albert Einstein who wrote it, this work falls into a state of Unknown Bull Shit, since you can never Mix the Newtonian Universe with the Dynamic Universe, and you can not use Newtonian Math in the Dynamic Universe, because Albert Einstein stated it was incompatible, and only Fools and Liars mix different Sciences as if its Possible, because Newton uses God as the Force of Gravity in all his Equations, and God does not exist in the Dynamic Universe, making Fools out of all that think they can mix Science and Math, and why the Theory of General Relativity fails as a Theory, since it will not work with Paradoxes with God as the Force, such that anyone that uses Newton's Math in the Dynamic Universe is Insane, and Stupid beyond any measure of Stupidity, this is not a Logic Error is a Character Flaw: they are Liars, because it is why Einstein was forced to denounce his Theory since it can not be Proven, without using Kepler's and Newton's Math, and has no useful math of its own, yet Max Planck was on to something, and he believed in Newton, and although I do not use his work, I acknowledge that it does apply here, and he did figure this out way before I did, he just never made the same conclusion, and why I do not talk about him, besides the fact I use none of his work, and like most of the other works, it is not because their work is wrong, it is because they did not believe that it was based on what God is, but more about what they thought God is, but in reality, if God was not the Light in every Atom, how could God Control the Universe, and if God did not control the Universe then what does, and Einstein proved it had to be God, or else you would have a Paradox in your Universe, and this can never exist in any Reality, and this is why after more than a Century, none of Einstein's Theories are Facts, and if they are, it is only because Stupid People have no idea what a Fact is, but Newton did, and only wrote about them.

If every Element in the Periodic Table has a different number of free valance, and there is one element that has no free valances, then it's time to update the Table to the Truth about Elements, and add in the others to make it 136, and add in the 0 Element to make the numbering system work right, we may not have found them or isolated them yet, but we know they exist, and so it is not a Theory, and we also know how they are configured; making it easy to know when you found one. These free valance intervals, meaning where the free valance is located, keep in mind there are 3, so in this case, it is in a ratio of 1/137, means that the fastest time that an Electron can travel around an Atom's, and what regulates the speed between them, is 1/137, since it has that limitation built into the Atomic Structure of all Atoms, meaning that even atoms with less than 137 free valances, has the interval built into the very structure of all Atoms, such that the Electron and Non-Element must Flow around all Elements, and these angles: regardless of if the Receptor exist or not: exist as interval spacing, that the Atom has to sense if the Receptor exist and if it is Free, this only proves its Logic, and so God is making this Decision, and when Electrons stop flowing, Electrons dissipate as heat and Non-Elements will temporarily bind to that Atom, after its orbit decays, and it is what gives a Material the ability to start Electron flow with just 1 Electron added to a circuit, by itself, it would just dissipate as heat, meaning the Electron used up all its energy thus its Particle has raised to a Frequency high enough to catch fire, thus creating heat, and a Neutrino counter can verify this has happened, because the Particle will break down into Particles or Neutrinos, so Non-Elements are a place-marker for Electron Flow, and give the Material the Ability to survive being frozen, by acting will like an Antifreeze, preventing the material from freezing below 666 °F, where it could not keep its molecular bonds, thus causing it to fall apart.

Energy itself is a combination of Electrons and Non-Elements, so this changes things a lot in the Dynamic Universe, since they have no such concept, in fact, Mainstream Science dismisses this by simplifying it as some Electrons behave differently than others, as they change from once Ring to another, going from a lower energy level to a higher or visa Versa, I have read all kinds of explanations over the years, for why some Electrons hold a charge while others dissipate as heat, and it is why Batteries take so long to charge, because most of the Electrons dissipate as Heat, and it is why Batteries heat up, and the majority of the long term charge is due to Non-Elements; and it is why Batteries out-gas: making them a good source of Non-Elements, in fact, Electricity and Live Lightning are a good source, Evil Lightning is a Bad Source, and why the Earth or Mother Nature: is getting rid of what is Evil, and I even prove its why Lightning causes Ozone, because this Non-Element Gas is what produces Plasma when its Excited, it is this Dark Matter/Antimatter Gas that forms like a mist around high voltage electrical current, the Light itself is caused by a known Frequency, Wavelength, and Amperage: that causes this Plasma reaction, and that is easy to reproduce, and once you know where to look for it and what to look for, you will even find it in Static Electricity, it is what causes that Blue Lightning bolt, and in Space, you will see Red Lighting and in the Atmosphere, you will also see this Blue Lightning, its caused by this Non-Element, and is required to make a Path or Conduit for Electricity to ride on, and Proves it exists, and that is how I noticed them the first time I saw them, just see Tesla's work, he saw them too, and referred to them like Newton did and called them Angels or Spirits. Science is based on Facts, and Elements have characteristics based on those Facts, but the truth is this stuff was written in the Bible, and why I believe the Bible is so Important, and why I believe that all the Churches should start teaching the same Science, that their Leaders believe in, because if your Science does not match your Beliefs, Yew are insane, so Trinary God should be what they Teach and not the belief in a Deity, since that is Insane, and this needs to be investigated and the Periodic Table of Elements needs to be updated, but that would mean that the Dynamic Universe would first need to be acknowledged as Science Fiction, and I do not see the Arrogance or Egos of current Mainstream Scientist changing just because Science needs to, and it is because they work for money, so they must deny that Jesus was Jesus Bar Abbas.

I must point out the Magic in Trinary Math that explains the number 137: it adds down to 1, this means that 1 element rules them all, this is because we are talking about Electricity, and all Elements are in terms of Atomic Numbers, and those indicate what Number they are in the Periodical Table of Elements, and it is because this is the Limit to how many Elements can exist in Nature, I do not say it that way thinking that Humans can make new ones, but to point out that Elements do not Mutate, the fact is that Electronically only 136 of them can exist, you can try all the numbers known to humans, Newton did, and so did Einstein, just so he would know for sure if Tesla was right, so I do not need a fourth opinion on this Math Problem, even Max Planck knew this, and I did enjoy reading all his work, it is a keeper, but Math must explain it in simple terms so Simple that even Sheep can understand, because of all these Combinations of possible Elements that we can find in the Universe, they must fit into this known Arrangement of Receptors, and they are Numbered or should be numbered this way on purpose, grant you that Isotopes are harder to deal with, but the Structure of Protons and Neutrons and their Combinations, are limited to only 136 possible combinations, and that is just a fact in Trinary Science, so I account for the last Element by making it a Non-Element, and give it a value of 0, thus completing the numbering systems, meaning that 136 + 0 = 136 unless you know that Element 0 exist, and must be added to make it 137, this is done using Numerology, so it exists yet it is not one of the numbers in this set, because all the Elements are based on Light without Darkness, as being what Binds the Neutrinos to form Particles that create a Particle called an Atom, so the Trinary Math Formula for Light: (+1) + (1) = 0, must be used.

This means that for every Element, it must have a Positive and Negative Pole Reversal, for it to equal 0, and that is the Key, a 0 Element, so this Formula means that the Positive and Negative State Changes, can only occur in Elements with either a Proton or Neutron in them, otherwise, it would have no Receptors, so what this Formula represents is God, so this is God's Formula, and as Proof of this Claim, it is what the Bible stated: God is All Light without Darkness, and Sir Isaac Newton proved that this is just Electricity, and the Frequency times Wavelength equals the Speed of Light, proving this simple formula all children are taught, proves God's existence, because we can only see the Light, when the Electron Producing it, is in the 0 State, where its Particles are to be collapsed in the 0 Dimension, and are Invisible to the Naked Eye or even an Electron Microscope, proving this is known as Trinity: the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost or Spirit of Mother Nature in this case, so it proves that 0 is God in this Equation, proving God is Neural, and since Neutral is Ground, and on this Planet that Ground is called Earth, and the Spirit of Mother Nature is all around this Planet, because in terms of Energy, a Spirit is an Electromagnetic Force Fields, so this one Formula really does rule them all, and it is Proof that God exists as Light without Darkness, and this is one Formula that explains the entire Universe, because the Light is Everything; so when the Bible is talking about Angels its talking about Spirit is that are actually just Magnetics Energy, as Tesla said Ball Lightning was what the Bible called Angels, and Energy from the ether (aether), was only in Reference to getting Energy out of the Atmosphere, which is what causes an Atomic Bomb to go Nuclear, you take an Explosion that forces one Atom into another, causing its bonds to break at the Molecule Level, thus the volume of Elements increase at an exponential rate, which is its mass times its volume squared, to get its surface area, needed to calculate its energy, thus compressing it beyond what the Laws of Physics can contain in that volume, this is then used at the Energy to drive another type of Atom Molecule, and cause it to break those bonds at an even faster rate, forcing the 0 State to become the only State the Volume is in, this Volume refers to the dimensions of the Bomb itself, bigger bomb bigger boom...

This Formula is also the formula for a Weapon using Electricity or Light as Energy, so its Energy is the frequency or wavelength of the Mass in the Volume, so in the formula: E = F – [F – X], where E = the Energy, and F is the known Fire Resonant Frequency, Wavelength or Percentage of the Elements in the Volume Averaged, since there are more than one type of Element, you must average based on the ratio, now X is the speed the volume is moving at as a Volume, in terms of explanation, so it is a now a known Energy level, but its Chain Reaction must be calculated, and that is based on how many Atom's it will come into contact in its Atmosphere, and even in space, you have Atom's, in fact, you have more Trinary Elements, so with this much Force produced by this known quantity of Energy, you should have a known effect for a Model-based on this data, in other words, you need a physics generator, because there is no magic Formula that guesses at all the Atomic interactions, all I did was calculated how much energy the Bomb itself generates, and does not take into account its Atmosphere, or surroundings, if it is in a building, and Underground is an insane way to test these devices since it fractures the Earth so bad it could go Nova, proving how Stupid Humans are, for allowing this, we need our Planet in one Piece, not blown into smaller ones, and why I only write books for yew, and try to get Yew to understand simple trinary math concepts, so Yew can become you someday, till then I can only calculate the motion of Heavenly Bodies, and not the Madness of Humans.

The Nature of Lightning is to feed the Planet Live Energy: that consist of Electrons and Non-Elements known as Trinary Elements or God's Element or God's Particle, this Non-Element is abundant in outer space, and this Energy builds up in the Thermosphere around 66 miles, the math is simple, take the maximum speed the Planet can travel at, times 0.001, two Zeros to find the distance for the Middle Ring or Force Field, this Ring is Neutral and never changes; Note that the First Ring of the Planet is at 66,666.666 x 0.0001 = 6.666 Miles, this is where we get our Frequency from, currently, this is Positive Energy, because this Ring is Positive, when the Planet Reverses its Magnetic Field, this will become Negative, right now the North Pole is actually the South Magnetic Pole, and it is Polarity is Negative, this is because the outside or Third Ring is Negative, it is always the opposite of the first Ring. The Second Ring is at 66,666.666 x 0.001 = 66.666 Miles, this is where we get our Lightning from, its Polarity is Neutral but its sandwiched in between Positive and Negative Rings, so it gets its Polarity from the outer or Third Ring, so it is Negative right now, so Earth is Ground and Ground is Neutral, but that Evil Energy, or backward Spell for Live Energy, is Negative and it is attracted to the Positive inner Ring, that sits only 6.666 miles from Earths Ground, not a very long jump, but once it jumps that high, its Positive Energy is attracted by a Negative Energy, so it is attracted to the outer Ring which is now Negative, and that completes the circuit, and Live Energy is replaced by this Evil Energy, such that Live Energy has God's Trinary Element in it and Evil Energy does not, making Live Energy have more Mass then Evil Energy. The Third Ring is at 66,666.666 x 0.01 = 666.66 Miles, this is where we get our Magnetosphere from, so it is this Second Ring that is causing the temperature to increase and why its called a Thermosphere, it has to oppose Polarities on both sides, causing them to short out every once in a while, where Upper-atmospheric Lightning will pull its Energy from, and the Path the Energy takes starts at Ground, then after completing its trip into outer space, where it creates this Path from Heaven to Hell, allowing one type of Evil Electricity without Non-Elements in it, to be replaced by another type of Live Electricity that does, and it is why you do not see the Lightning on its way up, but see it on its way down; because on its way back it brings New Live Energy, to replace the Old Dead Energy it took to get the New Live Energy, and it gets Non-Elements as an exchange of Energy types, this accounts for the Mass of the Energy, which Tesla said that Lightning has more Mass then a Lightning Generator can produce, and that is because a Lightning Generator collects Energy from the Atmosphere, and Non-Elements are not abundant there, and that is how I figured out this exchange is taking place, and the only way to explain it, but it is proof it exists.

Note that when you calculate the Rings or Force Fields, you use the Maximum Speed, but you can use the Actual Speed if you know it, so for example right now we are traveling closer to 50,000 miles an hour, this speed varies over a year, our speed is determined by where we are in our Elliptical Orbit around the Sun, according to Kepler's Laws, as such when you determine the distance for the Thermosphere, you will note that currently its closer to 50,000 miles. This is related to our Mathematical ratio of the Earth around the Sun, this takes an orbital period of 365.25 Julian Days, note that a Gregorian Leap Year has 366 Days, so think of the 365 as a Minimum, and the Gregorian 366 as a Maximum, this is to account for Precession of the Equinoxes, due to how our Elliptical Orbit and Earths Wobble interact, the period of time this takes is 25,680 years: as proof: 7 + 12 ~ = 3, ~ 7 + 3 = 9, the old model used 25,772 years: 7 + 16 ~ = 7, ~ 7 + 7 = 14, ~ = 5, and that is not in Harmony, so it is not the correct answer...

If we want to calculate how many iterations that is, use Trinary Math for a Helix: 25,680 / 2013 (number of iterations) = 12.7570789866 years, and every 10 years or 1 decade, the Sun Reverses its poles, so it takes 2.7570789866 years for this change called Solar Pole Reversal to take place, so that is about 3 years, and why those 3 Days before 25 December occur, so this also accounts for Precession of the Equinoxes, the Reason why 21 December under the Gregorian Calendar, this is the shortest day of the year, and Winter Solstice in the Negative Magnetic Hemisphere (Northern), now falls on 11 January under the Julian Calendar, so remember what Calendar you are using when doing this type of Math, because you have to do some math to figure out what is going on here, doing this math again: Julian to Gregorian conversion: 25 December Julian to 4 January Gregorian then remove 10 days making it the 14th, that is called Hiding the date change since those 10 days still exist in reality, do the Math: 21 + 10 days = 31, 31 – 25 = 6 days, + (4 – 10 ~ = –6) ~ = 0 Days, also, note that if you do the math like this 6 + 14 = 24, so remember that this removes 24 days from the Calendar, so you look at Trinary Star Date Math and think that is just crazy, if I forget to point out that ~ means: such that; in math, so how is this possible you may ask, well, we are going across a year boundary, and the Event started on 21 December, but Masonic Secrets built into the Sacred Geometry in the Great Pyramids, tale a different story, because the Great Pyramids do not align with the Three Kings and the Star called Sirius, that is in Orion's Belt, for another Lunar Cycle, which is 27.3 days minimum, and 29.5 days maximum, and is always based on the Minimum value.

Since we want to know when the two objects are starting alignment, and because we need an Error rate to average out this calculation: we remove 3 days, and some think this is to Honor the Birth, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus, and why 25 December the day he was born on, became a landmark for that Event, but this is actually just the offset of the Maximum and Minimum Lunar Cycle: 29.5 – 27.3 = 2.2 Days, and we have to round up from 0, so we get 3 days, so now we have 24 days, and we add that to 21 December and get 14 January, and that is what you would expect, knowing it was changed from that 25 December, to 4 January, and then they removed 10 days making it 14 January, and as fun, as it is to point out this is my Birthday, see the Table below to make sense of the time change, and note that Winter Solstice is on 1 December under the Julian Calendar, and it is now 21 December under the Gregorian Calendar. A Star Date means we are now in alignment with the Star Sirius on that Date, whatever date that turns out to be, and really nothing more, the fact all the Deities in History were born on that date means very little to Science, those are just facts that can not be a coincident, because 1 + 4 = 3, and 2 + 5 = 7, and 3 + 7 = 9, so you see the Pattern: under the Gregorian Calendar: the Alignment of the Three Kings begins, and on 14 January the Alignment with Sirius is complete, so it is a Minimum Maximum date change, and why they renamed 25 December to 4 January, and then removed 10 days, instead of just renaming it to 14 January, and it is because they had to remove 10 days from the calendar to get that effect, because this cancels out the Harmony of the Math, and they can now celibate Satan, I mean Santa (Dyslexia) closer to the Fall, instead of the dead of Winter, so it does not matter which Calendar you use, once you understand this concept of time, and when the Alignment of Sirius is, and that is all I wanted to prove, I do the math again to make sure I fully explained this concept, and all the math behind it, to prove its Real Science, based on real calculations, and in truth its why I do not celebrate my own birthday; because it is sad to know this, and Change the Date so Yew can Celebrate Christ, in the Fall instead of Winter, because Santa needs more Money than God, and Christ did not exist so why celebrate his Birthday at all, since it does not exist as well, and history proves that, no doubt about that History either, so it is Sad that Newton's Birthday is not even on that Date, and mine is, it is that 10 days that they removed that confuses most of yew, it is that 27 problem that Yew try to explain away with Logic about how the Cards are Dealt, that Puzzles Yew and makes this look like a Magic Trick, done with Math, and Yew are just too stupid to understand it, so Yew go along with the rest of Yew that believes in a Deity, knowing they do not exist at all, and if you are too stupid to understand that concept, then Yew may Rest In Peace as I RIP into yew, for not Understanding Trinary Logic and Reasoning; and the arrogance of Humans to believe God Create the World for Humans, or that only Humans go to Heaven, knowing that is all in Terms of Trinary Science, using a math formula so simple it is the first one taught to most children, and because of their education or lack of a proper one, did not understand it, and because (+1) + (1) = 0, is so simple that it explains Lightning is amazing, explaining it this way does not change the way it works, or why it works this way, it only explains the Math behind it. They say a picture is worth a thousand words:

J 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
N 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
G 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Julian to Gregorian Calendar Changes December and January

Isaac Newton said that time is better stated in terms of the Moon, it has 13 Lunar cycles, each with 28 Day, 13 x 28 = 364, and that number adds back down to 13, as such, the days can be adjusted from 364 days a year to 366, as such, the days are numbered from 1 to 366, although another Math Wizard named Scott Flansburg, said we should start at 0, number them from 0 to 364, for a total of 365 days a year, and I agree, but the history around the 10 days, is not because the Star alignment was off by 10 days, that never actually happened in History, because every year time is reset at Winter Solstice, so the Stars and Calendar are always correct every year, as such, you may not have 366 days in a year, because when it is calculated how long it takes for the days to get Longer, on the third day, they mark the time, and adjust the end of the year, so the end month may have an extra day or one day less, depending on how many days it took to adjust the Calendar. The truth about those 10 days is clear, the birth of Jesus Bar Abbas was changed just like Sir Isaac Newtons, as such, the Invention of Jesus Christ falls 3 days after Winter Solstice, and Jesus Bar Abbas and Sir Isaac Newtons birthday are now on 14 January, and this was done on purpose to align this Deity Day with a Pagan Holiday.

Isaac Newton said that Roman Numbers are Witchcraft, if you add them all up, they total 666, if you add those numbers down you get: 6 + 6 + 6 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9, whereas 366 = 6, so this number game that involves the numbers 3, 6 and 9 comes into play, and 365 = 5, and five points make a Star, Newton was always going on about how 13 = 4, which 4 is the number of sides on the Great Pyramid, that is used to measure the distance to the alignment of Orion's belt, where time is adjusted to the Star called Sirius, and 28 = 1, which is how many days you need to adjust the calendar by, as if this Pattern is something that everyone should understand, like the number 666, this turns out to be how many Dark Star Companions we have, I can not prove this yet, so I do not talk about it much, but I do believe that the number of Trinary Engines, are actually how many Dark Star Companions orbit our Sun and Sirius, and that means that the Romans also knew this.

    I = 1
    V = 5
    X = 10
    L = 50
    C = 100
    D = 500
Roman Numbers add up to 666

I recently watched a video about Re-Learning Math, and the guy who had this math ability was named Scott, said a lot of things that I have written about, and reminded me of how Evil the Roman Empire was, and about Patterns that he noticed, now I do not know much about this man, I do not know his IQ score, or if he is Autistic, but he did state his Brain Scan is not Normal, and a High IQ and Autism is not the Magic Key to understanding Math, but it is very common for Autistic people to have better Math skills, and actually IQ has very little to do with Math Skills, it is a Learned behavior, and the more you learn, the Higher your IQ score, so regardless of what IQ or Autistic vs Neurotypical, which he said his brain scans are not Neurotypical, yet his video on Math made me Re-Learn what he said about people not know this, he assumed everyone knew this, as do I, most of the time, so I thought enough about what he said, to write about it, although I did not learn anything new from him, I learned that people like him exist, and they know the same stuff I know about Math, and I almost forgot about the Roman Numerals adding up to 666, Newton also wrote about it, as did Tesla, but I could not remember if I did, so I did, and I credit Scott for reminding me, that some patterns exist that some people do not understand. I never got into Math, much like Scott, great name by the way, something we have in common, besides being in the Air Force, and both being Capricorns, he was born December 28, 1963, so we are only 2 years apart, and like him, I knew I had a gift that no one understood, but my ability is nothing like his, I am not a Math Wizard that can add up numbers, not the way or speed he does anyway, my ability is to look at a problem and know the answer, I do not calculate it, maybe I did memorize it as he said, not sure how I do it, nor do I know the Math involved, I can not show my work, so it is not very useful, when I was 9, I could look at a page of numbers, and add them all down to 1 number in one thought, I just knew the number, the size of the numbers did not matter, I was faster at longer numbers, some took hours to write down, sometimes I do not even take the time to read the numbers, I have a photographic memory to start with, and always read everything from the version that is in my mind, I never actually read anything from paper or screen, my eyesight is so bad now that I can not do this now, but before my eyesight started to go bad, I could look at any page regardless of what is on it, and store the image in my mind, where I could read it, but I do not actually remember reading it, but I know what it said, and numbers are even stranger, do I calculate them in my mind is something I do not even know, but I share this ability with many other well-documented cases, involving people on the Autistic Spectrum, but normally not in the High Functioning end of the Spectrum, as I am, and like I said, I do not know if Scott is Autistic, just because his brain scan is not normal does not mean he is Autistic, and Scott does the Calculations, I know he does, and I know how, I do find myself doing it at times, but it is not something I am doing conscientiously, so I could not teach anyone to do this, but he can, and that is why I am impressed with him as a person, he is willing to share what he knows, so his ability is being able to Calculate Numbers, and my ability is to know the answer, but being Dyslexic makes that number questionable, so I can not compete with him on the Math problems, my mind does not work that way, and that is why I find his brain so fascinating.

Our ability to do Math is what separates us from Animals, and most people do not know that most animals on this planet, can do math better than your average human, it all comes down to how we test animals, they do not understand our Language, but they do understand Math. Scott said there is a difference between Calculating and Memorizing, and because of our learning Memory over Calculating, our brains were trained to think differently, and that is when I started to think about what it means to actually Calculate, I do math using lookup tables in my mind, so I never need to calculate anything, I look at all Numbers and Math as offsets in a table, as such: 2 + 2 is memorized, I look at that table in my mind and follow the 2 over and 2 down, and find 4, I have no concept of actually adding the two together, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4, that is actually Memory, I do not think I have the ability to add to numbers together, and it is because of what Scott said, we learned how to cheat, so we never learned to calculate. Animals Calculate, they do not have the ability to Memorize, that is actually a higher brain function that they do not physically have, our brain is actually 3 separate brains, that Grey Matter is just a Filter for Light, and it has pointers into the Galattice, so humans have the ability to learn how to think, and that is what Scott figured out, he learned that if you memorize Math equations, you limit your ability to calculate them, and it is because our brains can not do both at the same time, for example, when Scott adds by a number, he calculates the offset between the number he starts with, and the number he is adding by, whereas I would just list off all the numbers in a column of numbers I memorized, I must point out that his method is better than mine, but I will still teach the Matrix way, but I want everyone to understand the difference, you should all learn the way Scott has, you will be real Math Wizards then, although I pride myself on my ability to do the math, I am a Math Wizard at Matrix Math only, not Calculating, and that is a huge difference in terms, and the real difference is that Scott learned how to use his Primitive brain, to calculate with, he is using a part of the brain that gives me Cluster Headaches, I get micro seizures in that region of the brain, it sits just behind the right eye, it interacts with the lower brain functions, it is a buffer for repetitive thoughts, it is also a Metronome, every time you think: one and a two and a three, you set a beat, and this is how Scott Calculates numbers, he uses this beat section of the brain, which is what Animals use also, it actually is part of a lower brain function, that only our frontal cortex has access to, and what he has learned to do, is use the beats to count with, he does this on a subconscious level, but it is very obvious from watching him calculate long strings of numbers, that he has a definite beat going, so think about it this way, take a beat, one and a two and a three, 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, so if you convert all numbers to beats, it does not matter what number it is, the way I do it, is using threads, think of a thread as a String, much like String Theory, each one defines a concept, so my concept is to count by a number, take 1, it is a simple beat, 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, one and a two and a three, so one thread in my mind is counting off this beat, it is a repetitive thought, dealing with 3 parts of the brain, the first part is the beat, this is a lower brain function, the second part is the pattern, this is a higher brain function, but patterns allow us to count, for example, 1 + 1 + 1 is a beat, if the number is 60 for example, it will have 60 beats during one time period, I can not speak for Scott, but when I find myself counting, and this is not to be confused with Calculating, I find Music Theory is a simple explanation, if we know what a beat sounds like, we do not need to count it off, we only need to follow its rhythm, to prove this to you, count your fingers one at a time by moving them, and counting in your mind the number, Scott likes to start with 0, this is great by the way, I always have done this, but never knew why, and it is due to this beat, if we count 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, we do so to this beat, even if you skip a beat, you still do it to this musical scale, so you could just say 1, 1, 1 and so on, 10 times, and come up with the same answer, so it is all how we label the counter, the answer is a running total, so when we say 0, 1, 2, 3... we are assigning the meaning at run time, much like a computer would, only it would use 1, 1, 1, and calculate the interval when you ask for the total, so for example, if I take 100, that is 10 intervals of 10, to multiply them I only need to add a 0 to the end, to divide them I only need to subtract a 0 from the end, to add them I only need to count the intervals and carry a 0, so I have 1 + 1 = 2 + 0 = 20, and to subtract them I only need to do the opposite, so I have 1 - 1 = 0 + 0 = 0, there are exceptions to this simple rule, for example, this is the 0 based rule, you have one for every number, for example 11 intervals of 11, for the 1 rule for Multiplication, just add the two digits together to get 2, put that between the two ones and get 121, for 2, like 12 intervals of 12, you just add the two numbers together, such that 2 + 2 = 4, such that you get 144, for 3, like 13 intervals of 13, you take 3 + 3 + = 6, and repeat, 3 + 6 = 9, to get 169, you can try this with the rest of the numbers, it is just a simple pattern, yet our brain can work out the details, so knowing Arithmetricks I can make Math simple, and it is all due to how we use this second part of the brain, the third part allows that Little Voice, you only have 3 brains, so you always have 3 brains to use, and that third brain is actually only part of the brain, and where it is located changes all the time depending on what you are thinking about, so when I am thinking about math, and it is a repetitive thought, so I use this part of the brain just behind my right eye, so I set up this counter using intervals, so when I multiply by 10, I set up the base, start with 0, add 10, I do not need to count 10 times, I only need to count how many intervals I am at, each interval has 10 ones in it, just like fingers, unless I am missing one, or have extra ones, it is normal to have 10, so I do not have to recount them each time, so to translate I could assign the number, such that 10, 20, 30... or just do 1, 2, 3, adding the 0, and adding one more after 9, it is all how we assign the meaning of the answer in our brain, or Little Voice, does this matter, so really all I am doing is counting, take the number 12, the tens unit will multiple the same way as 10 did, but now we need to deal with the number 2, this is also known as a square, so I can use the laws of squares, and even the roots of squares, such that 2 squared = 4, so I get 24, and 2 + 4 = 6, such that the next pattern is 36, I am dealing with 12 so adding 2 + 6 = 8, such that I get 48, so I am calculating offsets in patterns using the numbers rule, so every number has a rule, but that is how I do it when I am thinking about it, how Scott Calculates numbers is still a mystery to me, so I found that by creating rules, and using Matrices, I can calculate huge numbers in my Mind. How you do Math is up to you, this book is not about that so much, but I thought I should add this to the book, over the years I have tried to find better ways for dealing with math, I am always learning new Arithmetricks, but I have a hard time with over stimulating parts of my brain, and cluster headaches are a result, and Oxygen helps me, seems I am not breathing correct when I am thinking a lot.

Scott also pointed out that if you take any number greater than 9, and add the digits together, and then subtract that number, you always get the number 9, for example: 12, 1 + 2 = 3, 12 - 3 = 9, and 123, 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, 123 - 6 = 117, 1 + 1 + 7 = 9. This fits into a 3, 6, 9 pattern, 3 + 3 = 6 + 3 = 9, 3 squared is 9, so the square root of 9 is 3, and 6 is between 3 and 9, 66 ~ 3, 666 ~ 9, 6666 ~ 6, so these patterns are very clear, and even though this may not seem to be the case in Roman Numerals, DCLXVI, it is only because we do not think of Letters in terms of Numbers, so it is fitting that in chapter 13 of the Bible, 666 is the mark of the Beast.

How else can we come up with 666? 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666, making it is a triangular number, 36 = 15 + 21; 15, 21, and 36 are also triangular numbers; and 152 + 212 = 225 + 441 = 666, nn base 10, 666 is a repdigit and therefore a palindromic number and also a Smith number, a prime reciprocal magic square based on 1/149 in base 10 has a magic total of 666, the prime factorization of 666 is 2 * 32 * 37, also, 666 is the sum of squares of the first seven primes: 22 + 32 + 52 + 72 + 112 + 132 + 172 = 666, and in Octal the number 666 is 1232, which Octal is 8, and 1232 adds down to 8, and I should point out that in Hex, the number 42 which adds up to 6, in decimal is the number 66, and 6 and 9 seem to be upside down of each other, so there is a lot more I can say about the numbers 3, 6 and 9.

When you do Heavenly Math ((+1) + (1) = 0), you must understand that Heaven is alive, so it eats to stay alive, if our Planet did not grow by ½ inch a year, think about that: 1 inch every 2 years, a whole foot in 24 years, so we would be knee-deep in our out shit in just 48 years, because 2 foot of shit is about as much as anyone can handle, it is clear that the Trinary Universe is intelligent enough to know how to manage shit, so its God's job to manage the shit that all lifeforms generate, and it is a shitty job and only God can do it, and Trinary Math proves how this is done using Trinary Math. Think about how much the Galaxy most grow, yet our Distance from it remains the same, this is Mathematical Accuracy, because it is built into a ratio of numbers that always add down into Harmony, and that is what Kepler proved, since this was his math I call Numerology, grant you, it was much older than him, older than the Bible in fact, and all these things are related through Trinary Math, but the number 7 is no luckier than 666 is Evil, so it is only how we view the meaning of these Values, do the lines between Science and Science Fiction get blurry, so just to make sure Reality is Real, when numbers add down to 3, 6, or 9, it means there are Energy Signals in 3 Phase Energy, and that is all, it is not Magic, its just Trinary Science, and if you think about a Maximum, well that would 1/1 of an Inch a year, that is when we travel through the Galactic Disk, so there 3 Ratios: 1/1, ½ and a ⅓ of an inch per year, 1, 2, 3, like the Force Field, Rings around the Planet, and the Rings around the Planet prove that, and it is in that order, so it will not change much, it is a pattern and around it goes, and the last Galactic Disk Crossing was millions of years ago, so in time it will increase to ⅓, then 1/1 as we pass back through it again, it repeats; imagine debris coming down at that rate. These pattern that come in 3 are done so with a reason, and it is Trinary Logic, it is this (+1) + (1) = 0 Math formula that drives it, proving its Intelligence so stating its God in Trinary Science does not make it Religion, it is not a Deity, but rather what the Bible is actually about, and not this BS called Religion.

The Trinary Element or God, is just a fact that you can not dismiss, I normally just refer to them as Trinary Energy, which is actually Massless, meaning it has no Neutrinos, but once it does, it is an Element, and the biggest difference in its Energy type: Massless vs Mass, and if it has no Free Valances, it is a Non-Element or 0 Element, meaning it has an Atomic Number of 0, because it has no Proton or Neutron, so it has no receptors. A Magnet has both types of Energy driving them, it has Electrons, and it has Trinary Elements, so it is normally in our Electricity, and at the Particle Level or Subatomic Level, this can be distinguished, since Electrons, for the most part, have a Solid State, and can be seen with an Electron Microscope, and Trinary Elements are normally in a Gas State, so they physically look different, and in fact, can not be seen very clearly with an Electron Microscope, they, in fact, look like a Holy Ghost in the 0 State: proving that Newton understood God, as did Tesla, and Franklin said he touched the Hand of God flying a Kite into Lightning, so in Math, we must understand what it is we are trying to figure out, and you can not do that unless you understand it, so when Newton said God was the Force in all his Equations, so Trinary Science is about understanding Words and Spells that are used in Books, but all the Math Books in College do not even tell you why you are trying to solve an Equation, and give you no information about the Science itself, just equations that have no meaning in Life, and that is what Mainstream Science is all about, and why you will never find a Book about the Dynamic Universe, that actually explain what it is, and how it works, it will not even explain how Radio wave's travel in Air, or how Light is shot out of a Flashlight dynamically, yet it has no Recoil, since no one knows these answers, and saying Light has very Little Mass does not mean it has none, because the Theory has never been Proven, so it is a fact that all these Fools that talk about it, have no idea what they are talking about, so the Dynamic Universe and all their Theories are all BS, and it is a fact that a Theory is not a Fact, proving a Theory is BS.

The Dynamic Universe is all BS, not one Theory has ever been Proven in over a Century: so it is all Science Fiction, which is BS Science, a Belief Science or a Belief System that needs no Science, or not Facts to support it, just Blind Faith that the Light is Good and Darkness is Evil, witch is only a half-truth, and only Satan tales those, yet it is Mainstream Science, and it is the only Science being taught in School, proving School is all BS; and that will never change as long as Religious Fools and Liars are allowed to believe what they want, as a Child, I voted for Candy to be added as a Main Food Group, because I was addicted, so most people are Sugar Addicts, they get all Pumped up with this Extra Energy, that they go Mad, because it is been proven that all they think about is War, so they are Warlocks, and believe in BS Science that is so Stupid that I want to go to war over it. BS is what BS does, and it only does harm because it is Evil, and Math should not be based on Evil Lies, and you should know what it is you are writing Math Formulas for; otherwise, it is all BS and not Math, but BS Math, because Math can not be used to measure how Mad humans are, that is what Newton said, and Einstein said that his Theories would not work without Paradoxes, without Newton's God as the Force of Gravity; so Einstein actually proved Newton was right and that the Dynamic Universe is wrong, as is anything written using the Theory based on General Relativity; so what Mainstream Media Reports as Real Science is all Science Fiction, and I love Science Fiction, just not in my Real Science, and since there is none, I will just call it Trinary Science.

Energy is equal to the offset of its Frequency regardless of its Wavelength in terms of when it burns up, thus giving up all its energy, and creating Heat, and the Neutrinos can be counted to prove this, meaning that its Wavelength is at Resonate Frequency at the Point it catches fire, so regardless of what its Wavelength is, it will always be:
Wavelength = Frequency/Speed-of-Light: so you only need to know its Frequency, so think of an Atom Vibrating itself to the point it burns up, because that is what happens to all Atoms that burn up, as in on Fire: that term is called Resonate Frequency, which is what happens when an Atomic or Nuclear Bomb is detonated, as its Frequency increases, it causes its Wavelength to compress, this causes its Frequency to increase, so it is the Driving force behind this Action, as it is accelerated to the point that it burns up due to friction, caused because the Atom is moving to fast inside its Atmosphere, not to be confused with the Vacuum of space, where Atom's still exist, only in small quantities, but Trinary Elements exist in a greater quantity, and because the Atom is traveling to fast in terms of Vibration, for its Particle to stay intact, it becomes unstable at first, and breaks all bonds with other atoms, this increases the compression due to expansion, and increases this effect to the point that breaks is bounds between Particles, so the Particle breaks up into Subatomic Particles of Neutrinos, as the Atom's Resonate or Vibrate at a Frequency that causes them to burn up, such that E = MC2 makes no sense, any Atom can only produce Energy according to its Frequency and Wavelength, because if those are at 0 so its Energy, keep in mind that in Nature its Wavelength is not adjustable, it is not like a Frequency Generator that has controls, so all the Weather is a result of Electrical flow in Nature, so as the wind speeds up so does the Frequency of all the Atom's in the Atmosphere, if the Energy is Positive the Air will be heated, if Negative it will be cooled, it is all a factor of Acceleration, the fast it is, the more positive the Energy becomes...

As proof a wind tunnel that blows at speeds near the speed of Light, would prove this is a fact and not a theory, what confuses most people are aerodynamics, as a fan blade on a fan rotates, it creates a low-pressure zone of Negative energy, but if increased to speed of Light, the fan would burn up due to friction in the Atmosphere it is turning in, and the air would heat up instead of cool down, do not try this experiment at home, as such an Explosion to accelerate the Atom's compress the Wavelength, as such it is not Natural, but a consequence of an Action, but if its Reaction is equal and Opposite to this Action is another questions, because in reality its caused by a Chain Reaction of Opposite Reactions, so you can ignore it unless you are using it for Electronics, then this Property can be manipulated, but to ignore its Frequency is insane and Einstein did not use it in his calculation, so it is clear that it is only a measurement of its Force times the speed of Light squared, and that is its surface area, and can be used to determine its charge, but that is not the same as its Energy, so to calculate the Energy in any Atom, you must use this formula: E = F – [F – X], where E = Energy of just 1 Element, note Isotope configuration and Proton and Neutron ratio, in a bomb, this is the mass of all the Elements in the Volume of the bomb's compression chamber, F = the Resonant Fire Frequency that this Atom burns up at. Note: this function ignores its Wavelength,
Wavelength = Distance/Frequency
since it is hard to control in Nature, and it is easy to calculate knowing that:
w = f/c : but it would be cool to be able to measure it, yet knowing that as the wavelength gets shorter, the frequency gets higher, and as the Wavelength gets longer, its Frequency gets lower, so compression rates can be calculated, and X = the current Frequency of the Atom in question that you want to know its Energy, and keep in mind you can use Frequency, Wavelength or Percentage, and you can play around with the calculations using this link:
Web Only Forms: Table 2.11: Energy Calculator

Note that I used Percentages to make the Ratio simple, but you can just type in any number, just do not use the Slider. If you want to know what Energy Level 1 Hydrogen Atom is, first find its Fire Frequency, let's say if the hottest Sun is 100,000 F or 55810.92800001 K, that is as hot as it gets without turning into Neutrinos, (55810.92800001)2 = 3,114,859,684.2223002185600001 Hz, or 3.1148596842223002 GHz, Now using Einsteins work:
55810.92800001 K = 1162.910966654 THz,
Energy is directly proportional to temperature: E = mc2 = k*T where E is the energy;
k = 1.380 648 8(13)x10–23 J/K is the Boltzmann constant,
which relates the energy scale to the Kelvin temperature scale and T is the temperature.
Therefore, (1 J)/k = 7.2429716(66) x 1022 K.
According to the de Broglie equations, for electromagnetic radiation energy is directly proportional to frequency:
E = mc2 = h*c/λ = h*ν where E is the energy;
c = 299,792,458 m/s is the speed of light; λ is the wavelength; ν is the frequency and h = 6.62606957(29) x 10–34 J*s = 4.135667516(91)*10–15 eV*s is the Planck constant.
Thus (1 J)/h = 1.509190311(67) x 1021 THz.
As such: I calculate it at 3,114,859,684.2223002185600001 Hz, and using Einsteins theory to convert Temperature to Frequency gives me 1,162,910,966,654,000 Hz,
to compare them:
              3,114,859,684 Hz
1,162,910,966,654,000 Hz
And this is just one of the problems I face when comparing them, how do I get 10% of it, just multiple by 0.01? I use Mainstream Math, when I use Trinary Degrees I get that the Temperature is directly proportional to its Frequency or Wavelength, so at Absolute 0 its Frequency and Wavelength is 0, therefore its Energy is 0; proving with Empirical Evidence that Einstein is wrong, and Trinary is Right.

Einstein tries to relate Energy to Mass, which is not the problem, its frequency is, and he does not use that in his equation, so it can not be right, you can not tell me that if I take something frozen and something supper heated: they have the same Energy, yet that is what Einstein is saying in theory, in Reality, he denounced this theory because it is insane, and I just proved why it is wrong by a magnitude of 6 digits, and that is because he bases it on a Dynamic Energy Source, and then tries to relate its mass to Energy, and the real problem is that most people could use either in an equation, and they would still work, and that is because in terms of Energy, 6 Digits of Frequency is not a lot, and in reality, its Wavelength has more to do with Energy Levels, since it drives them. What does Mainstream say: According to the molecular collision theory of chemical reactions, Frequency is directly proportional to the average velocity of the molecules, and according to the Kinetic Theory of Gases, the average velocity is directly proportional to the square root of the temperature. The intensity peak will be at shorter (bluer) wavelengths for hotter objects, and at longer (redder) wavelengths for cooler objects. Therefore, you can tell the temperature of a star, or galaxy by its color because the color is closely related to the wavelength at which its light intensity peaks. That confirms Einstein is wrong.

To Prove this formula is correct and Einstein's is incorrect; which he already denounced it knowing it was, so technically he is not incorrect, but the formula is, so to prove this: we must put an Atom in an Atomic Accelerator, and monitor the Frequency (Wavelength is optional since we can calculate it) of the Atom, as it travels around the Accelerator, you will note that the Wavelength can not be directly altered as the Atom is accelerated, unless you can adjust the Frequency of the Electrons flowing around this Atom, which is hard to do, but if you use Wireless Electricity its possible, regardless: it will change on its own due to the Acceleration, and the Magnetic Force Fields required to create the Acceleration, would interfere with the Wireless Electricity, unless you know this and adjust for it, basically the frequency will cause the waveform to compress or get shorter, thus it is what drives its Frequency higher, and why I do not calculate its effect, since I can not alter it directly by acceleration, other than what it does Naturally due to that acceleration. As you accelerate an Atom its Frequency will increase due to the compression of its Wavelength, as proof: big explosions cause waveforms to compress, by shortening the wavelengths causing its energy to rise to a higher frequencies, this causes the Electrons to orbit around the outer force field ring, making its polarity resonant, causing a Magnetic Alignment with the Atomic Accelerator, if these two are not the same Polarity the Atom with be attracted to it and crash into it, so people that do this for a living understand this, it would be evil not to understand it, since it could cause the Atomic Accelerator to fail due to corrosion by Atomic Disintegrator, as the Atom's collided with the Magnets, making an Electrical Engineering Catastrophe, so luckily these principles are known, and I can determine that if I accelerate it as fast as I can, and I have no idea how fast that is, since Modern Atomic Accelerators are not really equipped for such tasks as monitoring: the Frequency let alone its Wavelength of the Object it is Accelerating, nor its speed, it is not like they can use a Radar Gun inside an Atomic Accelerator, so it is all due to Technology that we understand this better, because it is nowhere near the speed of Light, and say it is when you actually have no idea, is a half-truth, and I find it had to believe it can be accelerated faster than 666,666 miles an hour, which is the maximum speed that the Sun can Travel at, and currently, it is only traveling at 477,354.850, so that would be the top seed of our World, but if it could accelerate it as fast as our Galaxy travels around other Galaxies, and that varies, maximum would be around 1.666 million miles per hour: its minimum speed is 1.333 million miles per hour, currently, it is about 1.47 million miles per hour, so this would be the Maximum currently, so keep in mind that the speed of Light is 670,616,629 miles an hour, that is 670,616,629 – 1,666,000 = 668,950,629 mph, and that is a big difference...

I have no idea what the actual speed is, but it would have to be based on the Laws of Physics, and not some Theoretical Speed, I would say that a Magnetic field can only accelerate an object, to the frequency, it was tuned at, meaning that if you can determine the frequency of the Atomic Accelerator, you can determine its Theoretical Speed, so it is clear that at these Speeds the Frequency would also cause the Atomic Accelerator, to Resonant at its Resonant Fire Frequency, because I can not believe that an Atomic Accelerator can generate speeds greater than what God can for this reason, its called the Laws of Physics, since I figure God has Maximum and Minimum Speeds for a reason, but if you can accelerate an Atom at speeds that it will burn up, you can determine this Frequency I call the Resonant Fire Frequency, meaning that it is the Point that the Frequency has caused a Resonance in the Atomic Structure that creates Fire, in other words, when it catches on fire and burns up, because after that it is gone and can not produce any more Energy; and by gone I mean that the Neutrinos have broken their bonds from the Particle; so this is easy to prove with a Neutrino detector: but Technology will have to improve, to get these types of Measurements. Note that Einstein's Theory is not even possible, since the mass can never accelerate to the Speed of Light, without Burning up and becoming Light, well before that speed is obtained, and once it is at the Speed of Light: its Light and it is not possible for Light to Accelerate, because Light has no Acceleration, to begin with: proving that Faster than Light Travel is not Possible, since there is no Force that can Accelerate Light, because Light never Accelerates, because it is a Constant...

What does a Constant mean? It can not go any faster, and why it is a constant: and why Einstein's formula E = MC2 was never used for any critical work, and why only Fools used it at all, and why only Fools talked about it, because Real Scientist denounced it, and why Tesla Denounced it, and Einstein said he was the most intelligent person alive, and only Intelligent people know that it was not used to Create an Atomic or Nuclear Bomb, it had nothing to do with it in fact, the truth is that it could not even be used to calculate its Energy, and instead gave you its Force times the Speed of Light Squared, which is not a very useful thing to know, other than if you need to calculate its surface area to calculate its charge, but its charge and energy are not the same, a charge is a quantity of electromagnetic force the Energy can exert, so it is more like its Amperage, so it is like saying we have a million amps and not knowing what voltage it is at, so it is out of context, because the formula does not allow those variables in it, and it is because of the Nature of Electricity, and it is Waveform is shortened due to compression, its Frequency will increase to the point its Electrons burn up into heat, and can be proven by its Neutrinos count, so its Volume is the hight of the Waveform in unites, and it has a positive and negative side of the waveform, so to determine its Energy I must know its Volume, in my formula, this is the mass of all the Atom's in the volume of the Combustion chamber, of an Atomic or Nuclear device or Bomb, or just a single Electron that orbits around an Atom, it is all about Mass, in my formula, its Volume is a known quantity, it is the sum of all the Atom's Neutrinos that are in its Volume, because those add up to its Volume in terms of its Waveform, since that is what Volume means in terms of Coulombs of Electrons, based on an electron having a charge of 1.6 x 10−19 C. then 6.65 * 1018 electrons, which by the way constitutes a coulomb of charge, such that, since in Einstein's formula the definition for Mass is different, sine mine accounts for the Mass of Neutrino count expected to make up 1 Atom, it takes 1 Coulomb of measurement into account, since its calculations are based on 1 Atom, whereas Einstein was being somewhat vague about what the formula was even supposed to do, but not defining what accounts for its mass very accurately, and not at the Subatomic level, as my formula does, since it can account for all the Neutrinos, and since its based on the formula for Light: (+1) + (1) = 0, it takes into account all the State Changes of the Energy; because it all comes down to how you define Energy, and I define it at the Atomic Level...

At the Atomic Level this formula: E = F – [F – (+ X)], where the Plus or Minus X, is 3 Dimensional Math, so let us do some real math based on one real problem, so we have an Atom and an Electron orbiting it, what is its Energy when the Frequency of the Atom is at 10% of its limit, such that if the Element = 1 Hydrogen Atom, Fire Resonant Frequency in Percentage = 100,
and the current Frequency of X in Percentage = 10%: note that this accounts for the total energy of a Hydrogen Atom, so I do not need to know its Atomic weight for the Trinary Energy Formula, such that I only need to use 1 for mass:
E = 100 – [100 – (+ 10)],
100 – (+ 10) = 90
100 – ( 10) = 110
110 – 90 = 20 / 2 = 10; as such: we took the – value and – the + value, and then we need divide by 2 because this is one Cycle of Energy at a given point in time, since it is in percent you have to multiple it by 0.0001 for 3 Phase Energy
such that: E = 100 – 90 ~ = 10%; +0.0010%, now this Error Rate of 0.0010% is due to how 3 Phase Energy works, and in terms of 1 Atom, it can only travel in 1 Phase at a time, and why we have a multiplier of 0.0001
so the math is easy, if you take 1 Atom that has a Resonant Fire Frequency of 100%, which is the point it turns to Light, such that if X = 10%, you are asking how much energy does 1 atom have at 10% of its power, in one cycle, and the answer is 10%, what is it at 100%: E = 100 – [100 – (+ 100)],
100 – (+ 100) = 0
100 – ( 100) = 200
200 – 0 = 200 / 2 = 100 * 0.0001 = 0.01; as such:
E = 100 – 0 ~ = 100%; +0.010%, and what you would expect in terms of Watts, Now if we want Energy in terms of Mass, we must account for the Mass, as such: at 100% we are talking about its full Mass which is 1.007822, so the two are equal: 100% = 1.007822, which is the Mass of the Atom, so far this math works right, and changing it to a frequency will not change this.

When I use the symbol f (or ν) for the value of a frequency it implies the units cycles per second or hertz, but when I use the symbol ω for its value, it implies the units radians per second; the numerical values of these two ways of expressing the value of a frequency have a ratio of 2π The Planck constant denoted by h, A photon's energy is equal to its frequency multiplied by the Planck constant. Since energy and mass are equivalent, the Planck constant also relates mass to the frequency For this new definition of the kilogram, the Planck constant, as defined by the ISO standard, was set to 6.626070150x10−34 Joule * second exactly, such that its 0.0000000000000000000000000000000006626070150 Joule * seconds, The Joule is a derived unit of energy in the International System of Units. It is equal to the energy transferred to (or work done on) an object, when a force of one newton acts on that object in the direction of its motion through a distance of one meter (1-newton meter or N⋅m). It is also the energy dissipated as heat when an electric current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second. It is named after the English physicist James Prescott Joule (1818 – 1889).
J = kg*m2/s2 = N * m = Pa * m3 = W * s = C * V
where kg is the kilogram
m is the meter
s is the second
N is the Newton
Pa is the pascal
W is the watt
C is the coulomb
and V is the volt
One joule can also be defined as: The work required to move an electric charge of one coulomb through an electrical potential difference of one volt, or one coulomb-volt (C*V). This relationship can be used to define the volt. The work required to produce one watt of power for one second, or one watt-second (W*s) (compare kilowatt-hour - 3.6 megajoules). This relationship can be used to define the watt. I do not like to quote Planck, his work is severely flawed, he totally ignores the Light.

Sir Isaac Newton had a system of Temperature Measurement as such: “zeroth degree of heat” as melting snow and “33 Degrees of heat” as boiling water, so to convert to Kelvin conversion or degrees Celsius you must use this Formula: 100/33; such that: Celsius = Newton / 0.33.

Red Light with a wavelength of 666 nanometers, is in a Wavelength that can be perceived by the human eye to be Red, and has a Frequency of 450.1388258258258 THz, or 450138825825825.8 Hz, such that:
450138825825825.8 * 0.0000000000000000000000000000000006626070150 = .00000000000000000029826514371605534324798700;
such that this Red photon has an energy E = hf = 2.98x10−19 J,
C = Speed of Light,
F = c/Wavelength
E = hc/Wavelength
W = h/p: where p denotes the linear momentum of a particle, such as a photon, or any other elementary particle.

So what is the Frequency of 1 Hydrogen Atom at 100%, this is a hard question to ask, the Hottest Sun maybe. I will go with the Sun at a temperature of 10,340 ° F, this has a value of 10%. So the hottest stars in the Universe are going to be a Blue Star, and we know they are going to be massive. So the question is, how massive can a star get? One example is the Star Rigel, in the constellation Orion. Rigel is thought to have 17 times the mass of the Sun, and puts out 40,000 times the luminosity of the Sun. It's surface temperature is a mere 11,000 Kelvin. Another star in Orion, Bellatrix, has a temperature of 21,500 Kelvin. That's even hotter. Eta Carinae could be as large as 180 times the radius of the Sun, and its surface temperature is 36,000 to 40,000 Kelvin. Just for comparison, 40,000 Kelvin is about 72,000 °F. So it is the blue hypergiants, like Eta Carinae, which are probably the hottest stars in the Universe But the hottest known stars in the Universe are the blue Hypergiant Stars. These are stars with more than 100 times the mass of the Sun. One of the best-known examples is Eta Carinae, located about 7,500 light-years from the Sun. Eta Carinae could be as large as 180 times the radius of the Sun, and its surface temperature is 36,000 to 40,000 Kelvin. Just for comparison, 40,000 Kelvin is about 72,000 °F. So it's the blue hypergiants, like Eta Carinae, which are probably the hottest stars in the Universe. The hottest stars may be almost 100,000 ° F. That big number means the stars are far, far hotter than anything you have ever seen or felt here on Earth. Our Sun is about 10,000 ° F -- much cooler than the hottest stars, but still super hot! The oven in your house cannot come close to this blazing temperature. But those temperatures are just at the surface. Deep inside, the cores of stars are even hotter. Some stars can be about 200,000,000 (200 million) degrees inside, and the Sun is around 25,000,000 (25 million) degrees at its core. For short times, as stars that are much larger than the Sun are ending their lives in huge explosions, the inside temperature could reach as high as 10,000,000,000 (10 billion) degrees. By the way, you might be able to go outside on the next clear night and see one of the largest stars. Try to find the lovely constellation Orion, with its distinctive “belt” of 3 stars in the center, and then look above the belt to the nearest bright star. It may appear just slightly red. It has the odd name Betelgeuse (pronounced BAY-tell-juice). It may not be the largest star, but it is certainly one of the largest. We do not know its exact size, but it is around 600,000,000 (600 million) miles across. It could stretch from where the Sun is out past the orbit of Mars, and might even get all the way to Jupiter.

A Hydrogen Atom's frequency is at 1420 MHz, think of a range of frequencies: 0 being the lowest Hydrogen can go, and at room temperature, it is at 1420 MHz, now we need to know how high it goes before catching on fire, now water will separate Oxygen from Hydrogen at 13.56 MHz, so 13.56 MHz is the Resonant Frequency of Water, but it releases the Hydrogen at 1420 MHz, so what else do I know about a Hydrogen Atom:
Melting point   −434.49 °F
Boiling point   −423.182 °F
Triple point   13.8033 K, 7.041 kPa
Critical point 32.938 K, 1.2858 MPa

The autoignition temperature, or kindling point of a substance is the lowest temperature at which it spontaneously ignites in normal atmosphere, without an external source of ignition, such as a flame or spark, therefore this temperature is required to supply the activation energy needed for self-combustion. The temperature at which a chemical ignites decreases as the pressure or oxygen concentration increases, so it is usually applied to a combustible fuel mixture. Oxyhydrogen can burn when it is between about 4% oxygen and 95% hydrogen by volume: Burns at 1065 °F and a maximum 5,100 °F, and commercial Furnaces run from 3,272 °F to 5,432 °F, and the hottest Oxyhydrogen when working in platinum was 3,214.9 °F, hydrogen plasma confined by a magnetic field temperature of perhaps 100,000 °K, so to compare Einstein based Math to Trinary Math, we must convert to Frequency:

The Sun has a temperature of 10,340 °F or 5,999.8167 °K
Using Einstein Based Math: Frequency: 125.0158864648 THz
Using Mainstream Math (pre 2018): Frequency: 35.997800433598889924 MHz
Using Trinary Math using Trinary Degrees: 10,340 foot wavelength at 93.6 KHz

Lightning has a temperature of about 53,540 °F or 29,999.817 °K
Using Einstein Based Math: Frequency: 625.094715983 THz
Using Mainstream Math (pre 2018): Frequency: 899.98902003348894141 MHz
Using Trinary Math using Trinary Degrees: 53,540 foot wavelength at 18.0626 KHz

Hottest Sun known is about 100,000°F or 55,810.928 °K
Using Einstein Based Math: Frequency: 1162.910966654 THz
Using Mainstream Math (pre 2018): Frequency: of 3.1148596842211837554 GHz
Using Trinary Math using Trinary Degrees: 100,000 foot wavelength at 9.6 KHz

So let us call this the Maximum, but more to the point, why is there so much of a difference, and it is because Einstein does not go by Reality, he used Theory instead, because no one had Technology back in his days to prove him wrong, but I just proved his math is wrong, and the reason is clear, Energy and Mass are not Related in this way, so Planck is wrong; because you have to view Energy in terms of its Frequency and Wavelength, in terms of Light, and the fact is that the longer Wavelength says more about Energy then High Frequencies.

Let me put this in Einsteins Formula and see what we get:
E = MC2; such that if we square the speed of Light in meters per second:
Mainstream calculated this as: 1.6x10–27 kg of Mass using E=mc2 = 1.4x10–10 Joules, or 0.00000000014 Watts per second. Let us do the math to see if that is accurate: 1 a.m.u. = 1.66 x 10–27 kilograms. A Hydrogen atom has a mass of 1.0078 a.m.u.: therefore one protium Atom has a mass in kilograms of: 1.0078 x 1.66 x 10–27 = 1.673 x 10–27 kilograms. The velocity or speed of light in meters per second = 2.998 x 108, E = 1.673 x 10–27 x (2.998 x 108)2 = 1.504 x 10–10 Joules 0.0000000001504; or watts per second, so its close enough, but I had to show the Math, so what is 10% of this? Now you might ask yourself why no one else has tried to see if Einsteins Math is correct when it is an approximation, based on Energy and Mass having a Relationship, instead of its Frequency or Wavelength. Yew always want me to Prove Einstein is wrong, but I can not, because he beat me to it by denouncing it, and now you know why, so is this a good time to remind you that Einstein had an IQ of 160, and Newton's was much higher, and so was mine, so I will not change my Trinary Math until I can prove it works, right now I know it works.

Think about what happens when you change the States of all 3 values of x: { F – (–x), F – (+x), F – (0) } ; so x can not be equal to 0, and the Plus and Minus offsets create a 3 Dimensional orbit, keep in mind Plus drives the waveform up, 0 is where is in the middle and is invisible, so its 0, and why we ignore it, but for the math all we need is the absolute value of X, but do not forget this is 3D math, and is not 2 Dimensional as Einstein's version is, and by 3D: I mean the shape a Helix takes, and the Mechanical Driving force behind it, so its just an offset of how much energy is in any one atom, at a known Frequency or Acceleration that would produce such a Frequency, such that Mass is in terms of Atom's that are quantifiable with Neutrino counters, as such my Math Formula for Energy will also be able to calculate the Neutrino Count, if you multiply its value by the number of Neutrino Particles it takes to create 1 Atom, so its value has a quantity in units that are useful in many types of Math, and it is this Unit of Energy that is also not the same as Einsteins, so you must use a conversion multiplier to factor in what Einstein was originally wanting to estimate, which would be how much Energy an Atomic or Nuclear Bomb would produce, and needs to take into account that a known quantity of a specific type of Element, when accelerated at top speed into another Element, keep in mind these are actually Molecules, with impurities that can not be calculated for in one formula, unless you calculate each atom independently as I do, but not Einstein he calculates Mass as if it is a Constant, meaning its only one number for all types of Atom's, and I have proved in this book that is not true, every Element in the Periodic Table has a different Atomic Number, and number of Receptors, therefore different Frequency Ranges they operate between, knowing that it is based on a combination of events, an Explosion causes one type of Molecule to hit another type of Molecule at a theoretical rate of speed, in turn: it causes the Atom's in the Molecules hit to lose its bonds with those it is attached to, those slit molecules then increase the space required to contain them, think about this like Water, its Hydrogen and Oxygen, a very explosive combination, at room temperature, it is a liquid, freeze it and it expands in volume, superheat it to stream and that expansion is exponential, superheat the steam and it turns to Plasma, and both Freezing and Stream will build up pressure, you can take a container of Water and Freeze it causing it to explode, but not as violently as Heating it with steam can, and that is due to the Frequency of the Water molecules, and Einstein did not even care about those variables, and math all comes down to variables, so the hotter water gets, the higher each atom's frequency raises, and as the container, which in this case is the combustion chamber of an Atomic or Nuclear Bomb, has to contain this expansion, and trust me, if you freeze the water to supercooled beyond 666 °F, you can create a Cold Fusion Explosion, in both causes of Hot Steam or Frozen Energy, only the Frequency is changing, so at a 0 Frequency none of the Atom's in its Atomic Structure are moving, so how can we ignore these actions and reactions?

Trinary Energy has Positive and Negative Values, they are related in terms of Frequency and Temperature, and at both ends of the spectrum, the Elements Frequency or Temperature will cause it to change states, water turns from a vapor at high Frequencies, to Solid if below freezing, and at both a Low and a High Frequency, there is a point where it is doing one or the other, if it is freezing its Frequency is dropping as is its Temperature, so the last positive value it was at before this happens, is this point of state change, and at higher frequencies when liquid turns to steam, the last positive state before this happened, was that state change, so at some positive value where Stream turns into Plasma, and Lightning will cause all the Electrons to flow at the speed of Light, so in effect Frozen is a Negative Frequency and Hot is a Positive Frequency, this is causing the Atomic Structure of the Molecules, to Resonant at a given Frequency at these extreme ranges, so Low Frequency is Low Energy, so its Negative Energy, so when its Molecular Structure can no longer withstand this Resonance Frequency of 0, or even a negative Frequency if measured over a specific time period, will break its bonds between the Atom's, as their Receptors reject the bonds they are making, causing the Molecular Space required to contain them, expand exponentially, causing the container to explode, using the same Laws of Physics in reverse, Cold fusion causes it to Explode at the same rate of expansion, but not at the same speed of expansion, because it is Ice at this point...

So it makes an Ice Bomb, it has not Energy, so after its expansion breaks the walls of the Container, all its Energy is gone, whereas Hot or Positive Energy, can cause the Stream to turn to Plasma causing Ball Lightning, causing the Atom's to all turn into the 0 State at the same time, this is called Critical Mass, and the Lightning causes all the content inside the container to turn to Electricity, and by Content, I mean everything inside the box, including the material the box is made of, then it will expand and cause a chain reaction with everything around it, this is caused by Gama Particles that were formed due to this process, called Fission, that break the bounds of other Molecules in this Chian of Reactions, so to remember this keep in mind Fusion, means to Fuse, and that implies a point that it will blow, this is called the Point of Critical Mass, and that depends on its Resonant Fire or Freeze Frequency, but Cold Fusion has limitations to how fast the Chain Reaction takes, due to the surrounding temperatures, and Thermal Transference, so due to how much energy it would take to create one, its explosion would be spectacular to geeks like me who would actually stay in the same room to watch it, after I calculate a safe distance, and the same can be said for a Single Atom: Atomic Explosion, you would have to look at it under a microscope, to begin with, and that distance is more than safe, otherwise, we could not use Electronic Devices, because they do this all the time, that is what generates heat, and produces Neutrinos. So once you take all this into account, you will understand just from the variables if the Formula will work, proving for a fact that E = MC2 is a worthless formula that calculates nothing useful, so History is written by Fools for Fools to read, but real Science is what only Wizards talk about, Wizards like Newton, Franklin, and Tesla, so I consider myself lucky to be working on their work, and not some Fools work that they did not even believe it, and that is a fact, Einstein only believed in Newton, and would agree with all my work as well, because he denounced his formulas as well, and it is why only Fools use it or talk about it, because only a Fool would believe in a Theory the Person who wrote it proved did not work, and only Fools believe in Theories because they have never been proven to be a fact, and because Einstein needed Newton's and Tesla's Math, and that used the Force of God, and his Theories did not have God in it, so when it comes to Science, this is the only Science this World has to offer, and that too is a fact; my guess that the reason most people do not know this, is because maybe only dyslexic people can tell the difference between Santa and Satan, because the Christians decided that they will hide Sir Isaac Newton's and Tesla's work, just because Newton proved that Christ was inserted into the Bible during the Third Century over 333 years ago, and that too is a fact.

I have studied Physics all my Life, and I have had access to some very good equipment over the years, but never had my own Lab, yet in my mind, I had better equipment then exist in reality, and like Tesla that is all I need to invent things, and I have invented many things in my Lifetime, but most of them were just in my Mind, so it comes down to what I wrote in the Books I wrote, and will be the information that others will view me as knowing or doing after my death, is yet to be seen, but that is how History will view me, after I am dead that is; not so much while I am alive, since no one seems to care much about that other than my wife, but that is life, no one ever understood Newton or Tesla the way I do in their Lifetime, or their work would not have been forgotten, and anyone that believes in Einstein's theories knowing he did not, is just a Stupid Fool, and they seem to be in charge of Mainstream Media, and Mainstream Science, so how History views me will only differ slightly, since no one will ever understand what I wrote in this Book, any more than they would reading: Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Franklin, Tesla, or even Einstein when he said Tesla was the most intelligent man alive at the time, but hopefully, they will remember all Kepler's, Newton's, and Tesla's Math, and then someone someday might understand that what I said about it, only applies in the Newtonian or Trinary Universe, and actually only BS applies to any Theory, and why Newton and Tesla only dealt in Facts and not Theories, and why I am not into Theories, and only claim to be a Wizard, and not a Fairy Tale Wizard, but a Wizard-like Newton or Tesla, since that term applies to both of them...

So a Physics Wizard describes my Study in Life; and I learned by Probability and Statics, that a Crowd of People can on average make a better guess, then most people can individually, but my guess is that this only applies to quantities that people are familiar with, and if asked complex Physics questions that the guess would be nonsensical, which explains why Mainstream Science is Science Fiction at its best, and only Wizards deal in Real Science, and there are not many of them around nowadays; so remember that Math to me is the same as it is for the Bible, to Kepler to Newton to Tesla, I base everything on God being Light without Darkness, so Light is Everything; so if I apply Everything to Light, I should be able to use Math to Model this Concept; and if I use a “p” value to describe the Probability of something, then I can get a Statistical value at the likelihood of what IAM saying is the truth, for example: I state that Trinary Energy has State Changes, so if I want to test this Theory, since it is not yet proven to be a fact before this test, I can take a sample of Atom's under an Electron Microscope, so if we take 8 samples of states changes in all 3 states, I would have 24 different samples, and if I take all the Combinations of States changes which are:
(+1), 0, (1)
(1), 0, (+1)
0, (1), 0, (+1)
0, (+1), 0, (1)
such that it starts off with either a: 0, + or – and alternates sign changes.

Which is a confusing way of stating that there are only 3 State changes, no matter what order you try to categorize them as being in, and to prove that these State changes are not Random, all I have to prove is that they have a Pattern, and since this Pattern is an Alternating Current, and it is States changes are very Predictable, it is Statically impossible or improvable, that it is a random state change, since its an experiment that can be repeated, its empirical evidence that it is the truth, and the chances that these State Changes are made by God, is a 100% Probability, since it also has this same pattern based on the Laws of Physics, and that means that every State Change requires a Decision to be made, and someone has to make it, so I based my Science on a very Predictable Science, whereas the Dynamic Universe or Theory-based Science, has a very low probability, so low that it is Statically impossible or improvable, since it has Paradoxes it is not possible, and my math proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt, so regardless of how History views my Trinary Science, Statically I proved it is the Truth with Math of Kepler, Newton, Tesla or myself, and History already proved that Kepler, Newton, and Tesla are right, and I did not change anything they proved, I only added to their work, by bringing it up to date with modern discoveries, making this both the oldest most modern Science in existence; yet no one else on the Planet is writing about Science like this, so it makes me wonder why everyone only talks about the Dynamic Universe, or the Theory of General Relativity as if is True Science, when it is a fact that Einstein only believed in Newton; and it is because it is the only Predictable Scientific Model of the Universe. Once you can Prove Statistically that something has a Significant Provability, you can no longer deny it, and that is what Trinary Science is based on, which is Patterns of State Changes that only the existence of God can explain, and that is all I am saying, I am not saying that God is a Being that thinks the way Humans does, for one thing that would be Degrading to God, yet its clear that Atoms are alive because we are made of them, and we are alive, so Atom's must also be alive, yet dead people are also made of Atom's, so it is clear that to be alive you must have a known State, and that is what Physics is all about, and it is what I spent a lifetime studying, just so I could write a book about it for a Stupid Sheep called Yew, and that is a Statistic that proves how stupid People are Statically, because Kepler, Newton, and Tesla all had problems with people believing them when they were alive, but there is no doubt about how right they are now, because we use their Math because it is the only Math that works, and all I did was explained how it works, and changed the word Spelled Trinity to the Term Trinary, just to change it from Religion into Trinary Science.

Trinary Matrix Math is what you want to use when it comes to real-world Math, for example: if I wanted to forecast the Weather, I would create a Trinary Matrix with columns that represented Altitude, I can track Energy levels in terms of Temperature, this also relates to how fast the Atmosphere is moving, so you will note that for every Action there is an Equal and Opposite Reaction, because Alternating Currents flow around the World, causing Multiphase threads of Energy, that can be measured and entered into a Matrix that represents Reality, as the Temperature changes occur, they can be correlated to Global Clement changes over time, so the Math is simple, you enter in the Actual Temperature for a known Space, weather balloon data works fine, and you will note a pattern of changes, that can be used to make weather forecast, because just as Signal Cross talk cancels out, and merges, so does the Weather, and it can also be used to track Hurricanes and Tornadoes, simply by filling in the blanks of a Trinary Matrix, with the actual data you can collect from the Energy Levels: wind Speeds, Temperatures, and other measurable factors, and will make predicting their behavior real Science, so Trinary Math is about how to use a formula with Data, so that its Math is simplified and it can be used to create a Model of the Problem; so regardless of your Problem, you can build a Trinary Matrix to compute it; so define your problem in terms of Energy, so this includes Electrical, Photonic, or Physical, which includes Temperature, Frequency and Wavelength, and other key factors, in such a way that Trinary Math is the only Math, you need to know.

Everything in the Universe is made of Atom's, including Light, so everything in the Universe is Light, this is what Tesla stated as a Fact, and it is also what Newton said, and Franklin Proved, which is that Lightning explains the Fundamental Science of the Universe, for every action, there is an Equal and Opposite Reaction, and Lightning follows a Pattern, its Multiphase Electricity: which is Electromagnetic Energy, in many Spectra of Light, Infrared being one that we can feel as we put our hands close to something that is Hot, no matter how it got Hot, once it is Hot enough to radiate Infrared Electrical Signals, and our bodies have receptors in our Atom's that bind with these Electrons, and there are Nerves that can measure them in real-time, and update our Brain as to what level they are at in terms of what our bodies can handle, so it could sense Danger from getting Burned, which is all an Electromagnetic Force Field, that causes the Atom's to Resonate at a Frequency and Wavelength, where the Atom's catch Fire, or its Fire Resonate Frequency, so our Bodies are very accurate Electronic Sensing Equipment, we can sense Magnetic Changes, maybe not as good as Birds or Flying Insects, so we can learn from them how to create more accurate Electronic Sensing Equipment, or you can carry one of those with you, most things that can fly can navigate very well, and the Math behind such a gift is based on Electronics, in fact, we learned how to Electronically mimic the Eye with the invention of the Camera, as does the Electronic Temperature gauges mimic those built into all Life, and it is because we are all Electronic or Light Beings: as Tesla Stated, so the Math used in those Devices might also explain how our system might work, grant you that God is a much better Electronic Engineer, God is the Light that I call Trinary Energy, and it is this Energy that Creates all Life at the Cellular Level, and we are all designed to use Electronic Principles at the Cellular Level, so our Body is like a Circuit Board in a Computer, and the CPU is the Brain, and our Blood Veins are the Circuit Board Traces, that provide an Electrical Circuit, and why we need Iron in our Body, it is an Electrolyte, creating a Path for Electricity to flow, and it also carries the Material needed to build our bodies, so God is busy at the Cellular Level building our Bodies, proving that God Creates Life, and Maintains it, God is in all Living Organisms, and this is the Math of God, and it uses Trinary Math, it is all based on the Math of Kepler, Newton, and Tesla, so this Math not only describes how the Universe Works, it explains how all Life Works; and it Proves that the Planet Earth is Alive, just like an Electronic Circuit that we all refer to as Live when Electricity is flowing, the Planet also has an Electrical Circuit, and Lightning is what Feeds that Circuit, so this Math is what describes this process; our Bodies require Energy to Live, we are like a 98.6 watt Light Bulb, if that Temperature goes below that, we get Cold, and require Energy to Charge us back up to the required Temperature, and Electromagnetic Force will do that job, proving we are Electrical in Nature or Light Beings, and Trinary Math describes all Life.

Planet Earth has its own Trinary Math, all Life on Earth is Carbon Based Lifeforms, since our Atmosphere has Carbon in it, all Life is infused with Carbon for this reason, we breathe it in and exhale it, everything we eat has Carbon in it, so we cannot live without it, and too much of it can kill us, and our Planet goes through cycles where these levels are well documented, using Real Science, based on Scientific Principles, and not a lot of Theory, just the facts, since that is all they are interested in; so this Math is well-known, and used daily, so we know for a fact that Carbon Dioxide levels are higher now than they have been in a Million years, and it is Humans that are the cause of this, because they chose to Burn the Blood of this Planet, which they call a Fossil Fuel, of False Fuel, since it is a Lie, it was not created by Fossils: that is a Lie: so they can Sell the Blood of the Planet, because no one would allow the Drilling of this Oil, knowing it will eventually kill all life on the Planet, because only Greedy Evil People would allow such a thing, yet they still allow it, so nothing will change as long as those same People Worship Money instead of God; so this type of Math is Proof of how Evil Money is, because that is the only reason we are using Oil, and lying about what it is, but Math does not lie, so there is no hiding from this fact.

The Trinary Math behind Glaciers melting, is due to the too much Carbon Effect, and is powered by the Math of the underwater currents in the Oceans, because evidently all that Cold water will have to surface, and when it does, it will heat up due to this Global Warming and that is now in full effect, keep in mind that Global Warming is based on Carbon Dioxide levels, and not the actual Weather, because most of the Warming is taking place at very high and very low Altitudes, and not so much at the Altitudes where people normally live; so People do not really see those changes in the Weather; not directly anyway, it is because of how Energy is distributed around the Earth, so if you do the Math, you have to calculate for the Earths Rotation, keeping in mind that Earth is like a Top, and it can become unstable due to the terrain, and it should be a known fact that once the Ice at the Magnetic North Pole melts, there is no land under it, so all the weight that was locked up in that ice, is now gone, and therefore the Earth will wobble, and it is a fact it will wobble more and more the closer to that happening, and it is already happening now, so you can not deny it will happen while it is in progress, and I can prove with Mainstream Data that it actually has been happening for years, and it is well documented, so you do the Math, and remember that this Earth is Electrical or Light-Driven, so what normally happens when the Ice at a Pole completely melts, is a Pole Shift, and there is ample evidence that Major Land shifts occur at that time, so there is no reason to believe it will not happen this time, but the last one was over 166 thousand years ago, because there is a lot of debate as to when the last time this Happened, but Newton Calculated this event, and predicted the year 2060, so Newton's Math is very important, yet it is just the Math of a Sine wave in 2D, and a Helix in 3D, and is based on when the Planets Polarity Change, from Negative to Positive or Positive to Negative, change occurs, this is at Ground Level, so the Magnetic Force Field around the Planet will collapse, so this math will reflect that, this is denoted by 0, and called Ground, it only passes through Ground for that Moment, a period of time that is very short in duration, but long enough to allow the Poles to Shift, and a new Magnetic Force Field to be erected, so this is the basic Tesla Formula for AC, so the Human Race is about to find out just how accurate Newton's Calculation is, and this math is not based on the Last time this Happened, but by knowing the Frequency and Wavelength of the Planet, and this is changing over time, as the Planet grows in size about a half-inch a year, and is based on the Speed of the Planet to get that data, so Trinary Math is about figuring out problems related to Energy, and a Pole Shift is all about Energy changes, and what it means to have the Earths Poles shift, and that has already started to happen, because few people understand the Math behind it, and that is just the equation for an AC signal, which is + f (x), so its just a function that makes State Changes, and our Planet stays at a specific Polarity for a specific period of time, the Sun shifts every decade, so every time x changes from Negative to Positive or Positive to Negative, this Function of x shifts polarity, so think of our planet as having a very long period between polarity changes, this is due to it Maximum and Minimum Frequencies, which is from 3.333 to 6.666, and History proves that the IceCaps Melt just prior to this happening, so everything is happening right on time according to Newton's Calculation, that in the year 2060 the Poles will Reverse, and Humans have nothing to do with this Change...

The Bible calls it the end of Civilization, and not the End of the World, its just a fact that what we are adding as far as Carbon Green House Gasses, is something that the Planet can and is handling, and that is causing the Poles to Melt and a faster rate then Newton calculated, yet the Poles Melting is just a Natural Phenomenon before a Pole Reversal and an Ice Age, and we are just speeding up the process, and that is a fact, Global Warming is a real problem, so it is possible the poles will melt before the pole reversal occurs, and the South Magnetic Pole has only Ice and no Land, so it is very possible that a Land Shift will take place, and with very little Oil in the Planets reserve, this will be one bumpy ride, so one thing is a fact, the Ice Age will start the day the Pole Shift starts, and that is already started, but once the Poles Reversal, this will cause our Atmosphere to escape into space when the Magnetosphere collapses, causing an Aurora Borealis to be seen anywhere on Earth, and I predict a shift in Gravity, making Gravity weaker, because Gravity is caused by Trinary Energy, and actually eliminates Centrifugal Force, and the Magnetosphere plays a key role in how our Atmosphere behaves, and it makes up the Weather Machine for the Planet, so this Calculation is based on an Electrical Change, the Melting of the Poles will cause the Earth to wobble, how much is anyone's guess, I try not to make guesses, because I am comfortable stating that I do not know, and I do not believe that even God knows, because God only knows what God does, and God Create enough Oil so this Planet could safely make this Polar Reversal transition, since God is just the Light inside the Atom's, and God creates all Life, and this Planet is Alive, but it is a fact that God is just the Laws of Physics, so that is God's Laws...

Humans interfered with God's Laws by calling the Planets Blood: Oil, and allowing Stupid People known as Sheeple to Drill and Pump it out, know that this Oil is very Hot and keeping our Planet Hot, so it does not Freeze up and lock around the Core of the Planet, causing it to go Nova, or allowing it to Grind, instead of sliding on the Oil that was removed, and Cold Water replaced it, knowing it will cool down this Planet can cause its Destruction, and this wobble, which is the same as a Top, is God's Law, and it is a fact that Polar Reversals happens in intervals throughout history, so based on History, I do believe it will wobble as much as it needs to, and the Planet survives, because humans evolved since the last Polar Reversal, and we know the Dinosaurs did not survive the Ice Age, from the last Polar Reversal, because I did not buy into that Meteorite ending their Existence, that was just more BS Science, all it could have done is caused an Ice Age, and not a Magnetic Pole Reversal, and since there is no real evidence that this happened, it is just a Theory, and the Laws of Physics will dictate that, not a Theory, and not God the Deity, but God the Laws of Light in the Trinary Universe, so Math is based on this Light called God, so this is Kepler's, Newton's and Tesla's Math, and they all believed this will happen, but Kepler did not know when, and it is the reason why Newton wrote more about the Bible than Science, he wanted to know if this was a fact, and he would not have written about it unless it was, and since this will happen in my Lifetime, if I live to be 99 or 100 years old that is, so I can prove this in my Lifetime, and if I am right, it is the End of Civilization as we know it, so this Math is very important, and basically it is just the Math of a Helix, and Newton calculated when this Planet will change Polarity, based on this pattern or cycle of changes, and this is not very accurate information, to begin with, not even the dates and intervals that Mainstream believes, makes much sense to me, nor would it Newton, who had to figure out Biblical Time, but do not worry, I calculated a way to survive this event, the Concept is called Trinary Sanctuary, and it is not just because I did not want to preach the End of Civilization, without having a solution to the extinction of most life on the Planet, but because I did not want the Human Race to get the Darwin Award, which is giving to People who Died because they were too Stupid to Live; so I tried to explain the Math that Newton used to Calculate this date, and I have no reason to think he is not right about it; and in case I do not live that long, I would like to state it is a Fact it will happen, and it would have been a Miracle if that date was right; knowing Humans have altered the Data that God created, but the fact is Newton spent most of his life working on this one Calculation, although I am not a betting man, I would bet my Life on this calculation, because to ignore it could mean the end of the Human Race, and this is not that far off, 2018 – 2060 = 42 years; you do the math if the year has changed, because the count down till the End of Civilization has begun, and if you think for a second that Newton was an End of the World kind of Person, you would be wrong, he figured that if he warned us: that we would prepare for this Event, thus we do not need to worry about this event, as long as we prepare for it, he did not know that the Christians would dismiss all his work, just because he proved that Christ was inserted into the Bible, thus proving Christians are nothing but Dangerous Liars, and would rather Die then admit that Religion is Satanic, knowing: Santa, Satan, and Saint are just a Dyslexic person's nightmare as far as Spells go; so the truth is in Kepler's, Newton's and Tesla's Math, and I will prove this in the next 42 years (2060 – 2018), regardless of if I live that long, or the Christians are capable of dismissing my work, in which case it will be a Fact that Religion was the cause of the Extinction of the Human Race, and all for Money which is the root of all that is Evil.

Sir Isaac Newton Calculated that the Earth will Reverse its Poles in 2060, this is also known as a Polar Shift, which is when this reversal begins and it has already begun, the Reversal is when they change, so the Shift started when the Magnetosphere started to weaken to the point the Magnet Pole starts to Wobble, this is based on what the Bible said, and the Mayan Calendar said the same thing, and proved it, the Earth has Iterations, each is only 2012 year long, each cycle an object or Trinary Engine in the Solar System, will reverse its Polarity, so Newton calculated it would take 333 Objects or Trinary Engines to control all the Objects, which include: Planets, Moons, Comets, Asteroids and other Debris, so it is easy to calculate how long every objects Frequency is, its 333 (Trinary Engines) x 2012 (years) = 669,996 miles an hour, and I have to point out that newton had to use an Error Factor base on Precession, when applied the range includes 666,666, which is an Average of the Maximum values over a long period of time, so it is the Number I use, convert that by multiplying by 0.001, this factor is based on the 3 Rings or Magnetic Force Fields that surround the Planet, how the math works: 1 Trinary Engine equals Gravitational Energy, Kepler understood that some force must influence all Planets and Moons to Orbit around the Sun, while also being able to match its Speed, such that we stay within its Plane, and that tilts, and is based on an Elliptical Pattern, as such each Trinary Engine influences the speed we travel at, and all Suns travel at Different Speeds but Travel together to Orbit the Galaxy at the Same Rate, but not Speed, so the Number of Trinary Engines: created where they orbit in relationship with distance from the center of the Galaxy, so its like a Record Player, you have Tracks on the Record, these represent the orbit of a Sun, if you can imagine a line running through the Record down the center, like the Arm of a Record Player, this line represents the rate at which the Suns Solar System travels at, so as the record player turns, all the Sun's orbit at the same rate around the Center, which represents the Galaxy, but also at different speeds, the inner moving slower than the Worlds on the outside of the disk.

Kepler had the Idea of Harmony of the Worlds, a World means Solar System, and understand that the Suns on the outside of the Record have to travel a lot faster than those on the inside, so something in every World, must cause this effect, and then Newton came along and knew that Kepler was on to something, and using all the Data that Kepler collected, and what he had collected from outer sources, and he imagined that if Stars are Suns, then there are many other Worlds or Solar Systems, such that a World is not a Planet or a Moon: it is a collection of Planets and Moons known as Solar System, so our World is our Solar System, it is not another name for Planet or Earth, it just lost its meaning over the Centuries because of Stupid Sheeple like yew, but Galileo was not Stupid, and he was the one that wrote about the Harmony of the World concept, that Kepler had published and from his Notes, and started to come up with a concept of how all our Planets, form a Bond or Harmony, so he wondered if other Suns have the same amount of Planets and Moons, and though that if the Worlds Mass was known, he could calculate how many Planets and Moons were in its World, based on the size of its largest objects, and Newton thought about that, and then wondered what if all worlds had the same number of Planets and Moons in them, and it was only the Mass of each that varies, thus it is a configuration for which Track we are in on the Record, and Newton said the answer had to be in Math, so he looked at the Mayan Calendar and knew it was much older than 2012 years, and thought about why this long, and realized that the numbers add down to 5, and that is how many points are in a Pentagram depicted as a Star, so this number represents a Cycle of time, so there had to be some mechanical force that is creating this interval, and Newton understood that we had hundreds of Planets and Moons in our World, because you cannot ignore the Astroid Belt, so he had to make a calculation to figure out how large our Galaxy was, and this was not the term he used, he used the term Star, names change throughout History, so Newton understood our Planets and Moons must be orbiting our Sun, and our Sun must be orbiting a Star now known as a Galaxy, this meant that Newton believed that a Star was a group of Worlds, so to Newton, our Sun was a Star to other Worlds, but to other Stars only the Star our Sun Obits can be seen, so renaming it to Galaxy was a great idea, it is not as confusing of a concept, so where did Newton get 333 from?

Newton spent a lot of time getting high with Halley using Cannabis, talking about Comets, and this one that has an Orbital Period of 333 years was puzzling him, he knows it is a different Comet every time, because it hits every other time, or every 666 years, and then the idea that this must be related to Orion's Belt and the 3 Kings came to him, what if this is just debris traveling between these two joined Worlds, or Suns with Solar Systems, that would mean that this ratio is what I need to calculate the distance to the Star our Sun orbits, it is a Golden Ratio to Newton, and Halley was amazed at this discovery above all others, but Newton was not allowed to Publish this work at the request of the Church, who said that False Profits will use this date of 2060 to rule by Fear, so Newton's and Halley's work was kept in a safe place, I have no idea where that safe place is, but I did have a copy of it, nowadays most of his work is Public Domain. In Newton's mind, it took a Sun and 332 objects, for a total of 333 objects, to generate the energy required to travel around this Star or Galaxy, and modern science can prove this concept, we know that Worlds or Solar Systems vary in size, as do major Planets and Moons, so it is not hard to imagine that if a World has a Larger Sun, its Planets and Moons would still be a Ratio, so depending on that Ratio of Mass to its Trinary Engines, this Force needs to span its entire Suns Magnetosphere, so these other Planets and Moons are required only to distribute this Energy, no matter how small they are, because this Ratio must be the same for all Worlds or Solar System traveling on the Same Track, on this Record player, so Solar Systems with Less will travel more towards the Center, and Systems with more will travel towards the outside of the Galaxy, so this explains the Galaxy we see now; and this also proves what the maximum speed the Sun can Travel at in 666,666 Miles an Hour, and it slows down after going through the Galactic Disk, to around 333,333 miles an hour, and this is only for this Track on the Record, so if we lost a Trinary Engine, we will start to Orbit closer to the Galaxy. Although Newton understood that a year was different for each Object, as it traveled around the Sun, but it was the same forward motion since it is on the same Plane as the Sun, so he was only calculating the Earths Frequency, he calculated that the Ratio of 333 cycles, for the 2012 years per Galaxy cycle, which is measured from the time the Sun passes through the Galactic Plane, which allows each object to change polarity many times between half-cycles, meaning the time it changes polarity in one cycle of passing through the Galactic Disk, such that every object in the Solar System will change Polarity on its own schedule, using this Ratio. The Universe on the other hand, has a much longer Iteration, like I said before, they can be Billions of years long, between 13 and 16 Billion years, so it is a Conclusion that one day this Earth will Reverse its Poles, and that time is nearing, this change started in 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar, and I documented this in another project I call “The Sun”, it is a YouTube Video Series, so you can watch it unfold, and so I conclude that one day the Sky will Fall, the Atmosphere will vent into space, and the Earth will quake, and that is why you will wish we had more Oil to cushion this Earthquake, but we do not, so I can only conclude that with the current structure of all Cities in the World, that less than 10% of all Life on this Planet will survive such an Event, and this is not the Fear Factor, but the Truth, and that was all the Bible was about, it documented how Evil People are, and stated the Facts about Science: God is All Light without Darkness, and this is how Sir Isaac Newton Calculated that the Earth will Reverse its Poles in 2060, and in the process calculated how big our Star the Galaxy is.

Now that we have explained the Math that Newton used to calculate the Polar Reversal, basically the Math Newton used to figure out how large the Galaxy is, was based on how long it takes to complete 1 revolution around a Star also known as a Galaxy, the concept involved all Suns having a companion Sun (Star), in our case its Sirius, and Newton used a ratio of time that it would take to get around Sirius, he based this distance on a point in the middle, based on observations of a comet named after Newton or Newton's Comet, that has an orbital period of 333 years, and it is last epoch was December 2013, keep in mind that all Numbering systems start at 0, so there are 2013 intervals. Newton stated it is not the same Comet, because it is been known to hit Earth every other time, or every 666 years, and I have that proof in this book, and did a video on it, so if Newton is right, and this is one of those Golden Ratios, then all we need to know is the Intervals, and the Mayans calculated that to be 2012, and like all Numbering systems, they start a 0, so we are at 2018 right now, so this started 2018 – 2013 = 5 years ago, grant you this is after many Time Changes, so Newton had to Calculate that also, and the current Gregorian Calendar came in to use during Newton's lifetime, so the Start of this Even is right on schedule so far.

If you take another amazing thing that Newton said into account, which was a concept that goes back to Kepler, who said that these Shapes he was working with were the Keys to the Harmony of the World, where World means Solar System, so our Moon is in our World, as is everything in the Solar System, but he was not talking about the Planet or the Galaxy, just our Solar System, Galileo took up the work and continued it, adding that some invisible Energy is binding the Heavenly Bodies together, and Newton turned this Force into Gravity, now to understand this concept, the World, which includes the Solar System, is one Unit, and it represents x amount of Energy Units, in terms of a Sun, Planets, Moons, and Micro Planets classified as Asteroids, now you have to understand each is 1 unit of Trinary Energy, and this is in terms of Gravity, and this is 3 Dimensional Math, so you have Gravity that causes the Planets to orbit around the Sun, and a different type of Force that causes the Sun and it is Solar System or World: to all orbit around the Galaxy, so the term Solar System is not as Descriptive and World, since Solar System means all the Junk that Floats through it, while World means only those things that should or have existed here for a long time, so if a Spacecraft flies in from a Distant Galaxy, it is not part of our World, but if it is our Spacecraft it is, because they are orbiting around the Sun, or one of the Planets in it, and it is not possible for a Moon to have a Moon, since it does not have a strong enough Gravity to support one, and if it did: it would mean it is a Planet orbiting a Planet that has a Moon, and that is Possible, so Newton thought about all the Possibilities...

Newton figured the only thing that could explain how we orbit a Galaxy, at the time I think it was called a Star, but I only refer to a Star as a Sun other than our own, such that, all these Units of Force added up to a specific number, a Unit being a Force of Gravity that I call a Trinary Engine, as if the Galaxy had tracks like a Record, and if you had fewer Units of Force or Trinary Engines, you would orbit closer to the Galaxy. The Math is easy, if you had more Units, you would orbit farther towards the outside of the Record, and as the Record was played, this Path from the outside to the inside would be a straight line, similar to a Record Player, this is my Analogy and not Newton's, since a Record Player was not invented until 1877, when Thomas Edison stole the idea from some sorry sap who trusted him, nevertheless, in this case, Technology already existed, and it was a race to find a way to play a recording, so I like to use this Record Player Analogy, and this is the way I remembered it as a Child, so Newton needed to Calculate how far away we are from the Galaxy we orbit: so if this depended on how many Units of Force or Trinary Engines we had in our World, then the answer had to come from outside our World, and there is Sirius: and it has a midway point of 333 years, based on a Calculation Newton made that proved it could be orbited in 666 years, see his work on Newton's Comet, it is based on a Collision in the Asteroid Belt between the Sun and Sirius, Newton believed that something orbited this path and caused Comets, also known as Frozen Asteroids, to be thrown into our System every 666 years, with a half rate of 333 cycles, since that is the time it takes for them to get from the midpoint to our Sun. So if I take that number 333 and multiply it by the Mayans Intervals of 2012, I get 669,996 miles an hour, and then Newton calculated an Error rate range that included 666,666.66, so that is what he decided to use, and keep in mind I might be talking about my First Cousin Isaac Newton Flesher, or Sir Isaac Newton, I do not distinguish between them most of the time, because I do not remember who said what, but since it was the average of the Maximum speed, and because it matches the orbit of Sirius, thus more accurate, and keep in mind it has a range between 666,666.66 and 333,333.33, so this Represents how fast the average Maximum and Minimum Speed of our World is, and calculated the World slows down when we go through the Galaxies Disk, so it can slow down to 333,333.33 miles an hour on average, because that is the midway point of Sirius, by the way, I call that point a Dark Star, and calculated that is how fast its Companion Stars are traveling at, as they orbit between our World and Sirius, and they are causing Newton's Comet, when this Companion Star crashes into an Astroid field, thus nocking one our way, so when a Comet misses us, it should return to that same midway point, and takes up orbit there again, so this Gravity-well we are stuck in acts like a track on a Record, and is not based on how the Planets and Moons in our Solar System Orbit around the Sun, which is a completely different Mechanics, and this is where my work finishes what Newton started, and I did mix my work into this paragraph because I forget what I added, but I still have one more Calculation, when will the Earths Polarity Reverse?

Now that we know how fast we are Traveling, based on how fast we are traveling relative to Sirius, which is 333,333.33 to 666,666.66 Miles an Hour on Average, and I can not remember if I mention that this only works in Miles an Hour, as well as Inches, Feet, Yards, get it, it is in Miles, do not ever use Metric, and never assume Newton was using Metric because he did not. Currently, we came out of the Galaxies Disk, some 3 million years ago, so divide by whatever percentage it is at now, because that it is a guess at this point in time. First, we need to know the Diameter of the Galaxy, and it is easy to say it has an Orbital Period of 1,011,954,093,357,316,200 Miles, and we orbit that in 88,330,000,000 Days, making our speed around 477,354.850 miles an hour, but Newton did not know these numbers and had to find them, so he made a huge Matrix to record Numbers on: he used a lot of small papers attached to a wall in his house to make the Calculation, using sightings of known objects, collected from Kepler, Galileo, and other people of his time, and some point in that time, he had a Position to request this Data, and he did, caused bad feelings with the people that had to give him the data, because it was their Job, and Newton did not ever Share Information, after his ordeal with someone trying to steal his Calculus, Newton challenged this person to Dual, and never heard from him again, after that, he only Published what he could Prove, so Newton was able to figure out a piece of the PI, so I do not have his work, nor did I ever have an urge to recreate it, but these are the variables he had to use, and this is how he got them, and as it turns out, they were very accurate. If you want to recreate this Matrix, you need to have a Column for years, and rows covering from 1666 – 42 to 2060 + 42, now add columns for Magnetic Deviation Strength, and calculate how long it would take to get to a minimum value, and that time was calculated to be in 2060 plus or minus 42 years, and you can use the Mainstream Data to verify the accuracy of Newton's work, and find its exact.

To calculate when the Earth will Reverse its Poles, you have to understand the Patterns in which it does so, and in Newton's time that level of Magnetics was good enough for this task, now this Math took me a while to understand, because I can understand that our Planet has a Frequency, and a Wavelength, because it relates directly to Light (F x W), and it is between 3.33 and 6.66 on average, and can go as high as 13, maybe pushing 16, but can not get down to 0, so this is how to calculate it, based on the Earth having an Orbital Period of 584,000,000 Miles, and an Orbital Period of 365 days, 366 on a Leap year, keep in mind the Julian Calendar has 365.25 Days, and for the Record: Newton used 365 for a Minimum, 366 for a Maximum, and 365.25 for the Current or Average, so its traveling at 584,000,000 / (24 (Hours) x 365 (Minimum Days)) = 66,666.666 miles an hour, to convert to Frequency we have to multiple by adding 3 Zeros, one per phase, 66,666.666 x 0.0001 = 6.666 Hz, and that is the Core, by the time it gets to the Surface it can be closer to 8 Hz, now the hard part of Newton's Matrix he created on more small papers attached to a wall and I do not have them either; so now Newton knows what the Earths Frequency is, but does not know how long it has been since the Last Reversal, so he figures he will Plot the known Magnetic Deviations from every source he can get, this took a lot of time to collect and write down, and Newton's first Calculation ended up being 333 years from 2012, but by the time he was done working for a Living, his last calculation was 2060, he got this number by narrowing down the exact rate of Magnetic Strength lose, today it is easy to take Core Samples, and ours can be found online, they show the last Reversal was over 166,666 years, and before that was over 266,666 and before that over 333,333 years, and some studies show the last one at over 780,000 years ago, but their data clearly shows these reversals as well, so Mainstream data can be used to verify this fact, yet it is a pattern that Newton did not know during his time, but it proves he is close, but the Pattern is not in regular intervals, instead, the Earth has 3 interval periods, this is to correct for all 3 phases, and is due to the 3 Force Field Rings that form around all Atoms and Trinary Engines, but the exact time can be calculated by knowing this Rate of Deterioration of Magnetic Force of the Inner Planets Core, and this will Blow your Mind, its main factor is the Amount of the Planets Blood that you call Oil: that is in the Earth, because that is what allows that Electricity to Flow through the Planet, it is the Conduit to Generate the Magnetosphere, and it is why it is fluctuating so much, so how much of an effect this has is called a Negative effect, but there is Good News: Mainstream Scientist did a recent study that shows it should not collapse until the End of this Century, and that is only 40 more years than Newton Calculated, but Newton also said that it would never gradually weaken to the point of collapse, it would instead collapse the field up to 42 years either way, and right now that math looks like 2060 – 2018 = 42, so we are at that point in this Calculation right now, and it can go either way, but right now Mainstream is saying Newton's Calculations were correct, now that I think about it, that was not such good news...

If we calculate the Force Field Rings around the Sun, you will find it is as such: Based on the Maximum speed of the Sun: 666,666.666 Miles an hour:
Ring 1: 666,666.666 x 0.00001 = 6.66666666 Miles
Ring 2: 666,666.666 x 0.0001 = 66.6666666 Miles
Ring 3: 666,666.666 x 0.001 = 666.666666 Miles
so its Force Field Rings do not encompass any Planets or Moons, and if we calculate the Rings around the Galaxy, we will see a similar feature, and why nothing is in that space around the Galaxy, it is pushing everything away that orbits it, and this proves it is not these Force Field Rings that is surrounding the Planets, it is what they used to Broadcast their signals to everyone that is listening, and they have to make the course changes, so it is not hidden Energy this is causing the Heavenly Bodies to move, it is the Light, and our Planet is using Mechanical Movement based on Electrical Waveforms, and not Centrifugal BS Theories, proving Mainstream BS is insane, and Trinary Mathematics Mathematically Proves beyond a Shadow of a Doubt, how the Principles of the Trinary Universe works.

To put Trinary Math into perspective, you must understand what Intelligent Math means, and that starts with the fundamental elements in the Periodic table of Elements, so if you want to talk to other Intelligent Lifeforms, you must use the Language of Math, so this Language must be Universal, for example: as a child, I remember the Voyager Mission, and there was an Address you could send in your Math Formula to, with a short explanation of what it meant, and they really meant Short as in a one-liner, so I sent in this: (+1) + (1) = 0, and my one-liner was: All Light without Darkness = God. Not sure if they printed that on the Record that went on Voyager, but I am sure they printed: E = MC2, and I can assure you that an Intelligent person would laugh at this, but one from another World would have no reference to this joke, because Sheep Jokes date back to the Bible who wrote the Bible to Sheep, because only Sheep follow a Shepard, and in History, the Bible started out as Science, written by a Wizard, then turned into Religion, forbidding any Wizards or Witches, or the use of Witchcraft, knowing its Witchcraft to begin with, but only Wizards or Witches know this and why they are forbidden, and hunted down and Killed, and that is what happened to the Wizard named Jesus Bar Abbas, so inserting Christ into the Bible, making God a Deity, and this was used to make Slaves out of People through the use of Money and Taxation, and why the Churches refuse to pay taxes, and why they have their 501 Blues, because they refuse to be slaves to Taxation, so the Jews wrote the Book of Sin called the Bible, and know it is all about Sin...

Throughout History: the Church and its Members: Hunted down and Murdered Wizards or Witches, so it is no wonder Kepler, Newton, Franklin, Galileo, Tesla, and even Me in the Flesh, had to be careful about what we said about the Church, so it is cool that as a Military Member it is my Duty to Defend the Constitution, and there is a complete separation between Religion and the Military, or the State and Religion, so I can say what I can prove is the truth about them, but I can not Lie about them, nor misrepresent what they say, because Legally I could be held liable for Slander, and I know this, so I will never say anything that I can not prove is the truth, so what is the Truth about Religion, is that after the third Century, Christian Soldiers arrived at the Scene, but Muhammad did not want to convert to Christianity, so he created Islam, and stole the Catholic version of the 3rd Century Lie, and added in Slavery, thus making Woman Property that can be bought and sold into bondage, and even specifically states you can have sex with Children, but if Damaging their Womb, you would have to provide from them, as if this was human, considering some children bleed to death, and to Me in the Flesh, I personally find this offensive, and I do not care if you are a devout believer in Muhammad, and try to wash your Hands of the Basic Principles of Islam, because my Moral Compass is making the Hair on the back of my neck stand on end, this is Legalized Pedophilia, and that is disgusting behavior and should never be allowed to exist on this Planet, and since it is based on Religion, that too should not be allowed on this Planet, because Yew can not wash the Blood of Jesus Bar Abbas, off the Money Engraven with the Words Spelled In God We Trust: with the Blood of the Planet, so there is no reason for Religious Sheep should have for Math, because Yew are clearly not Intelligent enough to Use it, so why does Religion Exist, and how does it infect Society, with the teaching of Satan, and it is because Yew Sheeple are fine being Sinners, as long as Yew have Money to Sin with, but once the money dries up, like all Scams always come to an end, those that use Money will lose everything Yew own, and even then Yew will Deny Jesus Bar Abbas, so Trinary Math is lost on the Weak Minded, who became Fools by Magic they did not understand, so what makes more sense:

Wizards like: Kepler, Newton, Franklin, Tesla, Einstein and Me in the Flesh is Insane, or that it is the other 99.999% of the World who use Money, or Believe in Religion, or Believe that God does not exist, or Believe that God is a Deity, or Believe Christ was a Deity and Bar/Abbas was not Jesus, so it is all about what you use and what you believe, so if you do not believe in Wizards, then you believe in Money if you use it, or admit its Evil, believe in Religion and admit God and Christ are both a Deity, and they do not Physically Exist, so Yew do not believe that God Physically Exist, which is the same belief as if you believed that God did not exist, so think about this Math Formula for determining if Yew are Insane, since the Dictionaries, all say that belief is insane, so why believe a Dictionary if you do not believe that God Physically Exist, I mean do Religious people ever use Logic to think with, or is it just about Emotions, proving why Pedophilia runs wild in Religious Cults, and they are all Cults if they believe in a Deity that does not Physically Exist, because the Laws of Logic are just as important as the Laws of Physics, and once anyone admits is that if God does not Physically Exist, all the Math worthless because it has no meaning, because Yew are insane, and believing that Yew are not is proof of just how insane Yew are, so like I said: To put Trinary Math into perspective, you must understand what Intelligent Math means, and that starts with the fundamental elements in the Periodic table of Elements, so if you want to talk to other Intelligent Lifeforms, you must use the Language of Math, so this Language must be Universal, so now let me show you what this math might look like.

Writing Trinary Math is not difficult, it is the Language Yew use that is, for example Numbers: 0 has no corners, 1 has one corner like the letter L, 2 has two corners like the letter Z, and 3 has three corners like the letter E, its harder to see this relationship since it is the Angles we are counting, so maybe a W would better explain it, so its somewhat clear if Yew use English anyway, translate those numbers and it will not have any meaning whatsoever, so you must make this concept clear, then move on to Math, a + symbol represents Jesus on the Cross, when Jesus is Alive or Live, he has a Positive Energy, and as soon as he is dead, that is the Opposite, just like the backward Spell for Live, so this is Evil, and was signified by the symbol “–”, it is a Dash, and it is because the Roman Soldiers, also known as a Padre-arrow, and that is not how it is supposed to be Spelled, but its more to the Point, the Padre stuck an Arrow into Jesus and the Arrow broke off, and the Sphere that is left, represents the Spear of Destiny, so the Symbol ---> defines the Spear, its staff is defined by the Minus Signs, so unless you want to try to explain the symbols you are using, formulas like: (+1) + (1) = 0, will make little sense to Intelligent Lifeforms who have never heard of Jesus, and this concept of Plus or Minus is another difficult Math concept to try to visualize, so maybe make a symbol for the Sun, like 0, this is a number, so you must differentiate between it and a number, so maybe draw lines around it like /0\ or *, and then try to graphically illustrate what Electricity looks like, so draw some wavy line like a Snake: S or even W, for Waveform, and since Snakes are Native to our Planet, we can not assume its Native to theirs, but still, you have to use some type of symbols that are Generic, so Snakes are very old, so the use of them to describe Electricity could be possible, because once you start down this road of trying to Graphically Draw Math, that anyone in the Universe could understand, its starts to look more like Religion, then it does Science, and it is why the Bible was written that way, think about it this way:

If you were writing a book for someone in the future, you would believe they came from this Planet, so you would use things familiar with it, and Electric Eels get confused as Snakes, but Birds, Dogs, Cats, Rats, Bats, and other animals are common, so of all the symbols whoever wrote the Bible, be it, Merlin, if you believe Ashkenazi Masonic Secrets is up to you, but I should point out that King Authors Sword was also a Cross, and if you broke it, it would be a – or dash symbol also, so both Legends start to form in your Mind, not as much of a Story, but of a way of explaining Energy, and this is what amazed Newton about the Bible, how could it explain the Light of God the way it did, and not be talking about Electricity and Light, because Trinity is clearly the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and the Light without Darkness, clearly explains this as Science, but then in comes Religion and income Insanity, and out goes Science, so be careful what Messages you send out there, and how you draw them, but as Newton said, the Bible is about Science and not about Religion, and if Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Franklin, Tesla and Me in the Flesh known as I: could figure out what the Bible meant, so can yew, if you are intelligent enough, but if you can not understand it, then you are not more Intelligent than Yew are, and that is who the Bible called Sheep, those that only understood what Satan was telling them to believe, because they all know from History that Jesus Bar Abbas was actually Executed, so Math and Science must only reflex the Truth, so unless the Bible is Lying, the Wizards are Right, so if Religion was Right, then Right would only mean who is Left, after the (Roman) Soldiers execute you for not paying your Taxes or using their Money, so think about this story told in the Bible, just read it...

If Jesus Bar Abbas was not Important to the Story why put him in it, and keep in mind that the Ashkenazi Version of this Bible, before the third Century or First Reich, is what I refer to as the Bible, so everyone knows most of the Story was about Jesus Bar Abbas, it is the beginning of the story, how Bar/Abbas became the Leader of the Militia and tried to get as many followers as he could, to defeat the Roman Empire by not using their money, by making its usage the Root of all that is Evil, and then in comes Jesus Christ, this was inserted in every Bible of every Living Preacher on the Planet, only the Dead ones keep an older copy, and they got burned to death with it, so as Bar/Abbas teaches War, Christ teaches Yew to Love one another like they would want others to Love yew, and this becomes the Foundation for Pedophilia, and how Preachers justify teaching Satan beliefs in a Deity, and not what Bar/Abbas said, but it is clear in all Bibles of this Date, that Jesus Bar Abbas is still the Leader of the Militia who defeated the Roman Empire, and I can search the internet and prove that Pedophilia is still running strong in Religion, and after the Third Reich it should be Clear why they Burned all of Newton's Books, and then forbid them in their New World Order, all because some of you count Sheep to go to Sleep, and become Sheeple, because Sheep are easy to confuse, and they know that Satan tells only Half Lies, and if I am Lying, so is the Bible, Kepler, Newton, Franklin, Tesla, even Einstein, and especially me since I wrote this in the Flesh, and this Book and this Chapter is about the Trinary Math, that Explains the Trinary Universe, and that wisdom starts with Words and how to spell them, and read them so you can write the math to explain them, so how do I explain two Jesus's in Math?

In Math: it is all about the Variables, and the words and spells used to describe them in terms of Science, and some Concepts have a what came first: the Chicken before the Egg variable, for example: let us assign the value (+1) to the God in the Bible that is All Light without Darkness, we will assign this to the name of the Father in Trinity, and now we assign the Opposite Variable to the Darkness without Light to the Son in Trinity to the (1), since (+1) is God and God is Good, yet God is all Light and Darkness is all Yew can see, so Yew must have Faith that God exists, and know that God Creates all Life so God is Alive and therefore God is Life, and God would never Lie to yew, so God is the Truth, and this Darkness is the opposite of the Light known as God, so its Satan, so our Son is born Innocent, and grows up making mistakes, and the first mistake a child makes is to listening to Satan, so Satan is Darkness, and this type of Darkness Yew can see, so the Son must go see the Nature of Mother, before becoming a Man let alone a Father, so Mother is assigned the value of 0, to represent her womb, which is as Hollow as the Sons Mind as it is growing up, and away to become the Father, and after Growing up, the Son will become the Father, and pass on his Sins to his Son, and the cycle with repeat, this is the math formula for Trinity, so it can be written using the Cross that Jesus was crucified on, and the sword symbol that he was executed with to get this Math: (+1) + (1) = 0, so you should recognize this as the Math Formula for Light, and since you know that God is All Light without Darkness, you know this is the Light the Bible was talking about, so unlike Satan, IAM giving you all the details as to how this Relates to Math and Science, and not Religion, because only Satan talks about Religion since it is the Devil or D`Evil work, meaning literally The Book of Sin, and why only Sinners worship Christ, and those Pedophile Preachers who Yew pay and trust with Children, knowing once a Wizard or Witch puts a Spell on yew, then your Mind, so let us review the Trinary Matrix of Math once again, so we can review: Table 4.10: Trinary Math Graph names.

State Trinity Dimension(s) Visibility Graph
(+1) Father All 3 Solid * * * *
0 Mother Spirit 0 Invisible * * * * * *
(1) Son 1 or 2 Semisolid * * *
Time frame  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13
Table 4.10: Trinary Math Graph names

The above chart proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this was not all made up by Kepler before his death in 1630, and History will clearly show he believed that the Sphere was the Atom, years before Technology could prove it, and that the Pyramid was the Great Pyramids, and also a waveform just like the Square, so he discovered Electricity and Gravity first, and then comes Galileo who also believes in this concept, and then Newton who writes the Math based on a Graph that will not be created for another 333 years, so people think that Newton was Satan for being the Antichrist, when it is a fact that Christ is the belief in Satan, so Religious Sheeple can not use Logic to fight this War, nor can this use Math, because there is no denying that his Graph represents the Alternating Current (AC) waveform, that Tesla wrote his Math for, yet Newton was the one pinned this first, and only after identifying it as coming from the Math of the Bible, or Bible Code, witch this study is still very active today, so now we must learn what is the truth and what is a lie, and lies have no Proof, no Christ in History, no truth in it either, and do not use Faith as an Excuse for Ignorance...

In particle physics: a Pion (or a pi meson, denoted with the Greek letter pi: π) is any of three subatomic particles: π0, π+, and π: because: 0 = (+1) + (1), as such: the Ground is: π0.

After reading all my books Yew are a Yew only because Yew made that choice before reading this book, because facts only get in your way if you decide to believe in things that do not Physically Exist, and then it is a Numbers Game, Sheep always feel safe in Numbers, so it is all about what Religion you are, and that has to be on your Dog Tags, but Trinary is not recognized as a Religion because it is not, its Science, and Math is all about Science, and Religion is all about BS, or a Belief System, where you must decide if you want to be Yew and believe in things that do not physically exist in the Universe, or do you want to be a person who has an understanding of the Trinary Universe, that sounds like a Pitch for Scientology, witch should have been called Sciencefictionology, for those that have not had the pleasure to read all of L. Ron Hubbard's work, I can tale Yew it is all about Science Fiction, the concept was simple, they thought they could live out their lives living on the Ocean, and have everyone else pay for it, great plan, but no one would have survived it, so its Evil, but those involved will never see it as such, and those of other Faiths believe their Religion is better than that, so they do not trust other Religions, and some make Math into a Religion with Numerology, and that is why Trinary Science is only based on Facts, and Evidence that supports science in a way that can not be debunked with facts or evidence to the contrary, and after thousands of Years, I understand why Math has symbols representing Jesus Bar Abbas, and why this event started 2013 years after his Birth, take 2013/333 = 6.045045045 times; so it is time to do some more Trinary Math:
there are 0-2012 intervals in 1 Iteration, such that:
2012 + 1 = 2013: Newton's Comet renamed to ISON,
Age of Aquarius, so the end of Piscean, or Pisces AKA Fish symbol.
2013 – 333 = 1680: the year of Newton's Comet and the Volcano Krakatoa Erupts
1680 – 333 = 1347: Earthquakes and the Black Plague
1347 – 333 = 1014: Meteor or Comet impact in the Atlantic Ocean causing a Huge Tsunami.
1014 – 333 = 0681: Major Droughts, Floods, Locust Plagues, and Epidemics
0681 – 333 = 0348: we have a lot of missing data because of the coming of Christ
0348 – 333 = 0015: Earthquake in Anatolia which Destroys the City of Sardis and damages several other Cities.

Looking back at History 333 years at a time starting from Year 2013, which is the Beginning of the New Era, the Age of Aquarius, we have Comet ISON instead of Newton's Comet, proving how Stupid People have become and what Liars they are Paid to be, then we have the Great Comet of 1680, known as Newton's Comet, and the Volcano Krakatoa Erupts, in the Year 1347, we have Earthquakes and the Black Plague, in the Year 1014, we have a Meteor or Comet impact in the Atlantic Ocean causing a Huge Tsunami, in the Year 681, we have Major Droughts, Floods, Locust Plagues, and Epidemics, in the Year 347, we see the Earliest possible date that Christmas was celebrated on December the 25th, in the Year 348, we have a lot of missing Data, this is due to the insertion of Christ and the Christian Crusades that begin sometime this century, in the Year 15, we have an Earthquake in Anatolia which Destroys the City of Sardis and damages several other Cities, and the River Tiber floods parts of Rome, in the Year 318 BC, we have the Conquer Alexander the Great, and the old records of the Romans were burned by the Gauls in 390 BC, 118 years after their last King in 508 BC and 66 years before the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, so there is little use in trying to go back in that part of the country, in the Year 651 BC in China on 24 December there were 5 Meteors seen in the Sky over what is now northern Shanqiu County, that's 2,666 years, if you need more evidence than that, then check the Earths Core samples for those years, look at the Geology around those years, and you will find evidence of Meteor Strikes, so do the Math before doubting it, so looking at 2013/333 = 6.045045045, I see 3: 45 degree right angles makes a Pyramid, maybe not one you could build too tall, and grant you that the Great Pyramid actually has 4 right angles, since it has 4 sides, but there is also a 3 sided Triangle and Pyramid, and this would only be true of this Geometry, unless you look at each of the Great Pyramids as 3 Right Angles, then this makes sense, it aligns with the Great Pyramids every year, the Minimum date is 25 December, the Maximum date is 14 January, and marked by Newton's Comet, proving that Jesus's time Iteration was the Last Iteration before the End of Civilization, proving the Bible was right, and Religion was wrong, so Jesus was not a False Prophet, and that Calculation proves it, and time: 2060 – 2018 = 42 years, is a count down to that time, the Magnetic Pole Reversal, and it is up to Yew if Yew want to believe Trinary Math, and believe these Iterations are not Real, or that the Mayans did not believe in them as well as the Bible, and if my Trinary Math of 333 Trinary Engines times 2013 Iterations does not prove how fast we can travel in Miles an hour, Yew are a Liar, because all I did was prove that is a fact, and this graph is how I did it, its called Trinary Energy, and this is Trinary Math, and this is how the Trinary Universe works.

< Chapter 4.10

> Chapter 4.12

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