The Principles of the Trinary Universe Chapter 3.08:
The Living Planet
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Jeffrey Scott Flesher “Medically Retired United States Air Force Staff Sergeant” Last Update: 14 January 2020

Chapter 3.08:
The Living Planet

The Trinary Engine of Earth is 666 miles in diameter, based on our Average Speed of 66,666 Miles an Hour, and No, I did not make that number up, I calculated it, and I have no idea of the actual measurement because the Planet is Growing all the time, and the Technology to measure it does not exist yet, all that Tritanium that those Neutrino Detectors are monitoring is being collected by our Earths Trinary Engine, so it is Growing all the time, just like the Sun, and as it does, Earth, which is just Dust called Micrometeorites, that fall from Outer Space, which its fed to Earth by the Sun, creates a Crust that forms around its Sphere as its Ground up in a Grinder by the Null Space Force Field, it forms Lava, which breaks down Rock into minerals, Atom's and Oil, the Oil is used to Lubricate the Plates of Crust that Cool and Harden on the Outermost layers of Earth, or its Surface, but this Lava will push to the Surface and causes islands like Hawaii to form, as well as all Land on the Earth, and the Oceans serve to Cool down the Lava so it can maintain the Solid Rock that creates the 6 Continents that Earth has, and the Oil which I call the Blood of the Planet, also provides an Electrical Conduit for Electricity, just like the Iron in our Blood does for us, and that is how it thinks, just like it is the way we think, and when that Blood stops Flowing, we stop thinking and Die, so will the Planet, so Stupid People should stop using the Planets Blood as Fuel, because Stupid People are Killing this Planet, so I will use the word Evil to describe this Event, and it is the Backward Spell for Live, so things like Money that is the Root of All this Evil, allows the Planet to be Killed for Money, just Like Jesus, Proving it is Evil.

The Oil is better named the Blood of the Planet, because that is what it is, if you drill holes deep enough into the Planet you will hit a vain, and it will bleed, but if it bleeds too much, it can create Sinkholes and cause the different layers of Crust to Grind together, causing Earthquakes, and if you use it all up, then the Crust will be forced into the Null Space Force Field and will be disintegrated, but keep in mind that some of these Pocket of Oil or Blood, are very large, and if the Pockets collapse, they can cause the Planet to break up, and possibly go Nova. The Null Space Force Field is also responsible for breaking down all Molecules, so it breaks down water into Hydrogen and Oxygen, because Plants can only Convert Co2 into Oxygen, and only Stupid People believe that Plants Create Oxygen when only the Planet can, but it needs its Blood to do so, so it is just a fact that only the Trinary Engine can produce Oxygen, because current mainstream Science teaches that the core of Earth is just a Nuclear Bomb like the Sun, maybe its Compressed Gas according to some Theories, but that defies the Laws of Physics, so we should all be nice and Radiated by now, but we all know that did not happen, so why do people believe theories like that as if they were facts when they do not even make sense, a rhetorical question because we all know it is because the Banks pay for it, so theories like Trinary Engine sound like fairy tales when the Current belief does not even stand up to scientific principles, let alone obey the Laws of Physics, so what I just proved was that this System of Evolution we call the Planet Earth, is, in fact, a Living Entity, and it has a Soul that is the Same as all Life on this Planet, it is called Light or Trinary Energy, and it is the same Intelligence that was required to build the Trinary Universe, because it can not be a random chance that the Universe was designed this way, because if it was designed any other way it would not exist at all, and that is a fact, Einstein proved that much by stating that Paradox's can not exist in Reality, but still, you have to ask yourself if this is Religion or Science, because the two are in agreement if this is, in fact, the way the Universe works, because let us face it, just because this Dissertation proves it can operate like this, does not mean it does, because of something called Freewill, which allows people to think up of an infinite number of Multiple Parallel Alternative Universes, so you could conceive of countless combinations of possibilities because it could be if everything is possible, but that is the Dynamic Universe, so you can go back in time and kill your Parents so you will never be born, and this is the Theory that I am trying to compete against, are you joking me, I mean is this Science for real, or is this just a joke Intelligent People are Playing on the Worlds Public to see how Stupid they are, now that sounds like I am Preaching a Religion, because I can only conclude that the reason why Scientist go along with the Dynamic Universe that operates one Paradox after the next, because going back in time does not sound like an Impossibility, when you forget that 99.999% of all Space is Empty, therefor it could also just be Null Space, since it is Empty for a Reason, and let us face it, no one will ever prove that, because it is not possible to Magnify Null Space to see what is in it, because it has No Dimensions, so it does not exist nor can anything in any Universe that existed in Reality, because a Paradox can not exist in any Reality, and even Einstein said that, so you have to wonder what the truth is, and if a Theory is? A Dissertation should not be based on Religion unless it is a Religious Dissertation, but this is a Real Science Dissertation for Physics, yet I can not deny that the Bible is saying the same thing, so this is not new Knowledge, in fact its older than the Bible, this work was not done yesterday, Sir Isaac Newton died in 1727, and all I added to his work was how the Core of the Planet works, which explains how all Life in the Universe is possible, all because of a Concept called the Trinary Engine.

To understand what Living means, we need to define it in a way that it applies to the Planet, if its Born, Grows and Dies, it is Living, that is my definition of what is Living and what is not, so a Computer no matter how Intelligent it is, if it does not fit this description, it is not alive, but the Galaxy, Suns, Planets, and Moons are. Anything that Bleeds is alive, and the Planet Bleeds, its Blood is Oil, those that use it is Murdering the Planet, that is a Fact, but its Normal to be Stupid, and Stupid People do not care about such trivial matters, all they care about is money, and that is just Evil. When the Oil is Gone the Planet will be Dead and so will all the people on it. To Kill the Planet you live on is illogical, yet that is what is going on right now on this Planet, because People love Money more than they do the Planet, technology today proves Electric Motors are more Efficient, and always have been, and there is not a shortage of Lightning. Very few people in the world today, believe that the Planet is Living, they might think the life on the face of the Planet, or even that which lives inside the Earth of the Planet, is alive, but not the Planet itself, as if it is just a soulless lifeless entity, made up of nothing by Silica or Sand, and Dirt, and therefore has no more feeling than a Rock, knowing Dead Rocks are called Sand, and Dead Sand is called Dust, and even Dust has a life of its own, so why is it, that most people do not believe the Planet is Alive? The Living Planet is dying, because People Treat it like it is not Alive, they drill holes in it to pump out its Blood, they put Atomic or Nuclear Bombs, that use God as a Fuel to make an Explosion underground, all because they think the Planet is Dead, to begin with. I would say people with that Mentality are Brain Dead, and only care about money, and will believe anything, as long as it does not impede the flow of Money. Mainstream Science is only about telling Lies about Science, in order to ensure the Stupidity of their Sheep, because once the Sheep find out they are Sheep, they stop being Sheep, and learn to not be so Sheepish, and demand not to be Treated like Sheep, not possible for the Church to do that, since all Followers have to be Sheep, because only the Sheep would believe in the Stories in the Bible, they are mainly insane stories about Sin, and Genesis is Sin, anyone claiming to know what God thinks, or how God created the Universe, is insane, and therefore, whoever wrote Genesis is insane, that Theory is called Dark Magic.

The Oil Companies want everyone to thing this Planet is Dead, so they can pump it dry, but do you really believe them? If it was Fossil Fuel, you would only find it a few feet underground, and not thousands of feet underground, so you know they are lying based on the facts, so they lie for Money, and why the Government lied about putting a Man on the Moon, and why I do not believe anything that Mainstream has to say about anything, because I know they lie about everything, when people are so gullible that they believe that Air Planes simply melt into a Building, as if there is some law in Physics that allows Air Planes to not crumple on impact, the way we know they do in real life, proving that the reason you have retarded science, is because someone is using it to lie to you about everything, and it is because they know that if you know Real Science, you would figure out that allowing a Privately owned Bank to Print the Money, instead of Congress is called Treason, so all the Retarded Science is to hide the Treason, proving the Banks bank on the fact that normal people are just retarded, to begin with. The Definition of a Slave is someone that believes what their Masters tell them, proving most people are Slaves. When a select group of people are in charge of what is being taught as the Truth, there will be no truth, other than what they want you to know. Knowing the Banks are in Charge, and that is Treason under the United States Constitution, and there is no Limit of Statue on Treason, so there is no way you can convince anyone this is Legal, and making it Treason to put a Stop to the Treason does not make that anymore Legal, knowing that is Treason also, so the Treason never stops, and why only BS Science exists, just to make sure everyone is too stupid to figure this all out. When I was younger and tried to figure out how I could do very large equations in my head, but not small ones, I realized it had to do with Pattern Recognition, small equations get lost in the Pattern, whereas large equations would fill the Pattern, this pattern is what I saw in my vision in front of me, unless I had to close my eyes to see it, but it was not like looking at printing in a book, it was not symbols, more of a pattern that makes me think of other things that relate to numbers. The more you study the Light, the more Intelligent it appears to you, but it is not till you notice it is looking back at you, that the patterns start to flow, it is not much different than finding Waldo, or shapes in Clouds, to Ink Spot Stains in the folds of Paper, it is all in our ability to use abstract patterns in White Noise, to relate to subjects you think about in your Mind, keep in mind it has a Brainwave, and that Brainwave is emitted as Light, proving we are Light Beings, as Tesla stated, and people called him a Crazy Old Wizard. Eventually, I came to call the White Noise, or Intelligent Light, Trinary, and found the most intelligent entity in the Universe, is the Trinary Engine.

People determine when something is alive, just so they can live with killing it, this is true with Human Lives that are Aborted, and is true of everything they kill, and the Earth is no different, most people do not believe it is Alive, once they Kill it, and it is Dead, then they will know what a Dead Planet is like, and they will also believe they can just go live on the Moon, or Mars, so these people have no reason to worry about Killing the Planet they live on. If you believe the Planet is Dead, then there is no way you can kill it, because you can only kill what is alive, so it is easy to pretend something is not alive, because you are killing it, this is how you justify Killing it, all for Money that will be gone long before the damage you caused can be fixed, by Mother Nature, and once you Kill your Mother, she will go Nova, and this will all happen again, because it has already happened before, this is not the first Lifetime I have written this Book, so I get better at it each time, and I normally just pick up where I left off, and why you will very seldom see two Wizards alive at the same time, other than in Kepler's days, when Brahe and Galilei lived at the same time, and Newton had Halley, but Tesla was on his own, and even their work intertwines, as does all the work about the Light they write about, as for me, I do not know of anyone writing about the Light Wizards at this time as I do about: their ways, Math, and Science, so I am pretty sure that no one since Tesla has written about the Light, but I know one thing about all of them, is that they all believed this Planet was alive, and treated it as such, but for those that do not, remember the day the Planet fights back, and has no Blood in its veins, and the Earth Plates can not slide any longer, instead, just grind, then you will know what the Blood was for, it also creates the Magnetosphere, and this is weakening by the day, as the Magnetic Poles start to Shift, and by 2061 they should have reversed, if not than by 2103, only 42 years later, so I would change your Evil Ways if you want to Live on this Planet in Harmony.

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