The Principles of the Trinary Universe Chapter 3.00:
Trinary Engine
C®pyRight & C©pyLeft
Jeffrey Scott Flesher “Medically Retired United States Air Force Staff Sergeant” Last Update: 14 January 2020

Chapter 3.00:
Trinary Engine

Trinary has 3 Logical State Changes, an Engine drives something, and a Trinary Engine drives all Heavenly Bodies, and is the Core of every: Galaxy, Sun, and Planet. The concept is that this Trinary Engine is just a huge Macro Atom, and follows all the Laws of Physics as an Atom. Current beliefs about the Core include Atomic Energy, and Highly Compressed Hydrogen Fuel, both of which would have to defy any Laws of Physics I know of, and is just a Theory that can not be proven, whereas the Trinary Engine is based on the Laws of Physics that actually work, and can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. The Common belief that the Sun is a ball of compressed gas is not very intelligent, for one it would have to defy all the laws of physics by compressing empty space, the other is that it would just blow up, as would the belief that it is Nuclear Fusion, or Cold Fusion being an even worse Theory, so how do we explain what the Sun, and Core of every Planet in the Universe is without defying the laws of Physics?

If you study the Sun long enough, you would know it is not actually on Fire, that is what stupid people say, because the images of the Sun prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is in fact, an Electromagnetic Field, and that is just a fact no one argues, I do not need to prove it, just look at any image of the Sun, like this Illustration 3.01: The Sun.

The Sun
Illustration 3.01: The Sun Full Size

If you look at the image of the Sun, you will see Electromagnetic Fields just like a Magnet, so it must be Electromagnetic Energy, and we know it is, because we can use Solar Cells to transform its Photonic Energy into Electricity. This may seem obvious once I point it out, but it goes against everything that is taught in mainstream science.
See my Yew Tube Video Series: The Sun, I took all the SDO images for the Years 2012 to 2018: Courtesy of NASA/SDO, and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams, and edited out the bad ones, and was left with around 129,165 images at 4096 resolution in AIA 193 format, and I am using the Format 4K, since 4K is 3840 x 2160, such that the 4096 images are being downscaled in size, so you get the full resolution of the images in the videos, but you must have a Monitor capable of displaying 4K, or it will be downsized to a lower resolution, so my guess is that this would look great on the Big Screens at the Theaters. I have all the Suns images from 2011 to date, and I will convert them all to 4K videos in time, so that they will be available to the World to view. I made the videos using an old monitor, since I got a new one, the videos look bad on it, so I will have to master them. From the videos in this series, it is clear the Sun is an Electromagnetic Engine.

Trinary Engine is an original idea, and concept of my own, it took me most of my life to work out all the details about how it works, and the last part of it was to write it down and try to make it understandable. The Concept of the Trinary Engine was based on what I learned since the days of Newton, and includes what I have taught myself about science, since I could find no other scientist that still actively, and publicly, worked on Newtons, Franklins, and Tesla's work, and let's face it, the documentation I could find on their work is spotty at best, meaning that it did not relate to the actual concept I have in mind; in other words: I have never met anyone, nor read anything that remotely lead me to my concept. This concept came to me at a very young age in Dreams about a Wizzard, and I have no claim to be a Channeler, I do claim all my Dreams come from the Light Wizzard in the Flesh, where the Light Wizzard is just another term for the Light of God, and the Flesh is just my real name, and I give credit to all the Wizards I talk about in this book, I stood on their shoulders to prove it.

Once anyone looks at the Sun up close, and realizes it is Electrical, and not burning Hydrogen, they realize how Stupid Mainstream Science is, and why none of it is even worth contemplating. A Trinary Engine is my own idea as far as all my research suggest, although all the people I call Wizards: Kepler, Galilei, Newton, and Tesla, all talked about Celestial Objects as Bodies, meaning they were alive, but never made the connection with them behaving like Atoms, since they had no concept of what Atoms behaved like, so my introduction to Trinary Engines, is that although they are Theoretical in Nature, do to the Nature of the Beast, I can not access the Core of my Own Planet, and have no possibility of accessing it from others, therefore I can not submit as evidence, and proof that is what they are, all I can do is explain how they behave like one. Look at any Trinary Engine, say the Sun, we know it is Electrical in Nature, and not burning Gas, it is not Plasma either, it does create Plasma, but really all it is, is an Electromagnetic Generator, and why our Planet has a Magnetosphere, and even the Moon has a weak Magnetosphere, and using an Electromagnetic view of how the Suns, Planets and Moons behave, we see they follow the same laws, rules, and Math, as Atoms, and once you make this connection, you prove Trinary Engines exist.

Sir Isaac Newton wrote that God was the Force of Gravity in All his Equations, and I will not change anything that Newton wrote, I might paraphrase it, but not change the meaning of it. If Gravity is the Force of God, and God is All Light without Darkness, then Gravity is Light, and the Darkness is just the Rainbow of Colors in White Light, that Humans all see and call the Light, even though it is only the Darkness. If Gravity is the Light, then Newtons Math is Light Math, and Tesla said the same thing, we are Light Beings, and the Light is Everything, so I will use the Math of Tesla, Kepler and Newton, as if it is all about Electricity, or the Math of Atoms, as in the Math of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons.

Once you look at Newtons Gravity Formula as an Atomic Equation, where Mass is the Mass of the Atomic Structure, in terms of Neutrinos that it takes to make all the Atoms, you will start to understand what Newtons Math represents, which is God, and God is the Light, and the Light is Everything. Newtons Gravity Math in the form of F = MA, the Mass is in terms of the Mass of Atoms, and Electricity, is the flow of Electrons, around Protons, and Neutrons, so Atoms have 3 Types: Proton, Neutron, and Electron, and they have 3 State Changes: Solid, Semisolid, and Invisible, thus you have Trinity or Trinary State Changes, so this Formula is describing an Electromagnetic Force.

Newtons Math describers how God works, God is Light, the Force of Light is Gravity, so Light Force Fields are what describe this relationship, and why Mainstream Scientist never make the Connection, they are Measuring Electromagnetic Force Fields, stating that Gravity is not Electromagnetic Force Fields, and that is only True of Man-Made Electromagnetic Force Fields, and is not true for a Planet producing a Magnetosphere, because there is far more going on than just Electromagnetic Force, there is Light Force, this is the Force of Light, that causes it to wrap around Planets, or even the Sun, or Stars at a distance, the Light Force is about Light Force Energy, that is manipulated via an Electromagnetic Force Field, much like an old fashion Cathode Ray Tube, better known as a CRT, or TV Monitor, our Magnetosphere causes Light behind our Planet, to be projected around to the front of it, and why we can see Stars behind our Sun, this is what I call Light Force. Light Force is an Electromagnetic Force, but can not be measured the same way, for example, we can see Stars at a distance, yet not measure their Electromagnetic Force Field, but we can determine its Frequency from its Light. Light Force is also a Lens effect, where the Atmosphere acts like a lens. I do not really use the term Light Force so much, but I do define it as the Force of Light.

Trinary Engines are Light Engines, they operate using the same Math, Laws, and Rules as Atoms, so I do not have to make up my own Math, Trinary Math includes all of the Wizards Math, so Keplers, Newtons, and Teslas Math is included in Trinary Math, because of Trinary Math, is the Math about 3 State Logic Changes. Trinary Math is more specific to the Trinary Universe, which is based on 3 State Logic Changes, and these 3 State Logic Changes are responsible for all Electromagnetic Force Fields, we call it Positive, Negative, and Ground, or Trinity: the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or Spirit of Mother Nature, also known as Earth, and Earth is also known as Ground.

A Light Force is something that we can detect with Technology, we can measure it in full-spectrum Light, look at it in Infrared, or Ultraviolet, and in many other Spectra of Light, as such, Humans have documented most of the Spectrum of Light, and have a good understanding of the Force of Light, when we talk about the Sun, in terms of its Gravity on our Planet Earth, but this Force is due to Light, and not some Centrifugal Force, in fact, the thought that Centrifugal Forces can cause Gravity, is insane, we can stand outside of a Marry-Go-Round, and not feel the Centrifugal Force from it, and Centrifugal Force would actually throw things off the Planet, and not keep them on it, so all Gravity is due to Light Force Fields, and they are created by Trinary Engines. I will talk about Light Energy in terms of the Force Field Rings that surround all Trinary Engines, and Trinary Atoms, since they both use the same Math, Laws, and Rules, and there are 3 Rings of Power, or 3 Force Field Rings around every Trinary Atom in the Trinary Universe, when dealing with Atoms, we sometimes get them confuses with Electron Valences, which correlate, but most of the Science about Atoms is just wrong, so I do not use any Mainstream Science terms or Definitions. Every type of Trinary Engine, has its own value for a Power Ring Multiplier, I use constant names for Force Field Rings of Energy around Trinary Engines as such:

Ring-Galaxy-1 = 0.000000000000001
Ring-Galaxy-2 = 0.00000000000001
Ring-Galaxy-3 = 0.0000000000001

Ring-Sun-1 = 0.00001
Ring-Sun-2 = 0.0001
Ring-Sun-3 = 0.001

Ring-Planet-1 = 0.0001
Ring-Planet-2 = 0.001
Ring-Planet-3 = 0.01

I use Ring to mean Force Field Energy Power Ring, and note that Moons do not have one, so they can not have Moons of their own, Moons are created by Planets to collect debris. You can use the Rings to determine many things about a Galaxy, or a Solar System, for example, you can computer the Speed of the Earth as it orbits the Sun, and the Speed of the Sun as it orbits the Galaxy, even how one Galaxy forms a Cluster with another Galaxy, and you can even compute that speed, in terms of Frequency, and Wavelength, and it is as simple as taking 1/137th, the diameter of Planet, a Sun, or a Galaxy, and find its iteration cycle, from that you can determine is speed. These Trinary Energy Force Field Rings are the Key to the Trinary Universe and the Key to how Trinary Engines operate.

When we look at how Trinary Atoms behave, we can see that Trinary Engines behave in the same way, the same way Electrons orbit a Proton or Neutron, only on a much larger scale. If we look at how the Sun works, we start at the Core, it is a Trinary Engine, as such, it is like a very large Macro Electron, that orbits the Galaxy, which itself is a special type of Trinary Engine, and it orbits clusters of Galaxies, therefore Trinary Engines are designed to orbit other Trinary Engines, and they do this by communicating with each other, via their Electromagnetic Force Field Rings, I imagine that they can communicate all type of information, like how far away they are, how fast they are traveling, and if it needs more energy, as well as other needs. I believe that Trinary Engines can think simpler to all lifeforms, I also believe that Electrons can also communicate with their Proton, or Neutron, but I can not prove this belief, but I can prove that if it did not think, it could not do all the things it does do, like protect the Trinary Engine, I do not believe they run into each other, although that one I know I cannot prove, because sometimes they do run into each other, and I can only guess as to why, but it is a fact that the Universe as we know it, does not seem to have problems with collisions, but they do happen.

Trinary Engines are alive, so are Trinary Atoms, if they are dead, so are we, theories aside, it is just a fact that our bodies, build themselves using Atoms, as such, the Atoms have to be the Intelligence behind building Bodies, the Trinary Energy is Intelligence, and it is inside every Trinary Atom, and Trinary Engine, in the Trinary Universe, adding the Prefix of Trinary, may not be needed, since it is the only thing I talk or write about, but it reminds me that it is not Mainstream's version of an Atom. Mainstream would have you believe that the Core of the Earth is an Atomic Reaction, and in the Core of the Sun is compressed Gas, I laugh at the thought of that, it is hard to write with a straight face, because the Sun never changes size, nor does it have any indication of Gas Burning, or any Atomic Reactions, so basically Mainstream is just Bull Shit Science, no other way to put it, so you have to forget about all the Insane Theories you have heard, or read, and look at just the Facts. If the Universe was chaos, as Mainstream would have you believe, then we would see Chaos, but we do not see any Chaos in the Universe, so why Mainstream Teaches that, is an issue with Mainstream, and only Mainstream knows why it teaches nothing but Bull Shit, is enough of a reason to create a new Society as any, because Mainstream believes we can destroy this Earth, and just go live on another Planet, that is why they Drill for Oil, or the Blood of the Planet, too stupid to understand the Consequences, and it is because those Insane ideas about a Multiverse, or going back in time to fix the damage to the Earth. If Trinary Science has any Chance on this Planet of becoming the Real Science, and replacing Mainstream BS Science, then a new Society will emerge, but not as Mainstream, because they would soon corrupt it, just like they did the Governments they service, so without a new Society, things will just go back to the way Mainstream wants to define.

When you the Reader, or Listener, or Viewer, decide to prove to yourself what the Truth is, make sure it is based on Facts, and your Education Level does not mean anything to me, since it is all based on Theory, so make a checklist, and write down a list of things, so you can compare Mainstream to Trinary, so let me make this list for you to see how this list can be made, so first you have to take the very foundation of Science, and prioritize it,

Subject Mainstream Science Trinary Science
God Does not Physically Exist Exists as All Light without Darkness
Order Chaos Trinary Logic
Core of Galaxy Black Hole Trinary Engine
Core of Sun Atomic or Compressed Gas Trinary Engine
Core of Earth Atomic Trinary Engine

I put God as the top priority, because to me, God is number 1, and Sir Isaac Newton said that God is the Force of Gravity in all his Equations, and that God existed as All Light without Darkness, and Mainstream does not account for God, all Religions states God is a Deity, and God does not Physically Exist, in fact, God is just the Name of the Leader of Angels, so God is not actually a thing, and is not All Light without Darkness, because that Physically Exists, but a Deity does not, so if Mainstream, and Religion, are Lying about what God is, why would anyone want anything to do with them, it is clear they lie about what God, so they can lie about anything, so why trust Liars. This list is something you can prove to yourself, but maybe you do not know enough about Trinary Engines to prove this yet, but you might agree that Trinary Science is clearer to understand, you do not have any Curvature of the Spacetime Continuum, Black Holes, Folds in Space, Centrifugal Force Gravity, and the list of insanity goes on, all theories that have never been proven in over a Century, and Mainstream Science is full of Liars, that would tell you that you can use Newtonian Math in General Relativity, or the Godless Dynamic Universe, when we all know that is a lie, Newton was very clear that the Force of Gravity was God, and God is All Light, so Light is Gravity, and his Math is written in Terms of Electricity, F = MA, where F is the Force of God or the Force of Light, and where M is the Mass of Atomic Weight, as in Atoms, and where A is Acceleration, and keep in mind that Light has no Acceleration, but Atoms do, so in terms of what Newtons Equation represents, it is clear that it is Light, so you can not use Newtonian God based Math, in a Godless Universe, proving that Universe does not work.

The Sun has a Trinary Engine that produces a lot of Light Energy, the Sun itself is a very large Macro Electron, so it is Energy, and you can see that energy in action, it creates huge Electromagnetic Force Fields, seen as Eddy currents, Eddy currents, also called Foucault's currents, are loops of electrical current induced within Sun by a changing magnetic field, so you can see the evidence that the Sun is Electromagnetic. The Sun uses its Gravity to attract all Space Debris in its Path, so that the Planets do not run into it, the debris never comes into contact with the Trinary Energy, it is disintegrated, meaning that all debris is broken down into Atoms, in the process it creates Light, the Sun has 3 Force Field Rings of Power, and all Trinary Engines, just like Atoms, have a Force Field inside, as well as on the outside, and it is this outside Force Field that disintegrates the debris. The Sun will throw Atoms into Space in Coronal Mass Ejections (CME), in turn, the debris will find its way to all the Planets that need it to grow.

Our Earth also have a Trinary Engine, and it also Disintegrates everything in its Force Fields surrounding area, but unlike the Sun, it does not have enough energy to be a Sun, and as a result, the Crust will form over it, and it will rotate around the Trinary Engine, like all other Planets, but the Moon has a Special type of Trinary Engine, it too acts the same way, but on a much smaller scale, its Energy Rings are not powerful enough to support another Moon, but it does have enough energy to allow man-made satellites to orbit it under power.

The Trinary Engine is a huge part of Trinary Science, it is also the only thing I added to the Newtonian Universe, besides adding the prefix of Trinary, just to distinguish it from other Universe Theories, also, it was such a huge change, that I could not use the name Newtonian Universe, because this Trinary Science is based on Trinary Engines, so it made it simpler for me to just create a new Universe, then it is to just keep adding to an existing one, that no one actually understood to begin with, or Einsteins theory would have never got a foothold, as such, it was important to rename the Universe. Newton did not have the concept of the Trinary Universe, but he did have the foundation of the fundamentals of the Universe, and all the Math based on God as the Force of Gravity, so I did not need to change anything in the Newtonian Universe, but without Trinary Engines, you can not explain the Galaxy, and it totally upgrades the Newtonian Universe, but I did not want to have to Ad hoc, and have to try to fit my new Science in with the old, and Newton did not call it the Newtonian Universe anyway, so it is about time I named it.

The Trinary Universe explains the Universe down to the Atomic Level of Science, explaining the Universe from the Subatomic particles called Neutrinos, that make up an Atom, using Light to bind it in dimensions of Space, such that the Atom is in 3 separate dimensions of Space, that makes up the 3 Dimensional Space it occupies, plus the 0 Dimensionless Dimension, that I discovered only because of the invention of the Electron Microscope, which was a huge improvement over the Microscope Newton invented. I never understood how Sheeple can be so stupid as to think they can use God Math, in a Godless Universe, those Sheeple need to be locked up in a padded room, first off, Sheeple do not believe God Physically Exists, and that BS about Angels has twisted their Minds to the point of Insanity, just so the Powers that Be, and treat Yew like a Sheep, like Newton said, “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.” If I did not have to compete with insanity, I would not have to write the way I do, I feel like I have to justify going against Mainstream Beliefs System (BS), because Yew always want to know why, it is easier to learn the correct way, then it is to unlearn the wrong way, most can not unlearn anything, and will hold on to bad concepts, I believe it is because all of Ewe got the Stupid Vaccine. I spend more time writing about what Science is not about, then I do writing about what is about, I write more about the Bible, and Religion then I do about Math, and Science combined, because the Bible was written just for Sheep, all because Sheep do not understand the Bible, to understand the Stories in it, is like saying you are a Sheep, because only the Sheep can understand it, the Bible Code is all that actually mattered in the Bible, but the Church destroyed it, just to insert Christ, so it could make a lot of money, and cut a deal with the Banks, to have Tax Free Money, as long as the Church can teach the Sheep how to Pay Taxes, so the Bank, and Church, teach Yew how to be a Sheep, and Stupid Sheeple are fine being Sheep.

There are 3 types of Light Trinary Engine, one for the Galaxy, one for the Sun, and one for all the Planets, and there are 3 types of Dark Trinary Engine, one for the Galaxy, one for the Sun, and one for all the Planets. Light Trinary Engines are the ones we can see, whereas the Dark Trinary Engines are hard to see, but still visible, they have no Light, so they are hard to see. In Trinary, it seems like everything comes in 3, 3 Logical State Changes, 3 types of Trinary Atoms, 3 types of Light Trinary Engines, 3 types of Dark Trinary Engines, so it is named right. I have wondered if there are Light and Dark Trinary Atoms, I would not rule them out, but have no evidence they exist, and I only want to talk about what I can prove, at least Logically, and Dark Atoms would actually be the Proton and Neutron, and the Light Atom would be the Electron, so logically I think I have that covered. There must be some kind of standard when it comes to the Science of the Universe, currently, there is none, and theories are just insane, either you know how something works, or you do not, but making stuff up is not working for me, theories need to be proven in time, and forgotten in no time, theories change every day, so there is no real way to keep track of them, and why you want to, is another question, that only Stupid Sheep can answer, but if all Science had to be Proved, there would only be the Science of Kepler, Newton, Franklin, Tesla, and of course Me, Flesher, I do not like writing about myself in the first name, so I will use my last name, Aspie humor, but Mainstream Science is the real Joke. As a child, I remember the first time I heard of the Big Bang, I thought it was a Joke, and it still is, anyone that believes in it, should get used to being called a Sheep, or being told Yew are Stupid, because anyone that believes that the Universe just popped out of a Black Hole, has some real serious reality issues, the thought of a Black Hole makes me want to throw up on whoever is talking about, as if it could be real, the fact that the Laws of Physics do not apply to it, so who is this Joke on anyway? If Theories are allowed to dictate Science, then it is nothing but Science Fiction, so that is what I will refer to all theories as, and it is about time someone did that, now we have a Standard, all facts are considered to be Science.

Is the Trinary Engine a Fact, as a real thing, that physically exists, the answer is yes, because it is defined as the Core of every Galaxy, Sun, and Planet, and Moons have a different type of Trinary Engine, it is called a Ball Lightning Engine, just like we record video of the Earth from outer space, being inside our Magnetosphere, Satellites can record this Ball Lightening, it is easy to spot, they can make 90 degree turns at full speed, and they can accelerate to very high speeds, and also just hover, if an aircraft would fly into one, it would be like being hit by Lightening, but once it becomes an Engine, it would destroy an Aircraft, there is a huge difference between the two, so Trinary Engines are Real, because the Galaxies, Suns, and Planets all have Cores, as far as Trinary Engines Theory goes, I can not show you a Trinary Engine, because I can not get to the Core of our own Planet, yet I can prove it exists by using Logic, but still, I have to admit it is just a Theory, as much as I hate theory, I can not say that I have the Evidence, to make this a Fact, other than the fact that it works the way it does, and the Math does predict its behavior, but to become a Fact, I would first have to prove that Ball Lightning is really orbiting the Earth, and I can show it in any video of the Earth, that would be clear enough, and of good quality, from a Satellite orbiting Earth, or any other Planet, not Moon, they have a Ball Lightning Engine, but do not have any Lightening, because it has not Atmosphere, so this is something I can prove in my lifetime. If I can prove that Ball Lightening orbits the Earth, then I know for a fact, that all my calculations are based on a fact, and that fact is that Ball Lightning, has a Force Field around it, not to be confused with Matter Lightening, which is caused when Lightening hits some Matter that ignites, and burns as it slowly descends back to Earth, there is very good documentation on this, of course, they thought it was Ball Lightening, but Tesla, and I have both seen Ball Lightening up close, I was a teenager at the time, living with my Uncle Tubba, and Aunt Ruth, my two sisters were in the room also, we were all watching TV, it was summer, and hot, no AC, this is in Phoenix, Scottsdale, or Tempe Arizona actually, it is on the border, Phoenix is on the other side of the Hill, so the patio door was open, and I was sitting in the corner, and saw this Light come into the room, it looked like the Light was floating, it was clearly a Light, no one doubted that at all, it went around the room, behind the TV, then went down the Hallway, when I got up and ran after it, I saw it hit a homemade Antenna booster, I made, it was a copper wire, that lead outside through a window, and it went to Ground, it is called a Ground Antenna, and it really does work, wow, did it work, it actually got so hot it melted the wire at the ground, where all the different strands of 12 Gauge wire came together, and was wrapped around a copper stake, that was 3 feet long, and driven into the house, under the water facet, so I could keep the ground wet, so I know for a Fact that Ball Lightning exists, and I know what it looks like, and so does my family.

Tesla wrote a lot about Ball Lightening, and he actually said he made one, I actually do not believe him, but tried his experiment anyway, and that is how I found Matter Lightening, I used a Tesla Coil that is used to test Lightning Arrester on Aircraft, I forgot the name of the black box, but on the (E)F-111, it was a box that had a very large capacitor in it, when the plane got hit by Lightening, the capacitor would charge up, then need to be grounded, so one day I decided to see if I could make a Ball Lightning, using a small Tesla Coil, I had to modify it, it was not a Lightening Machine, all it had where 3 leads, common, hot, and ground, it was designed to charge a Lightning Arrester, and only for testing, the machine was rarely used, and was in an Air Force calibration lab, all I needed to do, was build an Antenna, and a ground plate, and the Antenna discarded into the ground plate, I had to mount the Antenna to an insulated platform, and get it close enough to the arc, and after a very long Light Show, the wind picked up, and blow some sand onto the ground plate, it immediately caused the sand particles to glow, so I turned off the machine, and found a block of sand, put it on the plate, started the machine back up, and it is easy to reproduce, so I call it Matter Lightening, because when Lightening hits Sand, it is normally an insulating material, put only in its purest form, which is glass, but the block of sand just flashed, and I saw small balls that glowed, and would settle to the ground, sometimes still burning. I justified the use of Government Equipment, by making it part of my Service Report, for the Test Station that was to test this Lightning Arrester, why I can not remember the name of it now, I did search the internet, but the (E)F-111 is still classified, but what I did first, was an experiment to justify what I was going to do after. My Experiment was to see how far this machine could jump an ark, and trust me, this is dangerous, but we needed to know, in case of an accident, we needed to know the safety zone, and I tested all types of objects that might be found near a Test Station, and good thing I did, what I found out was amazing, if it hit Magnesium, lookout, and we had Magnesium parts in the Test Station, so I realized that Lightening can cause a lot of damage, and I found that Ground was the solution to this problem, so I tested insulating mats, and different types of paint on Magnesium, and found Enamel paint with polyurethane finished worked the best, and I was working on a way to self-discharge the Lightning Arrester, so it could be used again, once it is fully charged, it will not work, so I designed a device that could be installed on the Aircraft, with the unit, and would automatically discharge it, if it had a charge in it, because of the charge in it, was what drove the discharge relay. I used Air Force Equipment like this a few times in my career, I always got permission ahead of time, and it was all in my report, I did not leave out what I wanted to test out, this knowledge was invaluable to newer Lightning Arresters, and I made the test stations safer to operate. I took my job in the Air Force, very serious, I was always finding ways to improve things, or save the Air Force money, one example was my relay tester, we used a lot of relays in the Military, all our Test Stations, and Aircraft itself, used the same parts, so our Test Stations had to run at 400 Hz, just like the (E)F-111, and Lightening was a huge issue, Airline pilots are used to being hit, but they are not carrying Missiles, and the airframe on both are designed to be hit by Lightening, and both have Lightning Arresters, only Airliners have much bigger capacitors, and it is the Crew Chiefs job to ground the Aircraft, and discharge the capacitor, and why all fights must record a Lightening strike, the aircraft must be inspected for damage, and the capacitor discharged, that is always done anyway, because it can build up a static charge, and I have seen these things after they exploded, capacitors can be nasty when shorted out.

You the Reader, Listener, or Viewer, must make up your own mind about what the Truth is, and what it is not, I can not make Yew understand the Truth, I can only Tale it to You, and hope You are Intelligent enough to understand it, but it all comes down to Money, Money Talks, and that is why Bull Shit is all that is taught, because when Money Talks, yew know it is Bull Shit, because if anyone actually understood that Money is just Legalized Slavery, people will wonder what it is like to be Free, they were born into Slavery, and know nothing else, so how Slaves become Free is Trinary Sanctuary, but they have to want it, because most people that are born into Slavery, do want to change, they are happy being a Slave, and that is why change is hard to do, it is easy to talk about Change, but not so easy to do. When I was a child I used to tell Adults about my Science, and they always believed Einstein instead, how anyone could believe Einstein over Newton is beyond me, Einstein comes up with a Godless theory, and people assume you can use Newtonian Math, even though it is based on God, so only Stupid Ewe would do such a thing, as proving how insane Yew really are, so I do not put much hope in Humans, they are inherently Unintelligent, and Gullible, and Lazy all because Yew only believe what Yew have Heard in Ewe Herd. Make a Check List, and fill it out all the way, and list everything I told you that is opposite of Mainstream, I could write a book about the Trinary Universe vs the Dynamic Universe, the contest will take but one question what is God, and one statement, Light does not have any Acceleration, so it is not Dynamic, it is in fact Static, and the Universe is Dynamic, it is just not the Godless Dynamic Universe, it is a Universe built by God, and we are in Gods Image, which is Light Beings.

List of Illustration

  1. Illustration 3.01: The Sun
< Chapter 2.16

> Chapter 3.01

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