The Principles of the Trinary Universe Chapter 2.11:
Trinary Atom
C®pyRight & C©pyLeft
Jeffrey Scott Flesher “Medically Retired United States Air Force Staff Sergeant” Last Update: 14 January 2020

Chapter 2.11:
Trinary Atom

A Trinary Atom has 3 State changes: Solid, Semisolid and Invisible, and all of them are made of Neutrinos and Trinary Energy, and this is based on Empirical Evidence, I added the name Trinary to describe the Logic of the State Changes, and to clarify what I am talking about, because Atoms are Atom's, and adding Trinary as a prefix to it, does not change it, it only describes it more accurately, but all Scientist during my lifetime have known that all Atoms have these State Changes, and over the years they have verified that they are made of various types of Neutrinos and Light, but still, not all Scientist during my time could agree on the Principles of the Universe they use as a Foundation, which is why I had to add names like Trinary to prefix all my concepts with, so there were no misunderstanding or miscommunication about what I am referring to, so for the record: Trinary based Science can not be mixed with other Sciences that are based on Theories like: General Relativity or the Dynamic Universe, and it is concepts vary too much to try to mix it with the Static or Newtonian Universe, so I was forced to create the concept of the Trinary Universe to correct this problem but for the most part, and Atom is an Atom, but when the Science is based on Trinary Science, we must define all the other Science that goes along with it, and the creation of Atom's is the most important aspect of that Science.

The Creation of Trinary Atom's is easy to prove, but first I need to prove what Trinary Atoms are, and with the right equipment, I can, so under a powerful Microscope, you can view Atom's and verify the State changes, so adding Trinary to them to denote the 3 State changes does not change what an Atom is, and there are many papers written on this subject, and no real reason for me to have to write my own, besides, I do not have the right equipment, and other studies do not change the Atomic State changes, so I will just reference any verified study of Atomic State changes, and consider this Empirical Evidence, so Trinary Atoms are just Atom's that other Science already accepts as Empirical Evidence, so I proved what Trinary Atoms are so now we look for patterns of Intelligence, and we can find just as many papers describing the patterns of State changes at the Subatomic level, but since none of them have proven that this Intelligence is God, I will not have my Empirical Evidence to prove this, by referencing other peoples work, so it is just a Theory if it has not been proven, but if I limit my proof to just 3 State changes, I can prove that the Logic is sound, so first let us look at the Logic of State changes...

The Solid State is given the value of 1, if we plot it on a Graph, we can see the Pattern it makes: Table 2.07: Trinary Atom State Change Pattern: State 1

State Visibility Graph
(+1) Solid *
0 Invisible
(-1) Semisolid
Time frame  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13
Table 2.07: Trinary Atom State Change Pattern: State 1

In the above illustration, you can see that in time frame 1, we can graph the value of the Trinary Atom in State 1, we know its Solid, so we can interact with it in a very defined way, we can not actually touch the Atom, all we can do is interact with Molecules that are created with Atom's, so the Matter/Antimatter that we see is made of Neutrinos, so we call this the Matter State, and Isaac Newton said this was the Father, which is referring to Trinity: which is a metaphor for the 3 State changes of the Light of God, so the Father is a real being that represents all the Atom's in the Father that is in this State at the same time, so Atom was the First Father, on the Eve of the Event, when the next Logic State changes, so this pattern is Intelligence, it shows us the Pattern of the State change in the 1 State, which can be called the Solid State, Matter State, Light State, or even the Father, and this is also in all 3 dimensions at the same time, so it is in the 3rd Dimension, so it has Width, Height and Depth, so now we move to time frame 2, and see where this pattern will lead us, so it has to pass through the 0 State, which is in the 0 Dimension or Mother, and Isaac Newton called this the Holy Ghost or Spirit of Mother, because the Trinary Atom disappears, so its invisible, because it has no dimensions to support normal space, all the space in it collapses into nothing, but the Neutrinos are still there, but not the space, so if we had the right equipment that could see subatomic particles that have no space, then we could see that it did not vanish, it just can not be seen, because humans can only see what is in the 3rd Dimension, and can not see any dimension less than 3, so now we plot this on our graph: Table 2.08: Trinary Atom State Change Pattern: State 0

State Visibility Graph
(+1) Solid *
0 Invisible *
(-1) Semisolid
Time frame  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13
Table 2.08: Trinary Atom State Change Pattern: State 0

In the 0 State, the Trinary Atom is in the 0 Dimension, so Space it occupies has no width, height or depth, so all the Matter in it is compressed into a single point of existence, this single point is too small to see with the equipment of my time, maybe one day that will not be true, but for now, this is just a Theory, because I can not prove it with Empirical Evidence, but Logic proves that is what is happening, because it is the only way to explain it, and Logic is Empirical Evidence when it comes to proving things that we do not have the technologies to prove it with, so I do not refer to this concept as not having Empirical Evidence, I just point out what type of Empirical Evidence I am talking about, which in this case is based on Logic.

Intelligence is defined by the ability to make a decision, and this pattern is encoded in the pattern, so if we look at the pattern that is forming, we will note a natural progression, in time frame 1, we had Matter, denoted by the * in that cell of the table I created to illustrate this concept, but more to my point, it is like the Chicken or the Egg concept, which came first, and the truth is that all Atoms start off in the 0 State, so it might have made more sense to start off with it in time frame 1, instead of confusing people with saying that the Atom starts off in time frame 2 in State 0 instead, but then Logic would state this is an infinite loop, and therefore has no beginning and no end, and that is why I did it this way, to make this point, because coming into this State change of 0, we had Matter in State 1, so now the decision is made based on what State the Atom was in when it arrived in the 0 State, and that is where the Chicken or the Egg concept beings, did the Chicken create the Egg first or did the Egg create the Chicken that laid the Egg, and that Logic will drive most normal people crazy, but the truth is in science and this Pattern is about defining how this Science works, so if we assume that this is just one Atom in the Egg, we can assume that the Chicken already laid the Egg, because the Egg would not exist unless the Chicken laid it, because only Chickens lay Chicken Eggs, how the chicken came to be is part of Evolution, but the process of every Atom is the same regardless of what the Atom is part of, because only the Light of God can make the decision about what State the Atom will come out of in this step, and it only has 3 States it can come out as, so its can only come out in States: 0, (+1) or (-1), so for our example, we will assume it came out in the (-1) State and plot it on our graph: Table 2.09: Trinary Atom State Change Pattern: State (-1)

State Visibility
(+1) Solid *
0 Invisible *
(-1) Semisolid *
Time frame  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13
Table 2.09: Trinary Atom State Change Pattern: State (-1)

Now we see a Pattern, if the logic never changes, we can expect the graph to look like this: Table 2.10: Trinary Atom State Change Pattern: Logical pattern

State Visibility
(+1) Solid * * * *
0 Invisible * * * * * *
(-1) Semisolid * * *
Time frame  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13
Table 2.10: Trinary Atom State Change Pattern: Logical pattern

This is a Sawtooth or Alternating Current waveform, depending on the resolution, it is just a pattern that is very recognizable, but first I need to talk about the (-1) State, it is a Dark State, meaning it is not as Light as State (+1), which was the Light State, also it is the Antimatter State, since it is the opposite of the 1 State, it could have moved in position, because in the 0 Dimension the Atom could not move, that is when the Neutrinos moved in the Universe, when we are not looking, so they do not burn up, since they are traveling at the speed of Light, but Light inside the Neutrinos did not move, since it had no dimensions to move in, so its only in the (+1) or (-1) State that any movement can take place, as far as the Eye is concerned, but its only an illusion, in reality, only the Neutrinos are moving, but they are not moving when we see them, they are moving we can not see them, and not the Light inside them is not moving, I repeat this to allow it to sink in, so the State changes match the movement of the Atom in real space, so this denotes intelligence, it means that in the 0 Dimension, there was a decision made to change the State of the Atom for a reason, and Isaac Newton called this the Son, because in Trinity the Son was something that came from the Father, so it may or may not exist yet, for example: if a Father gives his Seed to a Mother, then the Son will be born, this is a decision made by the Father or the Mother, or both, but in truth, it was made by the Light of God, because without that Light, the Egg would have come to Life, and that is why the (-1) State is Dark, if nothing changes, it will turn to the (+1) State and continue to exist, if it is not to be, it will never change to the 1 State, and no Son will be born, so the Father must go through the Holy Ghost or Spirit of Mother, which is the 0 State change, so the Pattern we see is a record of all these decisions, and the pattern it makes represent those decisions, this is the part of Science I really like to explain, because most people can really understand that it is the truth about Atom and Eve, Atom was the Father, a (+1), and Eve was the Mother, reference point at 0, so when you stick the (+1) into the 0, you get a Negative 1, meaningless than 1, because it is a child known as a Son, and the Son will grow up to be the Father.

In biology, cells are a collection of molecules that are made up of Atom's, so the State changes that take place are at the subatomic level, meaning smaller than the Atom, so when an Atom is required, it must be able to bind Light to Neutrinos, and these Neutrinos come from somewhere, so I need to explain this in simple terms, Neutrinos come from the Universe, there are a finite number of Neutrino particles and no newer ones are created, so the Universe can only grow so big, because it only has so many Neutrinos to build with, so all Neutrinos are reused, so every Atom in our body is created from Neutrinos that are as old as the Universe itself, so something has to be destroyed in order for something new to be created, this is why Life forms do not live forever, not even Galaxies, Suns, Planets or Moons live forever, because this Universe is constantly rebuilding, and as things die, the material they are made up of, will decay, and those rates of decay are easy to calculate, and it is also easy to prove, because we have Neutrino detectors that can prove what I just said is the truth and can be proven to work this way, if you destroy an Atom, it will always produce Neutrinos and Light, so that is Empirical Evidence, so now we need to talk about how Neutrinos move through the Universe.

Gravity is caused by the Light regardless of whether Neutrinos are in it or not, I once made the mistake of running a simulation of a Universe where no more Neutrinos exist because they were all used up, and the whole Universe stopped having Gravity and exploded, creating the Big Bang, and I knew that never happened, so I had to abandon my idea that Neutrinos caused Gravity, so the link lead me to understand that Gravity is what attracts Neutrinos, in fact its just one of many reasons Gravity exist, it is only how that makes it Magic, but I am a Wizard, and I will explain how this works. My thought process was that Gravity needed to be a physical media, and Neutrinos are the only physical media I could find at the subatomic level, so I had to rule out Neutrinos, I know now that the detection count varies over time, so Science is what answered that question, before I found out about the results of that study, it was clear to me why that is, because Neutrinos are always present, but they are measured as if the direction was only coming from outer space, but I know that if the Trinary Engine does not need more, it will send them back, but I have no idea how far they will travel, one thought is that they only make it to the force field also known as the Van Allen Belt, but Neutrino detectors would have been deployed into that space to detect them, and collect data needed to prove that idea, otherwise, I would just be adding another theory that could not be proven without newer technology, so would the logic that the neutrinos would just keep going in whatever direction that gravity would take them, seemed like sound logic, so the idea that the force field would have to have intelligence enough to ensure that no new neutrinos would be allowed to entire unless the planet needed more, otherwise, they would be trapped in our planets Gravity, so the force field is there to filter out neutrinos and other spectra of Light it did not require, and that took a lot of intelligence, or you must really believe in Magic, and just saying God did it sounds like a cheat, but that is the truth, it is also Trinary Science, so it is the Science behind God.

Every Atom in the Universe has a reason to exist, as humans, we may not understand the reason for Atom's to exist that can create insects like Mosquitoes, but without them, all life on the planet would not exist, so Evolution is another Science, but Atoms are in every Object in the Universe, the Planet itself is nothing but Atom's, and all of those Atoms have a decay rate, so how a Trinary Engine works are the heart of the explanation for how it all works, so it would be easier to explain how to create a Planet, so I need an Atom to start with, so I know that in the Universe there are only so many Neutrinos, so I need a way to attract them to where I need to build a Planet, so I will first need to build a Galaxy, so I must create a Trinary Engine, and this may seem like the Chicken before the Egg, because I need Neutrinos to build a Trinary Engine, so in comes the Magic of the 0 Dimension, this is where the Light of God is, and it is all just one place to it, there are no dimensions, so think about it, when you are in the 0 Dimension, you are everywhere in the Universe at the same time and place, although this space is at the center of every Atom, it comes down to how you view this 0 dimension, because the whole Universe has no normal space in this Dimension, so all the Neutrinos are all over the Universe, but there is no space between any of them in the 0 Dimension, so it is all in the way we view space in the 0 dimension does any of this make sense, how can all the Neutrinos in the Universe physically be connected with no space in between them, when in the 3rd dimension we know that this space exist, but we also know that it only exists in all 3 dimensions, so let us imagine that we are this first Atom to be created in this new Galaxy, in space, there is nothing around us for trillions of Light years in all directions, and but there are Neutrinos that the Universe has blasted out at us from Supernovas, but what if we were the first Galaxy, then even better, because the Neutrinos are everywhere, because they are not in use at this time, or not of any use that can not be repurposed, so the process does not change, in order to create a Trinary Engine, the Light must change to the 0 Dimension, then it must make the decision to create an Atom, this requires a specific type of Neutrino, so I will create Light in the spectrum that attracts that type of Neutrino, so that only that type of Neutrino is attracted to the Light, and only enough to create one Atom, and that is a lot, there are many Neutrinos in one Atom, but to create one Atom, I only need to create the Light in the Spectrum that will attract it, and then just wait for it to finish its job before I change States.

That is a simple way of explaining it, but its how every Atom in the Universe is created, and it is very simple, the Light, which is just Energy in a Spectrum that attracts Neutrinos, decides what type of Atom they want, and create that type of Light to create the Atom, by attracting the Neutrino particles and holding them around the Atom till they create an outer shell thick enough that you can not see the Light through the shell, but keep in mind that the shell is not solid, it just particles of Neutrinos that are bond to it by the Energy of the Light without Darkness, keep in mind that there can be up to 3 types of Light in an Atom, so Atom's have only 1 type of Light in them, some have 2, but most have 3 types, so when the Matter and Antimatter come together, the Atom will blast its outer shell of Neutrinos like a grenade, and start a chain reaction of Atom's being destroyed, until a balance is obtained and the blast will implode on itself, so when any Atom is created, the power of the Light of God is inside of every one of them, so be careful with Atom's, they contain both Matter and Antimatter, the Matter is on the inside and Antimatter is on the outside when in a 1 State, it is what humans can see, only the Darkness, and Neutrinos come in all types, and each has its own color, and those make up the Rainbow of colors of the Light and every Color that objects can be created from.

Neutrinos are subatomic particles, on one side is Matter and the other side is Antimatter, each type is a specific type which has color and other attributes associated with it, these can be found in the Periodic Table of Elements.

If I wanted the first Atom in the Galaxy to be made of Gold, I would create the Light in a spectrum that only attracted Gold Neutrinos, each particle has Matter on one side and Antimatter on the other side, if the Antimatter ever comes into contact with the Matter then an Atomic explosion would result, and that power is in every Atom in the Universe, so if the State is (+1), the Light attracts the Matter side of the Neutrino, forcing the Antimatter to the inside, and then it creates a force field around the Neutrino, now every time the Atom changes from State (+1) to State (-1), those two sides of the Particles will change, such that in State (+1), you only see the Matter side, and the Antimatter is inside, so changing states to (-1), will reverse that, so you only see the Antimatter, and the Matter is inside, so keep in mind that Atom's next to each other in a Molecule, never come into contact with each other, so their Matter and Antimatter will never come into contact with each other in nature, meaning that it could only happen if some device, in nature, a comet or asteroid could do this, or some event that causes two atoms to collide at a speed great enough to cause one atom to come into contact with another atom, and the state of each atom has a lot to do with that, but in most atomic bombs, there are many atoms in question and the states of those atoms are unknown, but the outcome is clear, enough come into contact with each other and the amount of energy released can be calculated, and the resulting Neutrinos can be detected, so this is easy to prove.

The creation of an Atom can be recorded if you have the Neutrino detectors on both sides of the Atom that is to be created, the Neutrino detector needs to know which way the Neutrinos are traveling, that can be accomplished by having two neutrino detects, since the direction will always be towards the Trinary Engine and away from it, in 90 degrees from what we can determine to be flat on a plane on its surface, so the two detectors on the top and bottom can determine the direction, and the difference in the count for the top and bottom can prove that the neutrinos were used to create an Atom, otherwise, they would have just passed through it.

Trinary Atoms are very simple in construction and implementation, the concept is so simple that children can understand it, yet most humans have made the science so complicated: that the Theories they have about the creation of Atom's makes no sense to anyone, in fact, I have searched the internet and can conclude that the science of today is all based on Theories, and the current one is that all Atoms were created at the same time, and no new ones are created, so all the Atom's in existence are created in the “Big Bang”, which I already ran that model and found it would cause the entire Universe to go Nova, over and over again, so logically it can not be, the thought process that we must eat something that has Atom's in it in order to gain Atomic Structure, is logical to a point, but under a microscope, the truth is much more revealing, when cells split, there is no evidence that they were being fed from a source of Atom's, in fact, it is clear that what we eat is broken down into enzymes and not Atom's, and the fact that Neutrinos exist is all the proof I needed to disprove the Big Bang Theory, because they would not exist if all the Atom's were created during the Big Bang and no new ones were created, because eventually, the Universe would just disappear, and that would take less than 7 days, so it is a fact that current science has no idea how Atoms are created, but a 3rd grader could explain how Trinary Atoms are created, so just to make sure we fully understand this concept, I will try to illustrate it.

In Step 0 the Trinary Energy is in the 0 State and is in the 0 Dimension, it is here where it decides to make an Atom, it knows what type of Atom it needs so it is ready to change States, this decision means Intelligence known as God: and it started with: Illustration 2.26: Creation of an Atom: Step 1 - Light

Creation of an Atom: Step 1 - Light
Illustration 2.26: Creation of an Atom: Step 1 - Light Full Size

In Step 1, it changes states to (+1) or (-1), depending on the direction it needs to create the Atom, this causes the spectrum of the Trinary Energy, which is Light without Darkness, which means that out of the 3 types of Light, we have the Light without Darkness, Darkness without Light and the Guiding-Light of Destiny also known as God, so God is in the 0 Dimension, and tells the Light without Darkness what to do, and the Darkness without Light just does the opposite, the Light tells it what to do, the Darkness tells it what not to do, so to change to the spectrum required to attract the correct Neutrino type to create the Atom, so the above illustration shows the Light that it will create, I did not show an illustration for the Trinary Energy in the 0 Dimension, since its invisible, but it also has no Neutrinos at his point in time, its just Trinary Energy, unlike a Trinary Engine that uses Lightning that has Neutrinos, and it will stay in this state and collect Neutrino particles, as seen in the Illustration 2.27: Creation of an Atom: Step 2 - Atom.

Creation of an Atom: Step 2 - Atom
Illustration 2.27: Creation of an Atom: Step 2 - Atom Full Size

As you can see in the illustration that the Atom can be seen as Light until it has completed being covered by Neutrinos. In Step 2, the State will change back to 0, and it will determine if the Atom needs to collect more Neutrinos, if so it will change States and repeat the process, until the Atom is completed, it can change states trillions of times in a second, but every time it cycles through the State 0, it will reevaluate the Atom checking its integrity, and checking to see if the Atom is still required, if it is not, it can remove the Atom by simply dropping the force field around the Atom, and the Neutrinos will simply pass through the empty space in the surrounding Atom's, so the destruction of Atoms takes place in State 0 only, the Light goes out, and the Atom never comes back. The Creation of the Trinary Atom will one day be Science that Humans can use, we will want to create 3D Printers that can create the Atom's for the Object they are Creating, so the understanding of Trinary Science is key to the success of this Machine, whereas Mainstream will be working on Time Machines till the End of Time and no closer to the Truth, when they abandon the Newtonian Universe to embrace a Godless Dynamic Universe, based on a Theory called “General Relativity”, knowing the Author Albert Einstein only believed in the Newtonian Universe, and never believed in his own Theory because it created Paradox after Paradox, none of which can exist in Reality. No matter how you imagine Creation of the Atom, you must agree that they can be destroyed, or disintegrated, since the Neutrinos can be detected when they are split, and not atom survives that, so if the Big Bang theory was true, we would not exist, because all those Atoms would be gone by now, so why I should have to compete with a Science that is so lacking in Intelligence, is because people are normally lacking in any Intelligence, just because they can speak and learn to mimic others, does not make them prime candidates to figure out how the Universe works, so they should not write stupid things like Theories about the Big Bang, because then Intelligent people know how stupid you really are, and it is not to be Mean, it is the Truth, so get over it, the Creation of the Trinary Atom takes Trinary Energy, and that is proven by Empirical Evidence, whereas the Big Bang only took place in the Toilet when you Flush this Stupid Idea down it.

I write the word “Atom” to save the space of writing: Proton, Neutron, and Electrons, so the Word Spelled “Atom” means Neutrinos that are bound to Light, and there are 3 Types of Atom's. To understand the difference between Trinary Energy, Atom's which includes the: Proton, Neutron, and Electrons, yet Electrons are much smaller than the Proton and Neutron it orbits, so first we must remember that all Energy is Trinary Energy, the only difference is the package it comes in, for example: Atom's: Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons have a shell of Neutrinos, but the Energy inside is still Trinary Energy, so Trinary Energy refers to the Energy itself, Atoms depend on the type of Neutrino: whereas Electrons use a generic type of Neutrino that is not in our Periodic Table of Elements, which is why I think it is another type of Neutrino, because it makes up no Elements, in fact, the Proton and Neutron are both made out of different types of Neutrinos, and as a combination that makes up the Elements in the Periodic Table of Elements, as such every Element in the Table of Periodic Table of Elements has 3 types of Neutrinos in it, yet as a molecule, it has other elements in it, so all we are talking about is the material they are made of, but my main point is that Trinary Energy has 3 types of Light, not all of them are in every Proton, Neutron or Electron, or Trinary Engine as we will talk about later. The Trinary Universe defines all Energy as 3 State Energy: Newton, Franklin, and Tesla all said that this is the only type of energy that exists, it was just the names that have changed, and they all agreed it is the Light of God, but the term God is useless in Science, because of the many definitions of God, which is as a Deity or Spirit, which is insane, because God is All Light without Darkness, but Religious people only want to argue about Spells, so they argue God is all light without Darkness, as if the Spell “without” does not mean “no”, and try to convince me that Darkness means Evil and has nothing to do with Energy, so I call Religious people Stupid for believing this, that is not what the definition states, also, it is a fact that they are insane for believing God does not Physically exist, and personally I do not care about hurting their Feelings, thinking that Freewill allows you to believe in crazy ideas: is still crazy, and I do not do Crazy, you do not have the right to think that Insanity is Reality, I do Science, and in Science, we can not have Crazy Theories, thinking that a Theory is just a way of explaining facts is Crazy, when a Theory is not a fact, since all of the Theories are Crazy until they are proven to be the truth, so I had to come up with Trinary Science to remover Crazy Theories, and Crazy ideas, God is not about Religion, and never has been, Religion is about Hate and not about Love, anyone that believes that is not the Truth just proved it is, because they Hate that I said that, when they should Love that I told the truth, and the Bible is not about Religion nor was it written for them, it was allowed to become Religion, because people are ignorant about the things they do not understand, but God is very easy to understand, Gods Law is called “The Laws of Physics”, Moses Laws are just that, so they are Mans Laws and only Liars would state otherwise, and I do not defend Liars, they have no Honour, nor do Religious people, they are self-serving and only care about their own needs and Lie in the name of God, and people who deny God exist are just as insane or crazy, I can not say it enough that people who only believe in things that do not exist and deny the things that do are insane, so Trinary Energy is about Science, it is not about what I believe is real Science, it is about what I proved is Science, and trust me, I have plenty of Crazy ideas, and some of them might find there way into this document, so do not believe anything I write or say until you prove it to yourself, and that starts with 3 State Energy, so call it what you want: the Light of God, White Noise, Light Wizzard, or Trinary Energy, but do not lie about what it is, because it does not change the Bible... Religion did that, and it did so to create Hate in the minds that they wish to control, its brainwashing 101, make your Enemy do your Bidding, as for me, I will believe in the Bible and in God, I even pray to God knowing that God only helps those that help themselves, so God is the Energy inside every Atom.

Atoms are a vast subject, Trinary Energy is just unbound Energy, also called White Noise, if you want to believe this is God as Newton, Franklin, and Tesla: then you are a Wizard, and Gender does not Matter, Witches only know how to make Spells, so they use Words, so it is the Witchcraft that is the Art of Writing, and it is how I write, and why most people have a hard time with the way I write, it is because it is using Witchcraft, that is the Language of Wizards, so I use Spells and Words as if they meant something, and what that something is, is the Subject of Science, and not Stupid Fairy Tales, so I use Old English, and terms no one uses nowadays, and so did the other Wizards in this Story, notice how the Word “This” has the word “his” in it, that is Witchcraft, it `tis what it is, so do not read into it, just read it, I write what I mean and I mean what I write, so when I talk about Trinary Energy, I am always talking about Unbound Energy, or the Energy Bound inside an Atom, but when I talk about Atom's, I might be talking about Neutrinos, and I might be only talking about one of the 3 types of Atom's, so it is in the context of what I say about them does this become Crystal Clear. In Trinary Science I call Atoms, Trinary Atoms, but they are the same Atoms known to Mainstream Science, only they are Trinary, meaning they have 3 State Logic Changes, and also because they have 3 different types: Proton, Neutron, and Electron. Once I define Trinary Atoms, they are much more useful in Trinary Science, in fact, they are the very Principle of the Trinary Universe, the very foundation of Trinary Science, it defines the Universe down to the Atom, and defines all the Trinary Math that goes with it, so I can calculate Atoms using Trinary Math, proving they are Science, because the experiments to prove it, is repeatable, and predictable, and that is the criteria for good Science. Mainstream Science is built on one theory after another, and not one of them have been proven, making all of them unproven, for over a Century, so it is safe to say they are never going to be proven, so why people waste time talking about it, is another story, and the biggest lie ever told about the Theory of General Relativity, is that Tesla did not understand it, and the main misunderstanding came from the fact, that Tesla called Trinary Energy Aether, while others jumped on the Aether, or Ether bandwagon, and took that in another direction from Science, into Science Fiction, it only takes one waked out Theory to set the pace for others to follow. Atoms are created by Light Binding to a specific type of Neutrino, this requires Intelligence, witch is why the Bible, Jesus, and Newton stated that God is All Light without Darkness, because that is the Intelligence that binds the Neutrinos to the Light, and once they are bound, they become Atom's, and Tesla said Everything is Light, and this proves it.

< Chapter 2.10

> Chapter 2.12

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