The Principles of the Trinary Universe Chapter 1.03:
Light is not a Straight Line
C®pyRight & C©pyLeft
Jeffrey Scott Flesher “Medically Retired United States Air Force Staff Sergeant” Last Update: 14 January 2020


Chapter 1.03:
Light is not a Straight Line

When I started counting Numbers to keep my mind busy, I did not just pick any numbers, I had to figure out vectors for Light to travel in straight lines, always looking for the most optimized way of calculating it, which over my lifetime lead me to learn every recorded form of Math used to calculate vectors in a straight line, but math like y = mx + b is not optimized for large distances where x is measured in Billions of Light Years, and y and b is unknown, since I was trying to figure out if there is a beginning and endpoint to that line, which eventually lead me to use Multidimensional Math, which I visualized as geometric shapes: a rectangle represented the path of the straight line, it boxes it in, triangles or pyramids represented the single-photon of Light, when the Light was Solid or Brightest, it was inside of a Sphere, as it changed states to a Darker intensity, the Sphere would twist like a figure 8, so Sphere was like a Toroid, and I envisioned as being a Sphere with a hole through it, from pole to pole, so Trinary Engines [1] and Atom's have this Shape, not sure if they actually exist since I have never seen one, but I know they exist because the Atom must have a way to disappear, it is not Magic, so like a Wizard, I must describe what the Atom would have to look like if it could disappear with an explanation, so it looked like two triangles pointing at each other, or one Twisted Spherical Toroid which I visualize as two triangles joined at the tips, so it is a figure 8, it is just how we model constructs in 2D and 3D, then it would turn inside out and appear as a Sphere with nothing in it, this math was clearly a visualization of how the Light changes state in terms of images and it used only 3 shapes: Rectangle, Triangle and Circle, so it was the most optimized way of visualizing vectors in a straight line, since each object represented a state change, and it was bond to the Rectangle, it also had relationships with each other, but needless to say, a straight line is a boring path to take, but I realized that in Real 3 Dimensional Space, this path would not travel through the Universe on a straight line, as if Space was like a sheet of paper that represented the Universe, and a straight line is drawn down the middle of its width-wise, as shown in: Illustration 1.01: Spherical Light , with a line representing the Lightpath as flat, knowing it is not flat since it actually goes around the entire Sphere, my equation was set up to figure out if the paper could be seamed together into a sphere, such that the straight line would form a circle that ran around the sphere as shown in: Illustration 1.02: Circular Spherical Light, shown as a line representing the Light path in a Circle.

Flat Spherical Light Circular Spherical Light Illustration 1.01: Flat Spherical Light Full Size
Illustration 1.02: Circular Spherical Light Return 1 Full Size

I wanted to know if this was possible for Light to form a magnetic line of flux and curve back to form a complete path, so this Circle is an unknown or undefined shape, it is a loop, elliptical or oval-shaped like a magnet, same principle as a magnetic field, because I figured out that expanding infinitely on a straight line was not probable, because it would not have a beginning or an endpoint, although this went along with the science of my time, I did not believe that space was like water in an infinite universe and could flow infinitely in one direction, and the more I thought about it the more convinced I became that it was not what was going on, in fact, I know for a fact that this is not what we see when we look into deep space, in fact I know if we look far enough, we would see ourselves from behind, not that we would ever have telescopes that powerful, and it would take over 13 billion years for the Light to travel that far, so it was the time it would take to prove such a concept quickly became unmanageable, but I saw the universe compartmentalized into corridors of space, which lead me to think that there are actually multiple corridors of Space in the Universe, each was in the shape of a sphere and although you could see other corridors you could not get from one corridor into another, because what we perceive as a straight line, is actually just a circle that has a very large radius between 13 to 16 Billion Light years, which is a number I thought about for a long time, so it is not random or made up, but it could be between 13 and 16 Billion Light years, but it would be a miracle if I was right about any number I chose, so the number is just an educated guess, it all depends on the Frequency of Light, that is why it has such a wide gap of some 3 Billion Light Years, but Newton was the one always wondering how far we could see with better telescopes, and we still use the one he invented, and it has not changed much since he looked through it over 3 Centuries ago, sure we have bigger telescopes with better optics, and all the electronics we have to go with it, but the method of collecting Light with a Mirror and Lens is not new, and the physics of it never changes even though the technology does. If you take into account that all Energy must pass through the 0 Dimension, then you know that the Vertex for that Energy never moves in space, no Dimensions [1] to move in: if it wanted too, so if a photon of Light was sent through space on a straight line and it kept going, it would have to catch up with itself at some point in time, even though most people would think that is crazy, I am talking about how energy flows through the Universe, not the bounds of the Universe itself, because I am sure that is infinite in all directions, but all the data I have researched in the last 42 years, proved to me that Light does not actually travel in straight lines, just lines that look straight, but actually formed a circle with a very large radius, so I used numbers that would make a diameter of 13 to 16 Billion Light Years, which is why we can not see further than that without Redshifting, which you would have to know about Edwin Hubble's work on the expanding Universe. Basically it came down to how far away we perceive object in space, and how fast are they traveling, which lead me to test theories that maybe we are looking at other corridors and it is why they appear to be traveling twice the speed of Light.

If one corridor is moving one direction, while the one next to it would appear to be moving away from it at twice the speed of Light since it is moving in the opposite direction, as if we are sitting in the middle of two objects, the ones on one side are moving in one direction at the speed of Light while the other was heading the opposite direction at that same speed, thus the two add up together, but it is just an optical illusion, since we know that nothing can travel faster than the speed of Light, this is the only explanation I could come up with, but the calculation was very long not to mention circular, so it ended up it did not have a beginning nor an ending point, so it was infinite, so this one calculation rattled around my mind most of my life, because a circle by definition is an infinite line, but I would have to prove that the path Light takes is actually a circle and has a radius, and if you can figure out what that radius is, you would know how large our corridor of space is, but the Planet Earth is too small of a planet to accurately determine a radius of that magnitude, so setting up an experiment would be hard to do, for one thing, you need something that is very long and perfectly flat, and we normally use LASER's to determine how flat they are, and if I am right, a LASER's path is also a circle with a very large radius, so you cannot use one to determine a straight line over even a few thousand miles, but the Earth only has a line of Sight of about 166 miles before it starts to curve, so for the most part, a LASER is a Straight line in a Short Distance, but if you wanted to know the true path, you would have to factor in its Arc. If you bounce a LASER off a mirror on the Moon, it will reflect back, but the path the Light takes is Not a Straight Line, it bends as it leaves our Magnetosphere, and bends as it enters the Moons Magnetosphere, then bends as it leaves the Moon, and bends again when it enters the Earths Magnetosphere again, thus canceling out most of the errors, making it appear to be a straight line, so it must make several State changes to make this round trip, but does this complete the cycle of Light? Only if its in a Closed Loop, and this can be achieved, and what will amaze you, is that you can watch the Universe move around the Lightpath, and understand that the Light is not Moving, it is the Universe that is. Light is not a Straight Line, what goes around, comes around... Some people ask me how I run this program simulating the path of Light in my mind, when you think about it, if it does not have a beginning where do you start, if I use a LASER, the beginning is the Lens, and if this LASER was powerful enough to come full circle, then it would return to the end of the LASER in about 16 Million years, thus the beginning will also become the ending of the Light. Yet, how do you know when you reached that point in your simulation, and the answer is that the state change would end at that point, because it has come full circle, no pun intended. At the beginning of the Photon, the 0 Dimension was opened up to allow the flow of energy from that point forward of the Lens, so ending it will short it out, grant you that the LASER may not be in the right place at the right time, to be hit by the returning Light, but the Path the Light makes is an Ellipse, and it is just that simple, once a Photon is emitted into space on a path, that photon is tied to the point in space it was created, it does not move, it is static in reference to the Universe itself, and it will continue to draw power from that point until it completes the circuit, which means that this corridor of space in the Universe orbits around that point, looking a Illustration 1.02: Circular Spherical Light [1], otherwise, a photon would not have enough energy to make the journey very far, and that is a fact, it is just how to explain it, there has to be a physical way for Light to travel Billions of Light years, just the power it would take for Light to travel just one Light year is hard to imagine, and if the Universe keeps expanding at the rate Hubble estimated it, then the Universe would have already expanded out of view years ago, so something else must explain this, and this circular path of Light is the only logical explanation, we must rely on the Laws of Physics, which state that Light is an Electromagnetic Energy, and I did prove this, so it is Empirical Evidence, as is the fact that all Electromagnetic Fields travel in an Elliptical Orbit, thus proving beyond a Shadow of a Doubt: that Light must also, and to not do so would break the Laws of Physics, so there is your Proof, Light travels in an Elliptical Path, and Not a Straight Line.

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