The Principles of the Trinary Universe Chapter 2.04:
Energy Transmissions
C®pyRight & C©pyLeft
Jeffrey Scott Flesher “Medically Retired United States Air Force Staff Sergeant” Last Update: 14 January 2020

Chapter 2.04:
Energy Transmissions

Electricity transmitted through a Medium can be presented as Atom's in the Medium, since you can not see them in it, I depict them on the Surface in Yellow, as seen in Illustration 2.12: Atom's on a media, this model is made of one of the conducting elements found in the Periodic Table, each of them has a unique property when conducting Electricity, which just comes down to the flow of Electrons, it is even possible to reverse the flow direction. The Medium is just the material Electrical current will flow through, so it can be made out a mixture of different elements, in fact, due to contamination and just the fact, we have a hard time breaking compounds into atoms, and then separating them, so we have 100% of just those atoms, but suppose we did, and could make this out of just atoms, what path through or around the atoms, would the Electrons current flow: if all it is atoms were aligned like: Illustration 2.12: Atom's on a media, which assumes they are all exactly the same distance apart, in other words, would it flow in a straight line or zigzag in between atoms or flow over all the atoms evenly, or randomly flow through all atoms with no pattern, I am sure there are endless other scenarios that are equally unimportant, because most Electronic Engineers understand that electrons will flow through any medium, in varying ways like I have mentioned, depending on the current and voltage, so we imagine if we could allow just one electron to flow through the medium at one time, now, what path would it take?

Atom's on a media
Illustration 2.12: Atom's on a media Full Size

It will always follow the path that the Trinary Energy has plotted out for it, and that is the only way of knowing the pattern because the path is always changing, but the Vertice Matrix Grid will show the Path, so we plot out the simplest path, a straight line as shown in: Illustration 2.13: Electron path in straight line.

Electron path in straight line
Illustration 2.13: Electron path in straight line Full Size

Electricity transmitted through a Medium all depends on how advanced Technology is, and right now it is not, so this is going to be a very short Sub Chapter until this changes, but for now, all we need to know is that there is a Pattern, and it is very predictable once you understand it, but due to Technology Limitations, I am not able to show you this, so this is the end until that changes.

Energy Transmissions is the same thing as Light Transmissions, it is only the Frequency of the Energy that determines this, because just as Light does not move, all the Magnetic Flux also does not move, its just the Universe moving around the Magnet, as such, when an extra Electron is in any Magnetic Material, it can only hold so many Electrons, so the extra one is sent out of the Material, and the Magnetic Flux Field will cause it to move back to the opposite end, and pushes out another Electron from the other end. An Antenna will also act like a Magnet, only its Force Field Rings are far away from the Antenna, so the Transmission of Electrons will always come back, just like Light, it is the time measure in millions of years that obfuscates this, so like Light, Energy Transmissions are not in straight lines, they travel in an Eclipse, like all Electromagnetic fields.

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