The Principles of the Trinary Universe Chapter 3.06
C®pyRight & C©pyLeft
Jeffrey Scott Flesher “Medically Retired United States Air Force Staff Sergeant” Last Update: 14 January 2020

Chapter 3.06

Trinary Energy can be seen under a powerful Electron Microscope, but despite the fact that “Gods Particle” is the Hottest Scientific Buzz word going around at the time I was writing this dissertation, it was also named that as a joke, and very little is actually known about it, it has been proven it has Intelligence, but yet no one knows why or can explain it, so it is a very easy Science to Corrupt with the wrong words, because it is very hard to prove a lot of the Concepts that I need to explain, so I need to be very careful when creating Names for things that already exist, because doing so may cause confusion, which is the very reason I created the word, so I could avoid that confusion, so to be very clear about this Point, from now on I will only refer to “White Noise” or Gods Particle as Trinary Energy, and it will only be defined the way I defined it, so other Research on Gods Particle does not Apply to anything I have to say by default, it may turn out to be the same thing, but I am only going to try to avoid confusing terms and names, so it made sense to give it a new name, because what you will find out is that it is going to make it a lot easier than trying to make distinctions between the two, or anyone trying to mix what they know about White Noise or Gods Particle into what I am trying to teach about Trinary Energy, or visa verse, or even worse Religious people trying to mix what they think they know about God with Real Science, even though in mainstream science God does not exist, nor do Deities, so Religion is just the same, but Gravity is a subject that needs to be defined, but also almost needs to be renamed, not sure what to call it, so I will not rename it for that reason alone, called it Trinary Gravity does not really change it, but it does better define it, so I will call it Trinary Gravity or just Gravity for short.

Trinary Energy has 3 States that we already defined, this Energy is found in 100% of all Space in the Universe, and all known objects contain about 99.999% Empty Space, and just for the Record, Empty Space refers to Space with Nothing in it, whereas Null Space refers to Space in the 0 Dimensions, so I am asserting that Trinary Energy can Flow-through Empty Space while it is in its Null State, so logically it can flow through any object that you would normally refer to as solid. Trinary Energy is Massless Energy, it has no matter, even though the Particle sides are named Matter and Antimatter, and the reason for these names was to describe how it interacts with the 3rd Dimension, because this energy flows through all objects with very little resistance, in fact, the Resistance is a Mathematical problem that Newton stated as: “Every point mass attracts every single other point mass by a force pointing along the line intersecting both points. The force is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them”, so we know what the Math is, so how does this work.

If we know that the Mass is 99.999% all Empty Space, and that Trinary Energy can Flow through this Space, then logic would lead us to believe that: the Mass of Earth has to have a Force that is causing this Attraction at right angles to the center of its mass, so to create a model of the Core of the Planet, we need a mechanism that can explain this attraction, and the only way I could figure out how this was possible was to create a Force Field around a Sphere, that would be so Dense that not even Null Space could Flow through it, and would have to flow around it, this would cause all its Gravity Force to be at Right Angles to the Planets Surface, as shown in Illustration 3.04: Direction of Gravity, the Core creates Gravity, which is an invisible force that interacts with 3rd Dimensional objects in a very defined way, as the Trinary Energy is observed as an object falls toward the Trinary Engine, you will find that all the Empty Space in all the Objects in the Universe has a purpose, because without it, there could be no gravity, since all Gravity really is, is just the effects of Dimensional Space being pulled into a Trinary Engine.

Direction of Gravity
Illustration 3.04: Direction of Gravity Full Size

At the subatomic level, this can be seen under a very special Microscope, it would look something like: Illustration 3.05: Atom's showing Empty Space arrow flows through, it has a bunch of Atom's with Valence Electrons, and the Black arrow shows the direction the object is moving, which in Illustration 3.04: Direction of Gravity it was down, to the center of the Blue Planet, we call Earth, it comes in from all angles that always follow through to the center of the Planet, so it is clear that the static dimensions are moving through the empty space along the same path as shown below, and they are pushing the object with it, which is all there really is to explaining Gravity when it comes down to it, it is a very simple concept in the Trinary Universe, it is simply friction of Trinary Energy flowing through objects at the speed of Light, if you have any object that has Mass, it will have this Null Space around the center of the Atom, and Trinary Energy can not flow through it, so it must Flow around it, like a boat anchored on a rope in the water of a river, as the river flows like the Trinary Energy, the boat will feel the drag of the water flowing by it, the water has to go around the boat, yet it wants to pull it along with it even though it can not move, this force is always present in the Universe, it is called Gravity when we talk about it at the Subatomic level, and apply it to Atom's floating in the vacuum of outer space, if they do not have another force to pull them towards it, they will continue to float through space till they find something with Gravity, this is always in the Center of the Mass, as a handful of grains of Sand are thrown into outer space, one will attract the other, till they all form the same handful of sand, so it is clear that Gravity is in all Atom's, so it has to do with the Atom's and this invisible force we call Gravity, which is Trinary Energy, or this White Noise that is everywhere in the Universe, and flows at the Speed of Light, on Earth, this Force is what Newton referred to as God or the Light without Darkness.

Atom's showing Empty Space arrow flows through
Illustration 3.05: Atom's showing Empty Space arrow flows through Full Size

Now the Math formula in Illustration 3.06: Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation starts to make sense.

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation starts to make sense
Illustration 3.06: Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation starts to make sense Full Size

If the Empty Space in all objects is the same, then only its mass needs to be calculated, so if the Trinary Energy is the Force, then it is equal to the formula: G, which is a Gravitational constant (6.673x10−11 N ·(m/kg)2), multiplied by the two masses, 1 and 2, over d2, which is the distance squared between the centers of the masses, so if God is the Light then it is Trinary Energy, so it is the Force, which I just proved is just friction between the empty space in our atomic structure, as the Trinary Energy, which is in the 0, 1st and 2nd dimensions, as it flows through the 3rd dimensional space in all objects, this will also create heat on the outside of objects due to the fluid dynamics of the atmosphere, but in a vacuum they will fall at the same rate, because the fiction is always the same regardless of mass, because the two masses are just the product of their masses combined because it is at the atomic level of the object, this concept is key, and should be understood that regardless of how fast we are traveling, the speed of Light never changes, and it can only be explained if it is because it flows through us at the same rate, regardless of if we are moving, and it will never make any difference how fast we are moving, because that is nothing compared to the speed of Light, so as it turns out, it was the Light that was causing Gravity all the time.

So I search for Dense Materials this Engine could be made of and eliminated all the ones on the Periodic table, and then doing a lot of research on Neutrino Detectors, that are believed to detect the elements that Stars or Suns that have gone Supernova are made of, so I found the Material, and because it detects many that it can not capture, they have no idea how many types there are, so they do not have a Name for the one I picked, so I named it Tritanium for obvious reasons, so as it turns out this material is so small that it can not be captured by any known material, because it is molecular structure does not contain any Electrons, Protons or Neutrons, and because of the size, it can flow through 99.999% of all the Empty Space in Solid objects, and is smaller than atoms.

To create a Sphere so solid that Null Space could not Flow through it required Science and Technology that was easy to visualize but hard to describe, so I will give it my best explanation, Tesla said that Real Lightning could create such a concentrated mass of energy, that the Light would create Mass so Dense that Empty Space could not flow through it, so I figured that was because it contained Energy that was only in the Light State, meaning Trinary Energy is only in the 1 or -1 State, and could not switch States to the 0 State, due to the Density of the Light, so it creates its own Gravity and can Float, this phenomenon is called Ball Lightning, it is a solid Ball of Lightning, its very Rare, and he spent most of his life trying to figure out how to create it, and never did, the closes he came were small sparkler type of discharges, he said it was possible if it can occur in nature, but he said he was very close, and would have created such a machine if J.P. Morgan and other bankers did not cut off his funding, so I can not explain to you how to build such a device to prove this, but given the Resources, I think I could finish his work, but like I said my idea is simple and documented in Appendix B, but to sum it up, from all my research on Ball Lightning, I can say that in an Atmosphere, it will not exist for very long before its Energy is shorted to Ground, the reasons were obvious to Tesla, who said that it is attracted to ground, and anything that will bridge that gap, and the Power it contained was tremendous, and could explode if shorted to ground, because it was a Sphere of Solid Light, so it contained no Empty Space, so it is very dense, in fact, it is the Densest Naturally occurring phenomena known, so it must be created in a Vacuum, and be totally isolated from Ground, and would require a Force Field to keep it in place, and it would require many LASER's to create a 3 mirror closed loop of Ligh and Electromagnetic Force Fields to hold it align_center in the chamber, once you get it started it should run as long as it has power feeding it via the Electromagnetic Force Field. One use would be for artificial Gravity in Outer Space, but at the same time, you can build a generator around it and recover the power from the Electromagnetic Force Field, while tapping off the power of the Ball Lighting and converting it back into Power that can be used to keep the Circuit alive, and still have excess power, if the circuit is balanced.

I have a theory that if you can create Ball Lightning it will attract Tritanium to it, my research in Neutrino Detection leads me to believe that it is attracted to Gravity, thus Creating the Ball Lightning will force the Tritanium outside the Ball, thus encasing it in the Tritanium Neutrinos, once the Lightning Ball was encased in Tritanium, it would force the Empty Space to flow around it, because not even Empty Space could flow through the Tritanium Sphere, because it is structure is so Dense that it does not contain any Empty Space in the 3rd Dimension. Tritanium has no Electrons, Protons or Neutrons, so it has no Electrical charge, so as the Empty Space flows around it, it creates Friction and Drags it in space, like a balloon floating in the water, the water acts like Energy with a Floating Ground, as the Current flows around the Balloon, it creates waves, but since these waves only happen in the 1st and 2nd Dimensions, these waves only travel at right angles around the sphere in 360 degrees of the 3-dimensional space around the Sphere, creating a force field of Null Space around the Sphere, which acts like a Grinder and disintegrates all matter it comes in contact with, which explains why the Sun behaves the way it does, so it is clear that Ball Lightning and a Trinary Engine are the same things, so Ball Lightning must be how Trinary Engines are built, the only difference is in how much Tritanium they have around them.

Science most be observable, and the only explanation for the Sun's behavior is if its Core is Solid and has a force field around it that could disintegrate all matter that hits it, and it would have to act like an Anchor in order for planets to orbit around it, because Space is pretty much not Empty Space, because it contains Planets, Moons, Comets, Asteroids, and Micrometeorites, yet it is in a Vacuum, and has 0 Gravity outside a Planets Field of Gravity, and the Sun gets Hit by these Objects all the Time, and has to somehow absorb the impact with no physical damage to the surface of the Sun, because we know that is a fact, so the current Theory about the Sun being a Controlled Nuclear Bomb or a Compressed ball of gas, caused by breaking the Laws of Physics does not hold up as Real Science, because if that Bomb or ball of gas got hit by an Asteroid the size of the ones it gets hit by, I can only conclude that there would be considerable damage to the surface of the Sun, look at the Damage Comets did when they hit Jupiter years ago, so I assert that can mean only one thing, it is so Dense that it has a Force Field that completely surrounds it, and causes so much Friction with its Grinding action as a result of matter coming in contact with Null Space, that nothing can touch it, similar to the Empty Space around an Atom, therefore it never changes size or shape, and continues to operate for Billions of years without breaking the Laws of Physics. This Concept needed a Name, so I called it a Trinary Engine because it is made of Trinary Energy. Note I said it does grow, because it is always gaining more Tritanium, so it does change in size, but the time frame would be measured in millenniums, whereas the Earth grows about a half-inch a year.

The 3 basic rules for a Trinary Engine are: Table 3.02: Basic Rules for a Trinary Engine

  1. The Core of the Engine is All Light, both Light, and Dark, so there can be no Light without the Darkness because Trinary Energy has 3 States, and the 0 State is what creates the Sphere, and the core can only switch between States 1 and -1, or Light Matter and Dark Antimatter and pass through the 0 dimensions, and this means its Intelligent, this is referred to as Trinary Intelligence, the same mechanism as Ball Lightning, so this is a Scientific fact because it can be observed, and it can be created, it is just a matter of how to keep it contained in a sphere, so it does not dissipate its energy into space, or to ground, so the Trinary Engine is born, it grows and it dies.
  2. The Sphere is made out of pure Tritanium, which is the Material that Neutrino Detectors detect. The Sphere can be reproduced in nature because Tritanium is very abundant in the Universe, and we know it is attracted by Gravity, and Ball Lightning can create their own Gravity, which allows them to Float or hover, and the Density of the Light will keep the Tritanium from flowing through the Ball Lightning or Sphere, forcing it to flow around it, and then gravity will make it bind to it thus forming a shell of very dense Tritanium around it, until it has coated the entire surface of the Light Sphere. This will cause the Empty Space to flow around the Sphere instead of through it because it is so dense that Empty Space can not flow through it.
  3. The Null Space Force Field that surrounds the Sphere, causes everything that gets pulled into its Gravitational Field to be disintegrated as it comes into contact with 0 Dimension, which causes all molecules to be stripped of their atoms, like an Atomic Grinder, because the Space with No Dimensions is like a Grinding Wheel in Space to molecules, no dimensions, so you can not see anything in it, Null Space is the only good description for it. When a dimension comes into contact with a dimension with fewer dimensions than itself, it normally flows through the Empty Space with little resistance, but this resistance can be measured and calculated, its called Gravity, but if it does not have any Empty Space to flow through it, it crashes into it, only it is not really there as Space, so it can not come into contact with it, nor can it continue on its path without being forced around it, in which case it will get all it is molecules broken down into atoms, without destroying all of the material, making it the perfect grinder, that can eat a full-size Planet if its Engine was as big as a Sun, but if it was smaller it would not be strong enough to power the Solar Winds that carry all the debris from the Sun back out into Space where it is absorbed by all the Planets in it is System, so a Crust would form, and create either a Planet or a Moon, but it would have to grow massive to form a Galaxy sized Engine.
Table 3.02: Basic Rules for a Trinary Engine

Once you can accept the fact that such an Engine is possible in Nature, we can start to understand how it works in the Trinary Universe, which is a collection of Trinary Engines, each Galaxy normally only has 1 Trinary Engine simply known as a Galaxy, it is the Core of the System, and it is always the First Engine to Grow in the Universe, and I do mean Grow, it starts out small like the size of Ball Lightning. It takes a lot of Gas to produce that large of a Lightning Strike, so if you know where a lot of Gas Clouds that are building up in Outer Space, you can follow their progress to see when Lightning Strikes, and forms a Trinary Engine, because that is the Birth of a Galaxy, Planet or Moon.

As the Trinary Engine Grows, it becomes obvious that it is under Intelligent Control, because all the conditions were just right, and it took gravity to pull all the Gas into a Region of Space that did not have any Large Masses, like a Galaxy, Sun, Planet or Moon, so how did that Gas build up enough Mass without a Source for its Gravity, and the only conclusion would be if some intelligence is in control of it, but this is Science and Not Religion, so we do not want to Call this Intelligence God, so we must look at how it is possible in nature to create Gravity without Mass, and a Trinary Energy can do that, the only question is why would it do that, and the answer always comes back to Intelligence, the only way they could exist is if they were under direct control of the Light by an Intelligent Being, and then Religion steps into Science once again, proving that God really did create the Universe.

Sir Isaac Newton Calculated that in the year 2060, the end of Civilization would happen, this event is due to a Polar Shift, leading up to this event the Earth's Magnetic Field will weaken, and eventually, collapse, at which time Gravity will also weaken, Newton did not write much about what he thought might happen, since he only writes about what he knows, and I should do the same, but my Dreams compels me to do otherwise, so I follow my Dreams and talk about what might happen during a Polar Shift, and Gravity will be effected for a brief moment, a period of time that I have no way of guessing at, since the entire Magnetic Field will collapse for this same time duration, I would imagine its less than a minute, just enough time to allow the Polarity to shift. I have read many theories, some say we will not notice it, which is hard to believe knowing the Magnetic Field is already weakening, and will one day collapse, till then the Earth is at risk of being hit by Meteorites, having been documented as being hit by one in the Head, I have mixed emotions, for one thing, I know what hit me only glanced off, or maybe it exploded on impact, that might sound crazy, but its more plausible, and more like getting hit by Dust at very high Speeds, but with low mass, and very small in size, about the size of a grain of sand, and that is what I see in our future, grant you that same night about 42 miles away, some Meteorites from the size of a golf ball to a baseball came down, and that too is what I see in this same future, and if they hit you, you will be a Stat, and even though no one can argue I got hit by something, nothing was found, so like most of the Evidence, I do not have, this is just one more item for me to add to that list, besides a nasty hole in my head that stopped bleeding after 32 minutes, I realized that I would not have survived a Marble sized Meteorite, and in less than 42 year (2060 - 2018), the World will find out if Newton was right about his Calculation, grant you that would be a miracle, unless you know exactly what its Frequency and Wavelength will be at that time, and knew what it was at now, but all I know is what Newton wrote about, and that was not much; because he did not know much, and never wrote down his Dreams; in that regard, I am a lot different than Newton in my beliefs about what I can write about, grant you that a Theory is worthless in science, and only facts should be allowed to be used, but simulations can predict outcomes.

Newton and others, including Tesla, thought that this would bring about a change in the direction that weather would occur, almost in reverse, not that the direction of the Earth changes, but its Land Mass can move during a Polar Change, in fact that Land Mass is already starting that journey now, and it is Quickening, if you look at the rate in which the changes are happening, as is Global Warming, the IceCaps are melting, so the Oceans will have less Salt in them, and less able to prevent them from Freezing, so why did Newton and Tesla both think that Gravity would only momentary weaken, when the Poles Shift, and the answer is because without Magnetic Flow, no Current will flow, and therefore Gravity which is dependent on that flow, will weaken, but since it is not caused by the Magnetic Field, it will not change, only weaken due to equal and opposite reactions not existing while the field is collapsed, therefore for a short period of time, Gravity will weaken enough that we will be able to feel it, no so sure we will float, as much as feel like we might, added to this will be the fact the Atmosphere is being released into outer space, and thus expanding as we are being sucked or pushed into outer space, so I would imagine it would be hard to breathe at that point, not to mention the fact that your internal compass is about to be reset, so it is clear that what I imagine is terrifying, and since 90% of all Lifeforms are not expected to survive this event, I would imagine it should be, but its also a fact it will happen, because it is happened before, and if our Atmosphere goes, it is going to get real cold, real fast, an Instant Ice Age...

I could write a book about what I think might happen in 2060, in fact, I think I did, not that I finished it, but I am still working on this book, and I talk about aspects of it in some chapters, but in truth, I can tell you the facts, Newton, the Church, and the Governments, all know about this, and they take it seriously, and so should you, and the Roman Church Loves Newton, and still does to this day, as do all the Religions, since they all still use his Math, and they understand Christ, having allowed the insertion in order to sell Bibles, or the Word of God, knowing that Word had two meanings, one was Satanic, meaning Evil, or the teaching of a Deity, which God and Christ both are if they do not Physically Exist, so anything that is not true is Satanic, thus the belief in anything that does not Physically Exist is Satanic, and also known as Insane according to any Dictionary, so the opposite of Satanic is anything against the teaching of concepts that are not the truth, and truth always means what can be proved to be a fact, so the Antichrist would teach that everything Physically Exist, so Antichrist is Anti-satanic, and the Church is the one that created this Paradox, and they did so on purpose knowing this, and that was to weed out false Prophets, and make more Profits, by selling more Lies, because the truth will Set you Free, not Money, it will always cost you more than your Soul has to offer, and why it explains to you how Evil Money is, because that is why the Churches relies on of two Jesus's to make Money, because you can not Teach about Bar/Abbas and ever expect people to ever use Money, since they could not do so with a clear conscientious, proving those that Deny Jesus has the last name of Bar/Abbas, have no Conscience, which is why the Story of Christ is so Popular, because people have no Conscience, and all their Science is a Con, because it allows people to lie about what God is, which is the very Energy they pay for by the Kilowatt, and used to make their Atomic or Nuclear Bombs, which should be known as God Bombs, the Bible wrote about 3 such Cities being Bombed, if do not forget to count Jericho, so it is all about History and the Terms it used, just like Oil should be called the Blood of this Planet, so it is clear that Trinary Science is the only Science that actually wants to talk about the Truth, and it is not going to Set you Free, only Trinary Sanctuary can do that, but it is a Start that Starts with understanding the Universe, and not some Theory that changes every day, science in the Bible never changes, God is always Light without Darkness, well unless its Religion, because they lie about everything, and that is because they are supposed to, Christ is the easy way out, as is Satan or Santa, you get to live, put you will have to use Money and Pay Taxes, and know that your Constitution does not Physically Exist, much like God or Christ if you are Religious, or Money for that matter, since these are all used to Control People, and not meant to set them Free; but I have to wonder what the thinking is, Stupid People are just going to ignore what Newton and Tesla considered the biggest problem facing Human Existence, so maybe LRH was right, and we should act crazy and make Science a Religion, and build a Boat and try to survive the coming Ice Age on an Ocean that is going to freeze over, I mean what is his thinking, but Scientology turned into just controlling People to make Money, and that is just insane, but no more insane then ignoring it like the Christians, just because Newton Proved that People chose Christ and Deny Bar/Abbas, as they do their Constitution: all for Money, grant you this is Treason to the Constitution and punishable by Death, so this is a Serious accusation, and also the truth that can be proven in Court, that will be a sad day, knowing all of Yew will be sentenced for Treason that day, as you will when you get Judged by God, and not some Deity, this is when God will ask you what your Thinking was; and anyone can figure out that this Trinary Science is all based on the Truth, and not Lies that were designed to make people controllable with Money or Religion, knowing Bar/Abbas was murdered for it, so the teaching of Christ Denies Jesus Bar Abbas was the true Savior, who stopped the Roman Empire and their use of Money and Taxation, whereas anyone that uses Money is Evil according to the Bible, because that is why Jesus was Murdered, so it is a very Ironic Story, those that believe in Christ are both Satanic and Evil, and Liars that Lie to themselves, because they are just Stupid, meaning they do not know the truth, and why when Newton proved this, they Denied all of Newton's Writings, calling him a Crazy Old Wizard, but mark my words, you do nothing and allow your Government, who by the way are using your Money for underground Bunkers, that will be known in History as Tombs, since they will be crushed in them when the Earthquakes start, and they are already starting, so we are getting closer to this day, that the Bible said was the End of Civilization, and the Religious Fools believe they wrote the Bible, when Religion is just a Belief System (BS) based on what the Bible meant to say, but not what it said, because Newton could read that fine without the Religion about what Stupid People think it says, so start the Count down, write down on the Calendar that this is the Day that the Sheeple will Die without even knowing why they are going to die, such that the Gravity of this Event is Catastrophic in Nature, but survivable in Trinary Sanctuary, yet people will go to Church knowing 96% of them are Pedophiles, they know that Mainstream numbers are much higher than that, so they do not argue that point, so they are fine with that, proving how Sick Religious people really are, and facts do not lie, these are the People that will not allow Newton's Teaching to be Public Knowledge, even though it is Public Domain, all because of Money and Religion, they will allow the Human Race to become Extinct, proving how Evil they are, and why I do not care what Yew believe, nor does the Universe, know it, or No it Not, if Yew are too Stupid to Prepare for an Ice Age, Yew deserve the Darwin Award. Time and History will determine if Gravity actually did fluctuate that day or not, or even if this day comes to pass, because I am not a Prophet, nor do I profit from trying to be, I can only write about what I know, and what I can simulate with facts to back the Simulations, so the Gravity of this situation can be tracked, it can be measured, it can be recorded to be a fact or not, but when the whole Human Race is about to go Extinct, you would think people would care, but they prove they do not by doing nothing, and allowing others to lie, just to feel good about themselves, but society should not be run by Religious people, ask Washington and the other founding fathers about that one, they sold out the Constitution for Money, and now they are selling out the Citizens, knowing the end of Civilization is coming in 2060, and personally I do not care if you believe it or not, Newton did, Tesla did, and these guys were the most intelligent men in History, just ask Einstein, so why would they lie about something as important as that, and keep in mind that Newton was known best for his concept of Gravity, and that meant that God was the Force, and not General Relativity, that was so Stupid Einstein had to denounce it, before someone pointed out it has Paradoxes, and that Fact means I just Proved that this Mainstream Science is all BS, so remember Newton and Gravity and what it means in 2060.

When you study Gravity, you have all types of factors to look at, the First is Centrifugal Force, Stupid People think it causes Gravity, when Logic and Reasoning would explain that is not possible, Centrifugal Force would throw you off the Planet, and any imbalance in the Planet, like a small Wobble, would cause it to go Nova, so you have to throw out Stupid Theories, and look for Factors that can cause Gravity, research shows that if you throw a hand full of Sand or Rice into outer space, it will always be attracted to Gravity, so if it will attract to itself, as two grains of Sand or Rice attract to each other, then every Atom has Gravity in it, so what is in a Grain of Sand or Rice that are the Same, and the Answer is Atom's, and they are made of Neutrinos and Light, and we are pretty sure it is not the Neutrinos, so it must be the Light, so how does this interaction work, and the answer is in the Dimensions of Space, as the Subatomic Level of Science, we find that Atom's change into 3 States: Solid, Semisolid and Invisible, and it is when they turn Invisible do we notice a change, when it comes back, it is either in the Solid or Semisolid State, and if it was to move, this is when it happens, or when we noticed it did move, so logic would suggest it was in the 0 Dimension, so when one Atom goes into the 0 Dimension, the other Atom's will be attracted to it, because the 0 Dimension is where all Energy flows from, so it causes them to flow towards Ground, which is another Term for the 0 Dimension, even in the Vacuum of Space or even inside a spacecraft orbiting the Earth, the Ground Effect is caused by Energy flowing through the 0 dimension into the 1st, then 2nd dimension, the effect in the 3rd dimension is that it causes one atom to be attracted to another, with a force that can be calculated based on how much ground potential it has, the Math was written by Sir Isaac Newton and works at the Atomic Level, it is the Force of God, and God is All Light without Darkness, so it is actually very simple to figure out what causes Gravity, and even how to explain it so that even children can understand it, all you have to do is Study the Universe.

When I try to explain what Gravity is, I have a hard time figuring out where to begin, I remember I read a letter written by Newton, about when he and Halley first started the book the Principia, and Newton had this very problem, they actually did not know as much about Gravity as I do now, with the invention of the Electron Microscope, a new world of Science opened up, and I was able to figure out that Gravity is actually an Atomic attraction between positive and negative Atomic structures, as each Atom switches its State, from Positive to Negative, it emits a pulse that can be detected, this travels through space, be it atmosphere or vacuum, over very long distances, so it is purely an electronic mechanism. Newton sot in Alchemy, what Tesla found in Electricity, the Green Dragon is a good example, Newton uses a chemical reaction to create it, Tesla used millions of volts of electricity at a very high frequency, but both got the same results, the Green Dragon, a property of Copper, is that when oxidized, it turns green, electrolysis does the same thing, it ages the copper, doing to it in minutes, what it would take centuries for nature to do, only most people do not get the connection to Gravity, so let me explain it in more detail. Newton was convinced that he could change the properties of base metals using Alchemy, turning Copper into a Green Dragon, is a transformation of the base metal, into its oxide, we call it, rust, nowadays, but to Newton, it was the key to changing lead into gold or the Philosophers Stone, not that he cared about Gold because doing so would have made it worthless, but Newton knew that God could do this, only thing is, God used different Atoms to create it, and Tesla wrote about this very thing, saying that God knows how to create all these things we value, but we can learn how God did it, but we will never be able to be God, and that is because we are made of God, and can never be what we are made of, any more then we are what we eat. Tesla said that Ball Lightning is something that he can produce, but it is not the same phenomena that he has witnessed, and reading his experiment notes, I know he was creating what I call Matter Lightening, this is caused by high-frequency high energy hits objects that can not tolerate those energy levels, and self-combust, I have reproduced those results myself, and I have witnessed a close encounter with Ball Lightning as a teenager, my sisters, and Aunt witnessed it also, it moved very slowly around the room and went behind the TV, then down the hallway, where it shorted out a grounding rod I had made as antenna booster, everyone made fun of it, till I proved it improved our TV reception, but what I learned was so much more, I could actually see what looked like one of those plasma balls, I could see the electric tentacles lashing out, it had 3 colors, an orangish-red, blue and yellow, something I will never forget, so I know what Newton and Tesla, were looking for, how God did it. Newton said God is the Force of Gravity in all his Equations, this is not like a movie star thanking God for his award, Newton meant what he said, God, being all Light without Darkness, is what causes Gravity. Gravity is caused by Electromagnetic Energy, but it is on a scale that is huge, people think they can build a stronger Magnet then Earths, but they have no idea the power it has, we are inside its field, so we do not feel its effects, they extend past the Van Alen Belt, it is how people measure it that confuses them, so let me explain it this way, think of the Earth as a Magnet, and we are magnetic, we have some iron in our blood, but that has nothing to do with it, it has to do with electrical attraction, everything is made of Atoms, and Atoms are made of Neutrinos and Light, our Earth acts like a Magnet, and attracts, the Sun acts as an opposite attraction, and repeals, so what the Sun repeals, the Earth attracts, and this is like a stream of energy that comes at the planet at 90 degrees, and this energy wave, is what causes gravity when an object is dropped, it rides the gravity wave down to the ground, as such, Gravity is a an Electromagnetic Wave, and it causes the Earth to resonate at its core, at 6 Hz, so it is a very low frequency, high energy wave, and it is continuous and a constant.

Like Newton and Tesla, I believe we can figure out how God did it, and I know we are made of God, but we are not Gods, because God is not just 1 Atom, God is all of them, and no one but God can say that. I have spent most of my life working on concepts involving bio-electrical devices, I have not actually created anything, just working on the details of making a working Force Field Generator, my concept is that Force Fields can cause your body to move, using electricity to excite muscles, will eventually burn out the muscles in time, making the use of electrical stimulator worthless to people that have paralysis, so I have been working on a concept that uses Force Field Generators, they do not exist yet, just to let you know, so far this is Science Fiction, but my interest in it, is personal, having neuropathy in my arms and legs, my goal is to elevate the pain, so far the concept is huge, 66-foot, that is how much space at minimum, I need to generate a force field, and that is just theoretical since I have not built it, my goal with this device, is to create a stable force field, you could not enter it from outside, nor leave it from within, and it can hold in an atmosphere, but it will create a lot of Gravity, and not safe to build on this planet, maybe the Moon, that was a joke, not about it not being safe to build on the planet, that is no joke, I have thought about it in great detail, this thing could be used as a weapon of mass destruction, and the reason I never thought about building it, just trying to figure out if it can be done. I talk about this a little in the Append B on Ball Lightning, my original goal was to make Ball Lightning, this requires real Lightning, I have no idea what is in it, that I can not reproduce, but it has more mass, and that is a drawback of Tesla's Coil, it restricts the number of electrons, that flow through the circuit, I have a few ideas for more efficient Lightning Generator, but it is 66-foot, like the Star Gate, maybe that is what it was. The reason it has to be so big is that a person has to be able to survive to be inside it, and I have never had the money or resource to build it, but I can dream and in those dreams, I designed a ring Laser array, that creates a feedback loop, that feeds into itself, using 3 mirrors, the concept is simple, as the Laser beam passes through a hole drilled it a very large solid copper Lightning Rod, the theory is that when the Light passes through the Rod, it causes a change in the states of the Electrons inside the Rod, this is simple to test, so the concept is easy to prove, but on a larger scale, think about a Rod 16-foot in diameter, with an array of at least 16 sets of 3 ring Lasers, and this change in states in the Electrons, cause them to be more Negative, again, easy to test, now, if there is going to be Lightning, it will always flow from the most Negative area, so that is what this device does, is creates that negative area, as such, it attracts Lightning, which I use to power this 16-foot diameter Rod, that is bent in a circle, 66-foot in diameter, that is a lot of copper, and why I never built it. The gear consist of banks of high energy Capacitors so that when the Lightning hits the Lightning Rod, it stores up the energy, and feeds it back into the Lightning Rod Ring, this creates a secondary pulse, causing the Rod to be mush more Negative in Charge, then before, and hopefully, triggering another Lightning Strike, and that repeats this pattern. The Ring itself has to be tuned to 6 Hz, how you tune it, is by testing it when it gets hit by Lightning, the Frequency is measured as an acoustical vibration of the Ring itself, trust me, I do not have to build it, to know it will ring when hit by Lightning, and you drill hole to tune it. You have to have some heavy-duty cables, I mean like 6-foot copper rods, to feed an array of capacitors, you will only be able to reuse a bank after it cools down, so they will have to be water-cooled, as do the Rods and Ring. The Rods, and the Ring, have to be heavily insulated from the Earths Ground, I would say 6-foot of Glass would work, you need a heavy-duty switch, that can oscillate a power grid switch, in such a way that it can regenerate banks of Capacitors, which discharging full ones, to try to maintain the flow of Lightning for prolong periods of time, the concept is that the flow of Lighting through this circuit, will cause Artificial Gravity, and maintaining the flow of Lightning, means you need to use up the excess energy, and there will be a huge amount of it, enough to power a country, but it will create a localized gravity well, I have no idea how much Gravity it can produce, my hopes are that it is enough for space travel, but it will also be a source for endless free energy. Whoever is brave enough to stand in the middle, would have a ground harness, and a Chainmail suit, the harness is not only to ground you but to hold you down to the ground, because if I am right, you will feel a change in Gravity. The device was not designed for anyone to actually stand in the middle of, it was actually how much mass I needed, and it is a lot, but I am trying to create Gravity, and mass is how you do it, it gives you more Ground capability.

Once you understand the relationship between two Atoms, you understand that they both have Light inside of them, so Light is causing the Gravity, no way around that fact, so I have proved that beyond a reasonable doubt, proving General Relativity is wrong, so Albert Einstein got it wrong, and Sir Isaac Newton was right, so those adults that told me when I grew up I would understand that Einstein was right, were wrong, because, after 100 years, no one has proven one theory related to it, so I know I am right, and every one of Yew are wrong.

< Chapter 3.05

> Chapter 3.07

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